Archived Massivecraft Texture Pack Paintings

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The Knave of Rats
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
The MassiveCraft texture pack is one of my favorites. It gives a great custom look and feel to MassiveCraft and I would recommend everyone give it a try.

There is one area where I think it could be improved. I think some of the images that are displayed by the paintings could use a refresh. Don't get me wrong! The texture pack has many wonderful paintings available. I just think a few of them could be replaced by more useful images that would help immersion.

If anyone agrees with me and we could get the support of whoever works on the texture pack perhaps we could start a project to revitalize a few of them and make them more customized for the server.

My questions would be:

which of the paintings do you regularly hang?

Which do you think are the best?

Which could you do without?

What could they be replaced with?

Here for reference is a list of all the paintings in the MassiveCraft texture pack:
(I made up names to describe each one. If anyone has the images saved that would be much better.)

1x1 Vent
1x1 Lighthouse Painting
1x1 Creeper Poster
1x1 Minepick Poster
1x1 Sword & Shield
1x1 Another Vent
1x1 Knives

The poll only lets me add so many options so I am just polling the 1x1 paintings. If this idea catches on we can poll the rest at a later time.

2x1 Skull Painting
2x1 Notices
2x1 Notice Board
2x1 Jungle Painting
2x1 Fence Painting
1x2 Yellow Banner
1x2 Blue Banner
2x2 Wizard Painting
2x2 Cube Poster
2x2 Dark Castle Painting
2x2 Dark Forest Painting
2x2 Light Castle Painting
2x2 Mountain Scene Painting
2x4 Waterfall Painting
4x4 Nether Painting
4x4 Minecraftian Man Poster
4x4 Nature Painting
4x4 Map
4x4 City Painting
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The stuff in Red is stuff I rarely/never use.

1x1 Vent - Rarely, only underground when it would fit the location.
1x1 Lighthouse Painting - No
1x1 Creeper Poster - Occasionally, like in a library or place of learning.
1x1 Minepick Poster - Often in/near mines, workhouses, and places of learning, forging, and crafting.
1x1 Sword & Shield - In houses, halls, and entrance rooms. Also in barracks and castle gates.
1x1 Knives - In kitchens and guardhouses.
2x1 Skull Painting - No.
2x1 Notices - Yes, often on notice boards and places of learning or high activity.
2x1 Notice Board - Yes - Same as notices.
2x1 Jungle Painting - No.
2x1 Fence Painting - Rarely.
1x2 Yellow Banner - Yes, on Castle Gates, Entrance ways, and other places that I can pair them up.
1x2 Blue Banner - Yes, same as Yellow Banner.
2x2 Wizard Painting - No.
2x2 Cube Poster - Yes, same as Minepick Poster.
2x2 Dark Castle Painting - Sometimes, in libraries and large halls..
2x2 Dark Forest Painting - Sometimes, in libraries and large halls..
2x2 Light Castle Painting - Sometimes, in libraries and large halls..
2x2 Mountain Scene Painting - Sometimes, in libraries and large halls..
2x4 Waterfall Painting - Sometimes, in libraries and large halls..
4x4 Nether Painting - No.
4x4 Minecraftian Man Poster - I've never seen this one!
4x4 Nature Painting - Sometimes, in libraries and large halls.
4x4 Map - Yes, in Libraries, Military Control Rooms, Strategy Rooms, and the like.
4x4 City Painting - Sometimes, in libraries and large halls.
Was I really the only one to reply to this thread? Come on people, you can do it!
Thanks for the support Mr. Paloin. I thought it a worthy project. Perhaps I made a mistake by putting it into media instead of suggestions. I just thought it might be a fun media project if anyone took interest.

I'll take your lead and use your format:

1x1 Vent
1x1 Lighthouse Painting
1x1 Creeper Poster
1x1 Minepick Poster
1x1 Sword & Shield
1x1 Another Vent
1x1 Knives
2x1 Skull Painting
2x1 Notices
2x1 Notice Board
2x1 Jungle Painting
2x1 Fence Painting
1x2 Yellow Banner
1x2 Blue Banner
2x2 Wizard Painting
2x2 Cube Poster
2x2 Dark Castle Painting
2x2 Dark Forest Painting
2x2 Light Castle Painting
2x2 Mountain Scene Painting
2x4 Waterfall Painting
4x4 Nether Painting
4x4 Minecraftian Man Poster
4x4 Nature Painting
4x4 Map
4x4 City Painting

Things in red I never use and could do without.
1x1 Vent
1x1 Lighthouse Painting
1x1 Creeper Poster
1x1 Minepick Poster
1x1 Sword & Shield
1x1 Another Vent
1x1 Knives
2x1 Skull Painting
2x1 Notices
2x1 Notice Board
2x1 Jungle Painting
2x1 Fence Painting
1x2 Yellow Banner
1x2 Blue Banner
2x2 Wizard Painting
2x2 Cube Poster
2x2 Dark Castle Painting
2x2 Dark Forest Painting
2x2 Light Castle Painting
2x2 Mountain Scene Painting
2x4 Waterfall Painting
4x4 Nether Painting
4x4 Minecraftian Man Poster
4x4 Nature Painting
4x4 Map
4x4 City Painting

Here is my poll. I have also used Mecharic's format.
1x1 Vent
1x1 Lighthouse Painting
1x1 Creeper Poster
1x1 Minepick Poster
1x1 Sword & Shield
1x1 Another Vent
1x1 Knives

2x1 Skull Painting
2x1 Notices
2x1 Notice Board
2x1 Jungle Painting
2x1 Fence Painting
1x2 Yellow Banner
1x2 Blue Banner
2x2 Wizard Painting
2x2 Cube Poster
2x2 Dark Castle Painting
2x2 Dark Forest Painting
2x2 Light Castle Painting
2x2 Mountain Scene Painting
2x4 Waterfall Painting
4x4 Nether Painting
4x4 Minecraftian Man Poster
4x4 Nature Painting
4x4 Map
4x4 City Painting

(I have not seen the Nature, Minecraftian Man, or Cube poster so I guess I have to put them red)
1x1 Vent
1x1 Lighthouse Painting
1x1 Creeper Poster
1x1 Minepick Poster
1x1 Sword & Shield
1x1 Another Vent
1x1 Knives

2x1 Skull Painting
2x1 Notices
2x1 Notice Board
2x1 Jungle Painting
2x1 Fence Painting
1x2 Yellow Banner
1x2 Blue Banner
2x2 Wizard Painting
2x2 Cube Poster
2x2 Dark Castle Painting
2x2 Dark Forest Painting
2x2 Light Castle Painting
2x2 Mountain Scene Painting
2x4 Waterfall Painting
4x4 Nether Painting
4x4 Minecraftian Man Poster
4x4 Nature Painting
4x4 Map
4x4 City Painting

Pink = Use all the time
I dint use any 4x4 or 2x2 ATM but I use the notice boards and new clippings and stuff for my research place to give it a better feel the knives also help for kitchen, and the flags and banners. But I think the flags should have something that resembles regalia more if it doesn't already.
1x1 Vent - Rarely
1x1 Lighthouse Painting - No
1x1 Creeper Poster
1x1 Minepick Poster - Often
1x1 Sword & Shield - Very Often
1x1 Knives - Often
2x1 Skull Painting - Sometimes
2x1 Notices - Often
2x1 Notice Board - Often
2x1 Jungle Painting - Just to break up monotony of other paintings
2x1 Fence Painting - Never
1x2 Yellow Banner - Often
1x2 Blue Banner - Often
2x2 Wizard Painting - No.
2x2 Cube Poster - Often
2x2 Dark Castle Painting -
2x2 Dark Forest Painting -
2x2 Light Castle Painting -
2x2 Mountain Scene Painting -
2x4 Waterfall Painting -
4x4 Nether Painting -
4x4 Minecraftian Man Poster -
4x4 Nature Painting -
4x4 Map -
4x4 City Painting -
Although I don't really use paintings, I think this thread is very well constructed.
The waterfall painting is beautiful, just saying.
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