Archived Massivecraft Forums: On The Go?

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Just gone.
Sep 26, 2013
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Just a pre-note sorta thing, I have no idea if this has been suggested or not, so I am just gonna roll with it.​
Massivecraft Forums:
The Massivecraft Forums is an online sight, where players of the wonderful server that is can go and spend time with each other. Kind of like a real forum? Here, you can create character introductions, read others introductions, post threads on trade, money, e.t.c. You can also apply for things like factions and role play families!​
Massivecraft On the Go!
My ideas was that we created an app for the massivecraft forums! Usually, I like to check the massivecraft forums when I am outside of my home. Whether that be on a plane, in the car on a long road trip, whichever. I consider the forums a well structured social media sight.​
This app would be basically like the forums, it has all the gadgets and tip-top features.​
A good way for more people to get on the forums, on the go, in the car, e.t.c.​
If, say, we put it on the appstore, more people would see it therefor this would increase numbers of players not only on the forums, but on the Minecraft Server​
Surely, if say you were using a smartphone to use this app, you wouldn't want to type a giant thread on such a small screen. (Perhaps on an iPad or tablet would be easier, if any)​
Not everyone has smartphones​
The admins already have a hard enough job on the forums, in game, e.t.c.​
It would cost quite a lot of money wouldn't you think?​
Anyways, that is my idea. Just a quick little idea I had in mind a few days ago.​
Thanks guys! Take care​
Tell me what you think?​
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-thinks a lot about this-​

I think it would be really good for the server, since it would be free, and made for Android and Itunes users. Having a massivecraft icon on you mobile phone seems cool :)
I really do agree, I am in fact typing this message on a phone. I think the main limitation is the staff time, it would only appeal to say around 50 players, while server updates apply to everyone. Staff time is probably better spent on server updates. However, from a purely personal view, I support it.
I find it pointless because the devices you would use for an app comes with internet... Which means you could already check it on phone,iPad, ect. It would just mean more work, anyone agree?
I find it pointless because the devices you would use for an app comes with internet... Which means you could already check it on phone,iPad, ect. It would just mean more work, anyone agree?

Then again, there are wifi hotspots all around the globe. I suppose hotspots aren't always reliable. But it would make it a bit easier, navigating around the forums if we had an actuall APP for devices.
Just saying if you wouldn't have internet for Safari you wouldn't have internet for the app, so I'd just mean the staff or others would be putting work for almost nothing.
Just saying if you wouldn't have internet for Safari you wouldn't have internet for the app, so I'd just mean the staff or others would be putting work for almost nothing.

Unless you have a cellular device whereas you can use your data plan to get on internet without wifi, but that is strictly for those who have a smartphone, which this idea is based off of. iPods, yes, you already have internet so just use Safari, google chrome, whatever you want. But this idea is MAINLY pointed towards those with smartphones.
So you would make an app just for the players that own smart phones? Is it worth making so that only the players who own smart phones would use it? Because it sounds like if you took all the players that played it'd be neat if they all had smart phones but only a smaller fraction of them does which means not much would even use the app, rendering less than 100 people even using the app= waste of time.
So you would make an app just for the players that own smart phones? Is it worth making so that only the players who own smart phones would use it? Because it sounds like if you took all the players that played it'd be neat if they all had smart phones but only a smaller fraction of them does which means not much would even use the app, rendering less than 100 people even using the app= waste of time.

I said this would be mostly useful for those with smartphones. You have stated your point, I understand what you mean I don't see why you are continuing to make your point. I understand what you are saying, I really do. I will take it into consideration, thank you.
Not sure if it's best to make an app. Creating apps cost money and creating it wouldn't have any benefit except possibly exposing Massivecraft to other people but financially it wouldn't benefit the server. I think at most there should be a mobile site and if Massivecraft get's to a point where it's really popular at least the average amount of players on is 500, then an app could be created.
Ok, here is what I see about this. First, apps don't actually cost that much money to create, if any. The monetary cost comes from putting it on the app store. I think this is a good idea, if the possible use justifies its creation. I also think that it would be a pretty nice publicity thing, if nothing else. After all, -massive advertisement- "Join Massivecraft, the massive medieval minecraft experience! We have an app!" :)
Ok, here is what I see about this. First, apps don't actually cost that much money to create, if any. The monetary cost comes from putting it on the app store. I think this is a good idea, if the possible use justifies its creation. I also think that it would be a pretty nice publicity thing, if nothing else. After all, -massive advertisement- "Join Massivecraft, the massive medieval minecraft experience! We have an app!" :)

Couldn't have said it better myself~
it seems cool...but no use considering safari..and other website browsers on your phone

Once again, and I cannot stress this enough.

The Massivecraft forum app would be used for an EASIER way to navigate around the forums, as to using safari where it was not programmed for that.
Just in your post alone, I'm seeing twice the cons as opposed to the pros. ...Are you sure you're all for your own idea, because you didn't back it up very well.
Just in your post alone, I'm seeing twice the cons as opposed to the pros. ...Are you sure you're all for your own idea, because you didn't back it up very well.

Most of the pro's are self explanatory, and have a few 'mini ideas' if you will.

The reason there are more cons than pro's is simple. Well, look at them. These are small flaws that would become of the suggestion.
Most of the pro's are self explanatory, and have a few 'mini ideas' if you will.

The reason there are more cons than pro's is simple. Well, look at them. These are small flaws that would become of the suggestion.

Small flaws, like the insane amount of work staff already has to do, and the financial sink it could put on Massivecraft. Right.

Well, in that case, I don't agree with this, predominantly because the staff already have a lot of work that constantly comes in, with the necessity to start new projects and continue old ones in order to maintain and improve the server, simultaneously. The fact that this would not cater to everyone and has very little in the way of financial gain makes me also very hesitant to approve of the idea.

In short, it seems like someone doing this would be doing a lot of work for very little gain -- work they could be putting into other things to help the community IG and the immersion (lore).

So my suggestion is this: If you want this done, you should do it yourself. I'm sure if you produced a decent iOS app for the Massivecraft forums, the folks up top would wholly support it.
Small flaws, like the insane amount of work staff already has to do, and the financial sink it could put on Massivecraft. Right.

Well, in that case, I don't agree with this, predominantly because the staff already have a lot of work that constantly comes in, with the necessity to start new projects and continue old ones in order to maintain and improve the server, simultaneously. The fact that this would not cater to everyone and has very little in the way of financial gain makes me also very hesitant to approve of the idea.

In short, it seems like someone doing this would be doing a lot of work for very little gain -- work they could be putting into other things to help the community IG and the immersion (lore).

So my suggestion is this: If you want this done, you should do it yourself. I'm sure if you produced a decent iOS app for the Massivecraft forums, the folks up top would wholly support it.

I can see where you are coming from and what you mean.

Consider this: The app is for forum use, not just on the go but at home and such. I can tell people can't get their minds grasped around the idea that it would be EASIER to navigate rather than using safari and such. Now, you say that staff would have to have another thing to worry about. Not really, considering they are already be working on the forums.
But thank you for your though.
I can see where you are coming from and what you mean.

Consider this: The app is for forum use, not just on the go but at home and such. I can tell people can't get their minds grasped around the idea that it would be EASIER to navigate rather than using safari and such. Now, you say that staff would have to have another thing to worry about. Not really, considering they are already be working on the forums.
But thank you for your though.

It would make things easier, but the forums aren't that difficult to navigate as-is -- even on an iOS device. If you know how to navigate the forums on a comp, you can do it on a phone. I know where you're coming with this, but I still feel it's not necessary. I know that's only my opinion, but I imagine those who can code for iOS share similar sentiments.

And actually, it would be another thing to work on. iOS coding is different from CSS, which is likely what this website uses. Imagine it like this: Making an iOS app for the website would be similar to translating the entire website into German without something like Google Translate to do it for you. Staff do work on the website, but they don't reformat everything constantly. The only things that usually get big overhauls are the lore pages. These forums run on an easy to use program that, for daily stuff like minor changes, maintenance, etc, requires very little to no coding. In other words, most of the site stuff that's done has less to do with coding and more to do with content.

That said, they'd have to recode the entire website in order to make it a bit more convenient for a select few who navigate the forums on their phones. That's why I'm saying the ends likely don't justify the means. That's why I suggested you coded it yourself. Because if you want this, then you reach for it. You take time out of your life to do it and you decide if the ends justify the means.
It would make things easier, but the forums aren't that difficult to navigate as-is -- even on an iOS device. If you know how to navigate the forums on a comp, you can do it on a phone. I know where you're coming with this, but I still feel it's not necessary. I know that's only my opinion, but I imagine those who can code for iOS share similar sentiments.

And actually, it would be another thing to work on. iOS coding is different from CSS, which is likely what this website uses. Imagine it like this: Making an iOS app for the website would be similar to translating the entire website into German without something like Google Translate to do it for you. Staff do work on the website, but they don't reformat everything constantly. The only things that usually get big overhauls are the lore pages. These forums run on an easy to use program that, for daily stuff like minor changes, maintenance, etc, requires very little to no coding. In other words, most of the site stuff that's done has less to do with coding and more to do with content.

That said, they'd have to recode the entire website in order to make it a bit more convenient for a select few who navigate the forums on their phones. That's why I'm saying the ends likely don't justify the means. That's why I suggested you coded it yourself. Because if you want this, then you reach for it. You take time out of your life to do it and you decide if the ends justify the means.

Yes of course, I probably should have done a bit more research into iOS coding and programing before making this idea, but I was just coming from a general idea that I thought was good, and seeing if other people thought so as well
Ok, here is what I see about this. First, apps don't actually cost that much money to create, if any. The monetary cost comes from putting it on the app store.

Well think of how busy the admins tend to be right now. There's not really any time they could find to create an app but if they did I would think the advertisment management would be monitored by Imboring56 and the coding to create the app the Cay or Mon
Please stop with the GIFs. You are overusing it.

Anyways, I really don't understand as to why we would need this. It would take a smartphone and internet to download and access this app, so why don't you just use the internet on your smartphone to access the forums from there? That is what I do if I want to access the forums on the go, for both Apple and Android devices. There is really no need for an app.
This seems like 100% waste of time. I don't know about you, but my phone can easily manage the normal website, same with my tablet. To do something like this, you'd have to have another team of coders to do it for you, not to mention that you'd need to make an app for different platforms as not everyone uses the same mobile phone.
No need for an app to do this. It is achievable by having a separate CSS file for the website that is automatically referenced when the website is browsed from a mobile device... and/or a slightly separate structure that references the same database but is more conducive to mobile use (larger text, vertical 'accordion' menus etc).

An app is a good idea... but for reasons other than just being able to use the forum on a small screen. That would be re-inventing the wheel when all we need to do is look at the wheel we already have from a different angle (metaphorically speaking).

Instead - try to think of things that you could do on a smartphone (or tablet) that would not be achievable (or convenient) on a computer screen. Then you might have motivation for an app.
I have it saves as an app pretty much, you just click add to homepage and it makes a shortcut to the forums. Pretty easy but an app would be cool also
It might be a bit easier with an app, but there is no need. As said before, anyone can check in online with any device, so why create an app? This server is already doing so many things at once, why add another? The app seems pointless, when going online is already so easy. Also, for the server to keep going, it would probably have to be a paid app. In my opinion, I would rather not pay $.99 (typical price example) just because I'm too lazy to actually go on thhe internet and type out the site address.
It is damn expensive. The Apple developer program which is required to upload your applications to the App Store costs a minimum of $99 annually. And while the Android developer program for Google Play costs only $25 in a one-time payment, I have converted the amounts into Swedish krona, the currency Cayorion uses:
  • Apple: 646.30 Swedish Krona (about) (annually)
  • Android: 163.21 Swedish Krona (about)
Also, the language that you code it in is a little bugger called Objective-C. Believe me, from personal experience when I tell you that it can be an ass sometimes. The way the code is organized and handled is very messed up sometimes, and I don't know if Cayorion can learn it. For me, it took me forever to finish a blackjack program. If Cayorion wants to do it and take the time to code and learn it, good, though keep in mind he has many other projects right now.
We are using XenForo. It's a premade system with it's own developers. Perhaps they have created a phone application already? Additionally we are using an old version of XenForo. The mobile support would probably increase if we updated the forums to the latest version.
It is damn expensive. The Apple developer program which is required to upload your applications to the App Store costs a minimum of $99 annually. And while the Android developer program for Google Play costs only $25 in a one-time payment, I have converted the amounts into Swedish krona, the currency Cayorion uses:
  • Apple: 646.30 Swedish Krona (about) (annually)
  • Android: 163.21 Swedish Krona (about)
Also, the language that you code it in is a little bugger called Objective-C. Believe me, from personal experience when I tell you that it can be an ass sometimes. The way the code is organized and handled is very messed up sometimes, and I don't know if Cayorion can learn it. For me, it took me forever to finish a blackjack program. If Cayorion wants to do it and take the time to code and learn it, good, though keep in mind he has many other projects right now.
There are simpler IOS app development programs out there that are quite simple, it does not have to be coded from scratch if it were to be made. And the apple developer program is expensive, but only if you look at it from the perspective of making only one app. For multiple apps, expecially if they become popular, you quickly get that money back. But that is not the case here.
If you want quick access to the forums you can just click that button that looks like the 'save picture thingy', swipe right and click 'add to homescreen'.
Das wa I do.
Honestly, it is a productive and great idea; the major problem being as earlier stated we have a significant workload you know? I work with python scripting and took a few college courses on programming for Colorado Technical University over in Boulder; after being part of the first testing group for the Android smartphones prerelease and seeing some of the code I can tell you it is possible to transfer a bbcode based site onto a smartphone application. But on this end, to create an actual app I would encourage the players themselves to be involved- that way we can continue to come out with new events like the Winter Festival without delay!
Honestly, it is a productive and great idea; the major problem being as earlier stated we have a significant workload you know? I work with python scripting and took a few college courses on programming for Colorado Technical University over in Boulder; after being part of the first testing group for the Android smartphones prerelease and seeing some of the code I can tell you it is possible to transfer a bbcode based site onto a smartphone application. But on this end, to create an actual app I would encourage the players themselves to be involved- that way we can continue to come out with new events like the Winter Festival without delay!

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