Archived Massivearmor, The (unfortunate?) Logic. Let's Fix It.

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Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
New Jersey
Yes. You all know. MassiveArmor this, MassiveArmor that.

I'll get right down to my point. MassiveArmor will change the way most have played the game. It goes from "work on making armor, use efficient methods and recruit persistent people" to "recruit as many people as you can, get as many alts as you can, make sure they all vote three times a day to get the best items"

I know in the past, MassiveCraft has stated they are not about the Vote-To-Win mentality:

Most servers have this "vote and get stuff" mentality which we do certainly not share,
Don't get me wrong, please. I have no problem with the voting system in general.
My bottom line is, that I think others would agree with, is that you should not be able to get something from voting that you can not get normally in-game (or at least that give an advantage in-game that can not be acquired otherwise).
Simple request: Remove MassiveArmor. Other items are fine.
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If we were to do this it would only be fair to Wipe all massive armor from the game.
As a very honest questiong, if we retroactively removed all copies of Massive Armor, you would not complain?
Actually, if the massive armor itself was not removed, but just the ability to obtain it, it would be fairly interesting as it would be a super rare item for only the lucky few who got it, but I do agree it should be done away with nevertheless.
There is always going to be a complaint from at least one person but in the long run I believe a complete removal would be beneficial. Cayorion himself said, "Magic shouldn't be easy to come by, it should be expensive and difficult to get," and one vote getting you armor that is not possible to make in vanilla is not expensive.
One of two things should be done:
1. Remove all Massive Armor and the ability to receive it.
2. Remove the ability to receive it but keep what's in the game as it is. (Would still be unfair but interesting to try and collect a set)
I think the vast majority of the Massivecraft playerbase would see the logic in removing Massive armor.
Nerf all the massive armor I am not complaining.
Removing the armour would just make more problems, removing the ability to obtain it would be good, but not removing the already ingame armour pieces. This would just result in people complaining that have paid large sums of money to get the Massive armour
Removing the armour would just make more problems, removing the ability to obtain it would be good, but not removing the already ingame armour pieces. This would just result in people complaining that have paid large sums of money to get the Massive armour
Paying money for something (Even real money) gives you absolutely no guarantee to keep it. After all there is no real items merely code on a server.
Removing the armour would just make more problems, removing the ability to obtain it would be good, but not removing the already ingame armour pieces. This would just result in people complaining that have paid large sums of money to get the Massive armour
Meh. It's like an investor complaining that the company they invested in failed. Shit happens sometimes.
I think it would be better if it was all removed.
Just curious, why did you guys let Massive armor be implemented in the first place? Yeah, I know its only a 5% chance, but considering the amount of players on Massive it seems rather obvious that there would be an extremely large amount of votes per day. Why was a set of prot V unbreaking V diamond armor allowed to be put on the tier 5 rewards?
Meh. It's like an investor complaining that the company they invested in failed. Shit happens sometimes.

I completely agree with you, I just feel if they removed all of it in the game the forum posts would all quickly become "I BOUGHT ARMOUR AND IT GOT TAKEN OUT, GIMME MONEY BACK" Which would not be fun.
I completely agree with you, I just feel if they removed all of it in the game the forum posts would all quickly become "I BOUGHT ARMOUR AND IT GOT TAKEN OUT, GIMME MONEY BACK" Which would not be fun.
Well, I disagree with this simply because of the fact that a lot of people have spent a lot of money on massive armor(including myself). I say you not remove it but reduce the chances of getting it to like 1%. Therefore it is EXTREMELY rare to get. The other stuff is pretty fine.

That's not similar in any way :/ People have paid up to 100s for one piece of the massive armour. Anyways, Im not trying to start arguments, I'm just saying what I think will happen.
Not just invisibility potions, but god apples too. Think of the people with double chests of god apples lol...
Honestly, I believe it'd be best to just remove it. Silver can be re-earned, but the things lost in an unbalanced pvp session (against someone with MassiveArmor, per se) may not be recovered.
I vote for removing it. It unbalances nearly all of the PVP on this server.
I suggest it being able to craft - this would be much better as iron armor will last abit longer. Suggestions?
I got one today.
Little ol' non-premium me.
I'm using it to pay off someone to stop raiding.
So for the sake of me not dying a lot in the near future, remove the ability to receive it and let the ones who have it keep it.
I say we remove the ability to gain it, and us players can be honorable and.. well, refrain from using it. Other than mabye a quarrel in an arena for fun. Because, even power hungry maniacs have to have some sort of sense of unfair.
Well, I disagree with this simply because of the fact that a lot of people have spent a lot of money on massive armor(including myself). I say you not remove it but reduce the chances of getting it to like 1%. Therefore it is EXTREMELY rare to get. The other stuff is pretty fine.
I think that 1% is too much considering the large player base on the server, if it is possible 0.1% would be better and make it very rare
I vote for removing the armor, though I would feel bad for those that purchased armor from other players if ALL the armor was wiped from the game. I know someone that sold a massive chestplate for 60 silver, which means someone is out that much silver and would wind up having nothing for the money they spent.
I agree that it should be removed but I am questioning one thing: HOW??
As you may have noticed, massive armor is basicly diamond armor with better enchants. Now how do you remove armor with specific enchants without removing dia armor altogether? I know invis potions and god apples where removed by making them unuseable bot how could you do the same thing to massive armor? Considering that you can equip it in 3 different ways (1: drag to armor slots ; 2: right click it ; 3. use dispenser) to equip it.
The only thing I could think of is to write some kind of code which detects when the name of your armor is any of the massive armor series and then remove that armor or de-equip it..
How about replace the armor with 15 silver? You can get 10 silver for lower tiers, so if you remove the armor, the people that bought it gets some compensation, and the people that got it from voting will recieve something for their vote instead of nothing.
I think that 1% is too much considering the large player base on the server, if it is possible 0.1% would be better and make it very rare
The player base on this server is what? 400, 500, maybe as many as 600 players? So 1% would be between 4 and 6 people. Not too many to make unhappy, since some of them are probably unhappy anyway. :)
The player base on this server is what? 400, 500, maybe as many as 600 players? So 1% would be between 4 and 6 people. Not too many to make unhappy, since some of them are probably unhappy anyway. :)
Oh, I thought it was a lot more since the skills part of the website says 3594 players have over 500 in pwr lvl, but then again many have gone inactive after gaining 500 but we have a lot of players under 500 aswell
60 silver for a piece of massive armor? I'm unimpressed, since prior to god apples being disabled people were buying them for 200s a stack.
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