Massive Secret Santa 2015

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1. Legit Lored Alliums :D
2. Lored Flowers
3. Something that would surprise me!
1. Premium (ofc)
2. Valuable lore items. (In a complex twist of Secret Santa I may be willing to contribute to these lore items)
3. Anything. Literally.
Happy Christmas.
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-= Medvekoma =-

1. Character art (me)
2. IG written book (unleash your fantasy)
3. Any organized IC mini-event for the fun of it (Dinner? You'll get gifts back!)

Would it help you if some of us who would love to gift special things would list them to you in a private convo so that you can appropriately arrange secret Santas? Like people who would love to draw art, write stuff, build stuff, etc. @Omnomivore

If you want to gift a skin, art, or schematica you can send that to me in a conversation and I will send that to your person :)

If you want to send regals, send them to me and I will anonymously gift them.

If you want to send a book (written by you) anonymously, just for this event I can rename the author to "Secret Santa".

If you want to build something for the player anonymously, contact me and we will work something out :)

Lore Items - Player specific lore items such as the plushie's or voodoo dolls from the last two festivals, or any lore item that has your player name in it would be even better.
Art of my characters - I currently have Rhys Nhaeslal, and Loris Valenzo.
A Surprise! - I can't really think of anything else so, if you have something else in mind then go ahead.
  • Premium (Don't bother with it if it's any kind of strain.)
  • God armor/weapons
  • Wannag's love
  • Something else :)
  • Art/A skin of my Slizzar, Thug, or Ex-Vampire. (Will attach art/reference pictures later)
  • Ragals. (Regals.)
  • Premium?
  • (Lore items or surprises will work too)
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IGN: Wolfdog96

1. Premium would be cool if you're up for that.
2. regals
3. Lore weps/armor

Currently we have 48 participants!

Let's keep them coming in! Spread the news!
IGN: Pokyug
1: Anything that is a Rare voting item, or anything Dwarven (Lore-Compliant), Preferably Dwarven art, A Custom dwarven skin, Dwarven books... Yeah almost anything Dwarven..
2: Something Creative!!! Something that will put a smile on anyone's face when I show it off to friends :D
3: And... I won't complain about Premium.... Just have fun giving out whatever the present is :D

This is a great way to kick off the season of Thanks and Giving!!! Everyone reading this must have a great day... or.. I'll have to break out the party cake :D
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IGN: Addrion

1: Hard to find/unique lore items.
2: Sweet sweet emeralds
3: TheLoneShepherd's Head(s)

I am not the greedy type, so don't break your piggy banks. <3
IGN: Vehlir

Official Lore Book - I love anything pertaining to, ancient texts, geography, plants, and magic related!
Official Lore Item - Again, the older, or more arcane originated the better :D
Regals - If you find yourself having a hard time finding one of the above, I'm easy to please!

Happy Holidays to everyone here on Massive! :)

- Yellow colored lore items!
- An excellent builder who can use schematica!
- Surprise me!
IGN: Dawnhavoc
* Premium :D
* Spawn eggs of two wolves? SO i can have a baby and Mama wolf :D
* God Armour/Epic Sword!
* Anything else is fine!
*Suprises are fine although i would really love Premium!!!!!
To whoever my Secret Santa may be!:
Thank you so much for the presents i'll make sure to give you a hug or a kiss IC!!
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IGN: TotallyNotRice
  • Premium - I'll be cliché and just say what almost everyone else is saying ^_^
  • A really cool lore item that's only given in an event or like one of those where you have to vote 100 times
  • Lored purple drink - One from Regalia V1 or like nausea for like 8-11 minutes would be really good. Just basically one that isn't currently purchasable from the tavern.
If you don't have any of these/can't afford any of these, then it's totally fine! I'd be happy with a hug in game if you can't provide these three things.
IGN: opheeelia

-lots and lots of apples (and bones maybe) and golden carrots? (: (yes im trying to get some horses)
-regals! :D
-lore items (:
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Merry Early Christmas and a Happy Very Early New Year!!

arachnidsGrip88 is my in game name, though y'all can just call me Ara or Arach like seriously please do I don't like it when people type the whole thing, makes me feel bad cause it's kinda long.

  1. Lore items, player made or legit
  2. Premium
  3. God armor/tools
(If these things are a problem for ya some Regals will be just fine!)
1. Player Heads
2. Coupons for Gethelp's shop
3. Surprise me :)
Don't spend much on me, and Merry Christmas <3
I am NicNacNeon, I like to be called Neon

1. A cleverly named lilypad
2. A green titled lore item
3. Whatever you wish. The last gift is your choice, it does not have to be special or overly done, just something that you believe fits this events description.
IGN : Buffaloknight

1. Premium
2. Well written winter themed love poem
3. Lore drinks or food (If its alot, you'll be invited to the party!)
My name is Herojipps, Dragon of the north... and also that weird nerd in the crowd who talks too much.

For Christmas I would Like:

-A dark, red head, nordic character skin
- A nice house schematic

(If these are not reachable, I would only ask that you surprise me.)
IGN: Cythyan

1. Staff Player heads
3.God Axes/ God Armor

Or Somthing you'll think i like :)
Kiseo's deepest desires

Character art (could have a friend of yours msg me for details)
Lore weapons or drinks
Premium bb mmm
sigh, i don't realy have something that i want that is not a ridiculous wish, can i stil be a secret santa?

Go for it. You might not get what you want but you might still like or be entertained with what your secret santa comes up with.

@Omnomivore Im taking away my thingy, because I don't think I will be able to give gifts and I don't want to disappoint ppl ;-;

Participate! The wishlist is merely guidelines and you don't have to give them something they ask for specifically. I had brand new players participate last year and even they were able to come up with something :)
Go for it. You might not get what you want but you might still like or be entertained with what your secret santa comes up with.

Participate! The wishlist is merely guidelines and you don't have to give them something they ask for specifically. I had brand new players participate last year and even they were able to come up with something :)
Oh crud, I deleted my thing xD can I repost then?
dounut41's wishes:
1. No more enemies. =)
2. Lots of fireworks.
3. A good little surprise.
Ign: CrazeCow

•Rare (yellow) lore items
•Valuable player heads
•An awesome surpise! ^-^
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