Archived Massivecraft & Some Of Its Issues

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Aeternian Revenant
Nov 11, 2015
Reaction score
PvP, Raiding And It's Issues.
I'm not complaining about this but personally I think that raiding is quite boring on Massive. You get there and kill one person, the faction is alerted, everyone just seals themselves in and taunts you from behind wooden doors and you then need to wait for someone foolish enough to come out. I think that Massive should implement something that allows raiders to BREAK DOWN WOODEN DOORS. Well, you would say, well thats kind of OVERPOWERED, but hopefully, they could implement something where if they Massivelocked the doors, it would be impossible to break them down. This will allow raiders to find raids more exciting than just waiting for half an hour to only leave with a stack of potatos and a head. On the other hand it is still easy for the defenders to defend themselves, just spend what, 6 TO 9 REGALS to lock a door.

Another issue that I have spotted (Keep in mind I am not a frequent PvPer or Raider) is that many factions either have all of its members at RP (I'm not saying RP is bad, I RP as well), have too many members online or are so poor from being raided (Due to the fact that larger factions have no choice but to raid those smaller factions) that they grant no reward. I believe that to solve this problem, since the voting rewards no longer exist, massive could implement something that would allow
RARER LORE ITEMS to drop from kills, this will cause more RPers and Lore Collectors to actually spend time on Survival to grind for gear, to allow them to get these items, which then may allow the raiders to be able to raid more frequently. "But won't people who raid just sell these items?", well you see here, if they were rare, RPers would not be able to buy them, due to the fact that the money that John the Pious dispenses were lessened to 30r and that the Rarer Lore Items would be more expensive. This will allow poorer factions to enjoy their time on factions more, due to the fact that the larger factions have a larger selection of factions to choose to raid.

Another thing that I believe may be a problem on massive, are big giant (Real Factions Bases/Boxes) on massive (Walked by one owned by Raptum once). These bases are impenetrable, since TnT and Creepers are disabled on Massive. What I want to do is make these types of bases illegal, this will allow raiders more potential for loot E.T.C. These bases aren't exactly lore compliant either, as you don't see giant stone boxes in the medieval times.

You may say boosts for Factions will result in more Toxicity or "Salt" but I believe that if RPers try the factions experience and don't like it, they can go straight back to Regalia and enjoy themselves there. I believe that General Chat messaging wars (Due to a faction being raided and that faction insulting the Offensive faction) or Offensive comments aimed to hurt someone personally should result in a simple warning, leading to a short mute. If messaging wars should carry out, they should carry out in PM, so it doesn't result in a crap load of spam for other players.

Survival + RPG Interaction:
I believe that as Massive is a server centered around RP & Factions, I feel like there should be a dungeon world, where you would be able to choose between dungeons. In those dungeons you would be able to kill monsters with friends in groups (Of course no PvP), but if you go to a dungeon you'll gain less money & XP than normal DR mobs, but you'll be able to get lore items specific to those dungeons. Look at famous dungeon centred Animes (Anime not an Anime Freak) like Danmachi, SAO, Log Horizon, that type of dungeon system will allow the more RPG aspect of the server to come out. With each level/layer of the dungeons harder than the one before, maybe at the end could sit a pink mob, you never know.

Overall Issues:
But the main problem I see on Massive, is the fact that there are NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE ONLINE IN BOTH SURVIVAL AND RP. I have no solution for this though, but I think that raising awareness to both f the groups of RPers and PvPers on massive will encourage them to vote, for example "Vote, so you can have more people to raid." or "Vote, so more people can RP and enhance your own RP experience", a increase in players can result in more world changing events like The Freya Lo Arch, more player participation and more enjoyment for everyone. From what I know, voting will boost the servers ratings and put it on top of each server list, so VOTE. It's a win win for everyone.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
First I am terrible at locking thing XD I spent around 30 regals trying to lock something (I'm not dumb just the person who told me didn't understand so yeah...)
Well, to be honest if the faction was dedicated they would teach their new members how to lock doors. It's easy just tell them to check if they have enough money by doing /money show (At least 10r) and just tell them to do /lock punch, left click a door and do /lock punch again to disable the lock.
I don't see how the first idea would work out, raiders being able to break unlocked doors? Well in most cases, the doors are locked anyways, and if they knew that raiders could break down unlocked wooden doors they would just run to a place with locked doors, basically making the idea useless, I'd assume it'd be quite hard to code how to manage the difference between raiders or people passing through. How do you know they're on raids, what would differentiate raiders and just normal people out wandering? It could be easily abused as well. Cool idea but I don't think it's going to happen.
I don't see how the first idea would work out, raiders being able to break unlocked doors? Well in most cases, the doors are locked anyways, and if they knew that raiders could break down unlocked wooden doors they would just run to a place with locked doors, basically making the idea useless, I'd assume it'd be quite hard to code how to manage the difference between raiders or people passing through. How do you know they're on raids, what would differentiate raiders and just normal people out wandering? It could be easily abused as well. Cool idea but I don't think it's going to happen.
Well to I'm not saying they should code something to make that happen. They can use the existing massivelock plugin. I believe that this will allow the more undedicated players who don't bother to lock doors to be able to get killed, raids will feel more like "Real Life" where you can knock down doors during fights/raids. This also allows a huge amount of trap possibilities for defenders as well, I see this idea as a win win.
Well to I'm not saying they should code something to make that happen. They can use the existing massivelock plugin. I believe that this will allow the more undedicated players who don't bother to lock doors to be able to get killed, raids will feel more like "Real Life" where you can knock down doors during fights/raids. This also allows a huge amount of trap possibilities for defenders as well, I see this idea as a win win.
Imagine you have unlocked doors and you're getting raided, are you going to sit there and die or build blocks around yourself and TP out? Again meh.
bases are impenetrable,
last i checked this actually was illegal

bases aren't exactly lore compliant
also last i checked this isn't a thing in factions

due to the fact that the money that John the Pious dispenses were lessened to 30r
roleplayers have other sources of income than John. aside from the in-game exchanges like real-estate type things, people toss the cash around via the forums by means of things like art/writing/skin shops.

they should carry out in PM
im not gonna say pvp chat but

there should be a dungeon world
Have you heard of Ara'chn? that's pretty much what the questing worlds are my dude.
last i checked this actually was illegal

also last i checked this isn't a thing in factions

roleplayers have other sources of income than John. aside from the in-game exchanges like real-estate type things, people toss the cash around via the forums by means of things like art/writing/skin shops.

im not gonna say pvp chat but

Have you heard of Ara'chn? that's pretty much what the questing worlds are my dude.
Okay so, it's illegal OK. Also the building style on massivecraft medieval, you cant build a flying saucer or as I said, giant cobblestone boxes. And yes I realise roleplayers have other sources of income like auctions, but not all roleplayers are gifted to do auctions. PvP chat will basically result in spam and a crap ton of flame and toxicity. Arachn is literally a one time dungeon, you go in and kill things once, that's it, you can't go in again and again, what I'm asking for are repeatable dungeons.
New last i checked this actually was illegal
Unraidable bases are not, and never have been, illegal. Don't understand where people get this idea from.

Cobble boxes or whatever, sure, but there's plenty of ways to make legal unraidable based.
Unraidable bases are not, and never have been, illegal. Don't understand where people get this idea from.

Cobble boxes or whatever, sure, but there's plenty of ways to make legal unraidable based.
oh I thought that it was illegal to make literal dome bases
I'd assume it'd be quite hard to code how to manage the difference between raiders or people passing through. How do you know they're on raids, what would differentiate raiders and just normal people out wandering? It could be easily abused as well. Cool idea but I don't think it's going to happen.

What would differentiate raiders. And normal people. The /enemy command?
A raider will be enemied. A person passing through, would most likely not.
I'd assume it'd be quite hard to code how to manage the difference between raiders or people passing through. How do you know they're on raids, what would differentiate raiders and just normal people out wandering? It could be easily abused as well. Cool idea but I don't think it's going to happen.

What would differentiate raiders. And normal people. The /enemy command?
A raider will be enemied. A person passing through, would most likely not.
You can just enemy them.. and break into their house, easily abused.
I like most of the ideas here, one thing I want to touch on:

Instead of limiting it to breaking just unlocked wooden doors, why not a whole system to break into bases?


Players with Iron Axes are able to attempt to break down Unlocked Wooden Doors. When they break the door, the game runs an automated roll. Its a 30% chance the first time, a 60% chance the second, and a 100% chance the third.

THIS IS LIMITED: You have to be enemies with the faction to attempt to break doors.

Different doors would have different chances, IE- Locked Wooden Door has 15% 1st time, 25 % 2nd, 45% 3rd, 70% 4th, 90% 5th, and 100% 6th.

Iron Doors would require and Iron Pick Axe, with adjusted chances- 10% 1st , 20% second, etc incrementing by 10%.

When a Door Breaks, it will play a loud bang noise to alert defenders. For Wooden Doors, this would be the Door Bang sound, for Iron is could be anvil breaking sounds.

Now, the elephant in the room: Portcullises. A lot of larger bases use these to defend, what do you do to solve this? Well, make them breakable as well, via a different means. Being able to blast the gates down is the coolest and more realistic method. Enemies factions can right click TNT on iron bars and fences, creating a Primed TNT that will only damage Iron Bars and Fences. These blocks would have a durability (similar to plugins that add durability to Obsidian and Bedrock) based on material. So, Fences would take 3 blasts, while iron bars would take 8.

This would mean players cant just make 100% unraidable bases.

Another, more "For Funsies" thing would be, the ability to throw bricks through windows to break into specific houses.
B...but the entirety of the suggestion would be abused either way. There is no difference. I was just pointing out. That you wouldn't need to code anything.


"I think that Massive should implement something that allows raiders to BREAK DOWN WOODEN DOORS."


And your rebuttal is this.

"I don't see how the first idea would work out, raiders being able to break unlocked doors? Well in most cases, the doors are locked anyways, and if they knew that raiders could break down unlocked wooden doors they would just run to a place with locked doors, basically making the idea useless, I'd assume it'd be quite hard to code how to manage the difference between raiders or people passing through. How do you know they're on raids, what would differentiate raiders and just normal people out wandering? It could be easily abused as well. Cool idea but I don't think it's going to happen."

And my rebuttal statement is.

What would differentiate raiders. And normal people. The /enemy command?
A raider will be enemied. A person passing through, would most likely not.

A person passing through is most likely not raiding you, as they are passing through. Now, a better suggestion would of been to say,
"How does Massivecraft turn every raid into an event where an entire set of code would have to be implemented and staff would have to watch which allowed players to break doors."

But, honestly, that's a huge waste of time for both PVPERS and Staff and everyone in between.

The suggestion is to allow people to break down doors man, how in any way would that not be abused. Now, here is a better situation.

Have planned events, with PVPERS. With side A(Defending their faction.) and side B(Attacking their faction.) Now this event will last 2 hours, and in these 2 hours, all something is breakable, whether it be doors, glass, leaves, cobble, wood, or why not every block can be broken.

It will be spectated by staff members and give them points for doing so.

After 2 hours is up, all damage in that area is reverted and the PVP ceases.

Now, don't get me wrong, that is so out there, I hardly doubt it would even happen, but it's a suggestion.
I honestly feel like the risk of abuse is worth it. Even as mainly a roleplayer, Iv noticed the PVP community is stagnating, and raiding is near unheard of anymore. Giving raiders a way to bust into bases- in a more controlled way than most factions servers do- would prevent players from just hiding in bases, or /tp roleplay'ing. They would have to face the enemy or risk losing their stuff.
I like most of the ideas here, one thing I want to touch on:

Instead of limiting it to breaking just unlocked wooden doors, why not a whole system to break into bases?


Players with Iron Axes are able to attempt to break down Unlocked Wooden Doors. When they break the door, the game runs an automated roll. Its a 30% chance the first time, a 60% chance the second, and a 100% chance the third.

THIS IS LIMITED: You have to be enemies with the faction to attempt to break doors.

Different doors would have different chances, IE- Locked Wooden Door has 15% 1st time, 25 % 2nd, 45% 3rd, 70% 4th, 90% 5th, and 100% 6th.

Iron Doors would require and Iron Pick Axe, with adjusted chances- 10% 1st , 20% second, etc incrementing by 10%.

When a Door Breaks, it will play a loud bang noise to alert defenders. For Wooden Doors, this would be the Door Bang sound, for Iron is could be anvil breaking sounds.

Now, the elephant in the room: Portcullises. A lot of larger bases use these to defend, what do you do to solve this? Well, make them breakable as well, via a different means. Being able to blast the gates down is the coolest and more realistic method. Enemies factions can right click TNT on iron bars and fences, creating a Primed TNT that will only damage Iron Bars and Fences. These blocks would have a durability (similar to plugins that add durability to Obsidian and Bedrock) based on material. So, Fences would take 3 blasts, while iron bars would take 8.

This would mean players cant just make 100% unraidable bases.

Another, more "For Funsies" thing would be, the ability to throw bricks through windows to break into specific houses.
Roblem with this is that it's kind of abusive now, portcullis gates don't exactly need to be blown up since you can probably just epearl over them. But I think the durability idea on the doors are pretty innovative, tbh I believe that you can easily defend against this by putting blocks in front of the door.
B...but the entirety of the suggestion would be abused either way. There is no difference. I was just pointing out. That you wouldn't need to code anything.


"I think that Massive should implement something that allows raiders to BREAK DOWN WOODEN DOORS."


And your rebuttal is this.

"I don't see how the first idea would work out, raiders being able to break unlocked doors? Well in most cases, the doors are locked anyways, and if they knew that raiders could break down unlocked wooden doors they would just run to a place with locked doors, basically making the idea useless, I'd assume it'd be quite hard to code how to manage the difference between raiders or people passing through. How do you know they're on raids, what would differentiate raiders and just normal people out wandering? It could be easily abused as well. Cool idea but I don't think it's going to happen."

And my rebuttal statement is.

What would differentiate raiders. And normal people. The /enemy command?
A raider will be enemied. A person passing through, would most likely not.

A person passing through is most likely not raiding you, as they are passing through. Now, a better suggestion would of been to say,
"How does Massivecraft turn every raid into an event where an entire set of code would have to be implemented and staff would have to watch which allowed players to break doors."

But, honestly, that's a huge waste of time for both PVPERS and Staff and everyone in between.

The suggestion is to allow people to break down doors man, how in any way would that not be abused. Now, here is a better situation.

Have planned events, with PVPERS. With side A(Defending their faction.) and side B(Attacking their faction.) Now this event will last 2 hours, and in these 2 hours, all something is breakable, whether it be doors, glass, leaves, cobble, wood, or why not every block can be broken.

It will be spectated by staff members and give them points for doing so.

After 2 hours is up, all damage in that area is reverted and the PVP ceases.

Now, don't get me wrong, that is so out there, I hardly doubt it would even happen, but it's a suggestion.
I believe that the event thing should be included in forums announced wars. If this happens in normal raiding, extra burden would be put on staff. Breaking down doors is easily defended against, so I'm pretty sure that it won't be that abused.
The breaking down doors thing is redundant with a way to prevent it.

But I wouldn't be against a larger pool of lore item drops from mobs.
Out of curiosity, why is raiding the way it is on Massive? I understand the whole unique, MCMMO experience and roleplayer friendly, but don't most roleplayers just hang out in Regalia anyway? And, i get it, on Massive you can build a really sweet base and not have it destroyed, but, wouldn't it be possible to make a a world in which you can PvP normally and one as it is now? Maybe Massive avoids this because they wanna keep a unique theme or maybe i'm just an idiot and this would be to bothersome to do, or create lag, or something along those lines. I just don't see why, if it is possible, and not too hard to implement, why you wouldn't just give PvPers a place where they can finally fight to the fullest extent. I imagine it could bring PvPers to the server, but again, what do i know.
Out of curiosity, why is raiding the way it is on Massive? I understand the whole unique, MCMMO experience and roleplayer friendly, but don't most roleplayers just hang out in Regalia anyway? And, i get it, on Massive you can build a really sweet base and not have it destroyed, but, wouldn't it be possible to make a a world in which you can PvP normally and one as it is now? Maybe Massive avoids this because they wanna keep a unique theme or maybe i'm just an idiot and this would be to bothersome to do, or create lag, or something along those lines. I just don't see why, if it is possible, and not too hard to implement, why you wouldn't just give PvPers a place where they can finally fight to the fullest extent. I imagine it could bring PvPers to the server, but again, what do i know.

Can't say for sure why it is how it is or if a more typical raiding system would be preferred by the players we already have. But a more typical raid system would've certainly brought in new pvpers better. A lot just don't care for massive when they discover that you can't really raid people, and that there's a lot of grinding involved.
I believe that to solve this problem, since the voting rewards no longer exist, massive could implement something that would allow RARER LORE ITEMS to drop from kills, this will cause more RPers and Lore Collectors to actually spend time on Survival to grind for gear, to allow them to get these items, which then may allow the raiders to be able to raid more frequently.
One fault: People could and possibly would abuse this system. Just set up an agreement with someone, kill them and they kill you. Each person gets a lore item and can go sell it for money.
Even if doors become breakable, People could just put blocks behind any doors once they realize they're being raided.
Even if doors become breakable, People could just put blocks behind any doors once they realize they're being raided.
I would suggest making that an illegal tactic. Players get reported and punished for doing it, and they wont anymore.

As far as I can tell, the issue with PVP isn't MAINLY the lack of players. Its the fact that the players who ARE in survival try their hardest to avoid PVP despite griping and moaning about how there is no PVP. Removing nearly every method they have for avoiding PVP, or adding penalties and consequences for them doing is, is the only way to move forward.

Players might be pissed off at first, but they are with every change, good or bad. I think we need to stop caring so much about the loud minority and just shove this stuff into play lol.
I would suggest making that an illegal tactic. Players get reported and punished for doing it, and they wont anymore.

I think that would lead to too much micro management for the staff.

Alternatively, I wouldn't be against a plugin which allows small scale destruction of any block as long as those blocks get automatically repaired after a certain amount of time. Being able to destroy blocks would have to be really really expensive for the attackers though. For example, TNT that only destroys one or two blocks at a time and can only be used one at a time per player.

Edit: Also I forgot to mention certain blocks could require two or more players to place tnt at the same time to destroy it. (like obsidian for example)

Also as a money sink, repairs could be a command for the faction leader that costs regals depending on the damage.

Lastly, I think this would go well with Mecharic's suggestion for 'non-pvp' areas. Those areas wouldn't be able to be destroyed but also would not be able to have chests in them. This way pvpers can get in and loot chests but those who want to avoid pvp could still do so.

This is all coming from someone who primarily spends their time building btw.

Another idea that might help with non-pvp people if this were to be implemented... Let us hire NPC guards! They would cost regals per guard over time like taxes do.
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There SHOULD NOT be a change to allow raiders to open chests. This thread is trying to turn massive into HCF, which is not what this server is about. I do like the idea of regenning buildings, but chests should absolutely not be able to be busted open by raiders.
I think that would lead to too much micro management for the staff.

Alternatively, I wouldn't be against a plugin which allows small scale destruction of any block as long as those blocks get automatically repaired after a certain amount of time. Being able to destroy blocks would have to be really really expensive for the attackers though. For example, TNT that only destroys one or two blocks at a time and can only be used one at a time per player.

Edit: Also I forgot to mention certain blocks could require two or more players to place tnt at the same time to destroy it. (like obsidian for example)

Also as a money sink, repairs could be a command for the faction leader that costs regals depending on the damage.

Lastly, I think this would go well with Mecharic's suggestion for 'non-pvp' areas. Those areas wouldn't be able to be destroyed but also would not be able to have chests in them. This way pvpers can get in and loot chests but those who want to avoid pvp could still do so.

This is all coming from someone who primarily spends their time building btw.

Another idea that might help with non-pvp people if this were to be implemented... Let us hire NPC guards! They would cost regals per guard over time like taxes do.
Remember, this server is factions not towny. Guards are more of a roleplay thing and I believe that guards should not be implemented in factions. Massivecraft is a more user enjoyment based server, so I believe that chest looting (Like on other serious factions servers) should not be implemented to keep the uniqueness of massivecraft.
I e
One fault: People could and possibly would abuse this system. Just set up an agreement with someone, kill them and they kill you. Each person gets a lore item and can go sell it for money.
I explained this in the post, I suggest you read about it.
As far as I can tell, the issue with PVP isn't MAINLY the lack of players. Its the fact that the players who ARE in survival try their hardest to avoid PVP despite griping and moaning about how there is no PVP. Removing nearly every method they have for avoiding PVP, or adding penalties and consequences for them doing is, is the only way to move forward.

It is not possible to force people to do something they don't want to do on the internet. People will either do something because they WANT do do something, or they will find a server/place they can do what they want. If you try to force them to do it, they'll just leave Massive and go to a server that doesn't force them to do stuff they don't want to do.
Alternatively, I wouldn't be against a plugin which allows small scale destruction of any block as long as those blocks get automatically repaired after a certain amount of time. Being able to destroy blocks would have to be really really expensive for the attackers though. For example, TNT that only destroys one or two blocks at a time and can only be used one at a time per player.

Edit: Also I forgot to mention certain blocks could require two or more players to place tnt at the same time to destroy it. (like obsidian for example)
I do not approve of anything that makes secure factions impossible in survival. Players already avoid survival enough as it is, making it impossible to be safe, no matter what a player does, will only shut down survival even more.
Also as a money sink, repairs could be a command for the faction leader that costs regals depending on the damage.
There are already too many money sinks. Why do people keep wanting money sinks? Less Regals = Lower Prices & Less Trade. If players are more worried about making ends meet, they won't spend as much. That's just simple fact right there.
Lastly, I think this would go well with Mecharic's suggestion for 'non-pvp' areas. Those areas wouldn't be able to be destroyed but also would not be able to have chests in them. This way pvpers can get in and loot chests but those who want to avoid pvp could still do so.
Chests should never be lootable. If they become lootable I will leave MassiveCraft forever. A locked chest is supposed to be SECURE.
Another idea that might help with non-pvp people if this were to be implemented... Let us hire NPC guards! They would cost regals per guard over time like taxes do.
Again, money sinks are killing the server economy. And I can see the guards quickly becoming used to create lag and harm PvP.
There SHOULD NOT be a change to allow raiders to open chests. This thread is trying to turn massive into HCF, which is not what this server is about. I do like the idea of regenning buildings, but chests should absolutely not be able to be busted open by raiders.

I don't want Massive to turn into HCF. I don't want people to start building underground obsidian bases nor flying obsidian boxes everywhere. Such structures are illegal anyway AFAIK. I do however believe the factions worlds would be a lot more fun if we borrowed some HCF mechanics and tweaked them a bit for Massive.

Remember, this server is factions not towny. Guards are more of a roleplay thing and I believe that guards should not be implemented in factions. Massivecraft is a more user enjoyment based server, so I believe that chest looting (Like on other serious factions servers) should not be implemented to keep the uniqueness of massivecraft.

Massivecraft is a roleplay/pvp server. I disagree that the factions world should be pvp-only oriented. Role players should have ways of defending themselves that don't necessarily involve them directly taking part in pvp and a good way for them to do that is will NPC guards.

Massivecraft is a more user enjoyment based server

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean by this...

I do not approve of anything that makes secure factions impossible in survival. Players already avoid survival enough as it is, making it impossible to be safe, no matter what a player does, will only shut down survival even more.

Chests should never be lootable. If they become lootable I will leave MassiveCraft forever. A locked chest is supposed to be SECURE.

I get that. I don't think its as big a problem as you think it is though. Simply creating a vault underground for valuables makes sense, creates an interesting new gameplay mechanic, and really isn't hard to do. In order to penetrate such a vault, first, the attacker would need to find it, then the attacker would need to either tunnel underground, blasting little by little which would be really expensive if my ideas were implemented, or blast from above, which would be just as tough if anyone is fighting back.

There are already too many money sinks. Why do people keep wanting money sinks? Less Regals = Lower Prices & Less Trade. If players are more worried about making ends meet, they won't spend as much. That's just simple fact right there.

Again, money sinks are killing the server economy. And I can see the guards quickly becoming used to create lag and harm PvP.

I disagree. We need money sinks as long as free money keeps getting created from nothing, which includes mob drops and events as well as jon the pious. These money sinks would be optional anyway so if someone is worried about making ends meet, they simply don't use them.
No. Chests cannot be lootable. create some sort of other reward for getting in a base, like a thing they can break that gives regals/lore etc, but chests being lootable is not okay.
No. Chests cannot be lootable. create some sort of other reward for getting in a base, like a thing they can break that gives regals/lore etc, but chests being lootable is not okay.

That's an option too. How about if factions had a flag or something similar that attackers have to steal to win?
I don't want Massive to turn into HCF. I don't want people to start building underground obsidian bases nor flying obsidian boxes everywhere. Such structures are illegal anyway AFAIK. I do however believe the factions worlds would be a lot more fun if we borrowed some HCF mechanics and tweaked them a bit for Massive.

Massivecraft is a roleplay/pvp server. I disagree that the factions world should be pvp-only oriented. Role players should have ways of defending themselves that don't necessarily involve them directly taking part in pvp and a good way for them to do that is will NPC guards.

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean by this...

I get that. I don't think its as big a problem as you think it is though. Simply creating a vault underground for valuables makes sense, creates an interesting new gameplay mechanic, and really isn't hard to do. In order to penetrate such a vault, first, the attacker would need to find it, then the attacker would need to either tunnel underground, blasting little by little which would be really expensive if my ideas were implemented, or blast from above, which would be just as tough if anyone is fighting back.

I disagree. We need money sinks as long as free money keeps getting created from nothing, which includes mob drops and events as well as jon the pious. These money sinks would be optional anyway so if someone is worried about making ends meet, they simply don't use them.
Well you see what I meant by user enjoyment, is that the server tries to fulfill the needs of people to allow them to enjoy the server. Factions IS PvP oriented, if you don't want a factions server with PvP that's like bread without butter. NPC guards are basically for roleplay and should stay there, roleplayers don't even need to engage in PvP during raids, they can just hole themselves up somewhere.
Well you see what I meant by user enjoyment, is that the server tries to fulfill the needs of people to allow them to enjoy the server. Factions IS PvP oriented, if you don't want a factions server with PvP that's like bread without butter. NPC guards are basically for roleplay and should stay there, roleplayers don't even need to engage in PvP during raids, they can just hole themselves up somewhere.
To add on to this: If PvPers want real PvP, they need to sacrifice the safety a bit. You cant have Massive the way it is now AND PvP. When players can run into bases or tp out to avoid fighting, they will, because they dont want to lose shit.

Forcing players to do things is usually wrong, but in this case, the only real solution IS to force them to fight by stripping them of their safety bubbles. Nothing will progress otherwise.
I get that. I don't think its as big a problem as you think it is though. Simply creating a vault underground for valuables makes sense, creates an interesting new gameplay mechanic, and really isn't hard to do. In order to penetrate such a vault, first, the attacker would need to find it, then the attacker would need to either tunnel underground, blasting little by little which would be really expensive if my ideas were implemented, or blast from above, which would be just as tough if anyone is fighting back.

The ONLY way I would even CONSIDER this, is if the player who owns the locks was in PvP within 30 minutes of the locks being breached. Otherwise players could enter a faction, enemy them, and then steal everything while the faction is offline. And let be be blunt: I still hate the idea.

I disagree. We need money sinks as long as free money keeps getting created from nothing, which includes mob drops and events as well as jon the pious. These money sinks would be optional anyway so if someone is worried about making ends meet, they simply don't use them.

But more money = more trade = more economic activity = more mining/logging/forging/enchanting/ext = more survival world activity.
Forcing players to do things is usually wrong, but in this case, the only real solution IS to force them to fight by stripping them of their safety bubbles. Nothing will progress otherwise.

Why do people keep acting like it's somehow possible to force people to do stuff over the internet? If players don't want to do something they will not do it. If you strip safety from the survival worlds you will only cause fewer & fewer people to use them until only hardcore survivalists remain. Creative World, Quest World, and Roleplay Worlds mean that players can just go to those and never use the Survival Worlds. Remove those worlds, and players can/will just leave the server for one they enjoy more. Sorry if it's inconvenient for you that you can't force people to do stuff online, but it's just the truth.
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