Archived Massive Restore And Bases

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Aug 2, 2013
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I know massive restore is very good for keeping the wilderness pristine, but it ruins one of my favorite aspects of Massivecraft: exploring old abandoned bases for fun and to find loot. Not to mention bases that get half restored while other parts remain claimed, look just as bad as messy terrain and detract from immersion just as much. I have a solution to fix this though: Perhaps when a faction dies, all of its chunks will be converted to a faction called Ruins. This faction will just be a utility faction like the ones claiming spawn areas. Anyone can dig, build, interact, and even claim over this faction, so the abandoned bases can still be explored or taken over by new factions. This way old bases don't just vanish entirely, and the worlds will be dotted with ruined castles and such. So old bases will still remain as ruins that can be explored, looted, and moved into; but the wilderness will stay perfect with massive restore. To prevent bases from eventually become ugly piles of cobble, perhaps they will unclaim from the Ruins faction after a set time period, say a few months, or staff can delete them manually as they become too old and ugly.
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Let me take your situation and raise you a situation.

The world staff spend months on custom crafting the worlds. With this gigantic "ruins" faction completely covering each map and making impossible for people to expand.

The point of the plugin was that the worlds won't die. That they can survive forever. This would mean that the servers couldn't have the world capacity for new players


The worse of the two options, the worlds become less of quality in order to fill the need for more claimable land
Let me take your situation and raise you a situation.

The world staff spend months on custom crafting the worlds. With this gigantic "ruins" faction completely covering each map and making impossible for people to expand.

The point of the plugin was that the worlds won't die. That they can survive forever. This would mean that the servers couldn't have the world capacity for new players


The worse of the two options, the worlds become less of quality in order to fill the need for more claimable land
It wouldn't make it impossible for people to expand, as I said, it could be able to be claimed over, also it would eventually run out and let chunks be restored again after some time, as I also said. It would basically be wilderness that doesn't restore for at least a few months after it goes unclaimed, there's no reason it would stop people from expanding. I know how long it takes to make worlds like these, I've made some myself before.
If you want to go explore old faction ruins I suggest heading to daendroc or ellador where massive restore is disabled
If you want to go explore old faction ruins I suggest heading to daendroc or ellador where massive restore is disabled
Both of those worlds are a bit too "historic". Most of the value of going through abandoned bases is almost completely absent in both. The odds of coming across nice builds that are still reasonably intact or unlooted vaults are little to none.
Both of those worlds are a bit too "historic". Most of the value of going through abandoned bases is almost completely absent in both. The odds of coming across nice builds that are still reasonably intact or unlooted vaults are little to none.
yea I know n this dude said he wants to explore old bases, I never said there was loot there I just told him his options
Worlds are supposed to die! They have a life span. Being able to explore the worlds and find abandoned bases and cool things people made was awesome. It gave the server a sense of time, age, history, and realism. It gave it character. Everything isn't supposed to stay pretty and perfect. I'm sorry. I know the staff have a lot of work to do and I realize that massive restore helps them tremendously but I hate massive restore and I will continue to hate it for the rest of my life.
Perhaps this is the case for most servers yes. But remember massive has something that the vast majority doesn't have. These worlds arent just shit generated worlds. The time and effort that is put into these worlds makes massive restore a very valuable plug-in. Nobody likes to see their hard work go to waste, players and staff are no exception. With the massive restore plug-in, the world staff can put extreme effort and care into the creation of the world, and the players will never have to leave because the world will never die. Also because of this plug-in Massivecraft will only continue to grow and no more worlds get deleted because of overgrief. I don't quite see how massive restore is in any way a negative plug-in, and I will continue to love it for the rest of my life.
I don't know when the topic shifted to whether or not massiverestore is a good plugin.
The OP has my support, although I wouldn't want them staying around more than a few weeks, tops.
As the staff often say, the game is about travelling. Being able to see old bases a little longer after they've been abandoned would be cool I think, although since it's likely prebuilt structures I think perhaps it should cost a bit more power to claim ruins chunks.
I can't attest to balancing or anything like that, but as a builder and appreciator of pretty things, world restore is one of my favorite things about Massive. The last server I frequented was awesome, until it died because the world was just so old that there was nothing left to explore or mine. New factions faced nearly insurmountable obstacles in locating land which hadn't been despoiled by miners, creepers (the server didn't feature Massive's block protection, either), or the corpses of old PVP bases; immense and obstinate cubes of cobblestone or or obsidian which loomed in silent, pugnacious defiance of all aesthetic sensibility.

There were more ruins to explore, certainly, but still most had been picked to the bone by looters. The 1000 blocks around spawn were a hideous, inhospitable wasteland of dirt huts, arbitrary pillars, ghost mines; their innards long stripped clean of all mineral resources, and replaced by the slavering, ravenous horde of the undead. To misstep in this early are was fatal, as those who survived the plummet into unforgiving darkness soon fell victim to ravenous monsters.

While I concede that it takes any world much time to reach this point, I just like permanently replenishing resources. My faction is located in Teled Methen. It's a lovely map, and a very easy place to build, thanks to its natural beauty, plentiful mountains, and a bounty of timber resources in all forms but jungle trees. It is a bitch to mine, though, because it does not follow normal Minecraft logic for mineral deposits. Cave systems are absent, and even individual hollows in the stone are rare. Patches of dirt and gravel are hundreds of blocks in volume, and can wear away the sturdiest of shovels without ceasing. Furthermore, they seem to border mineral veins only incidentally, meaning that most efficient way to mine is to dig straight down to y=10, pick a direction at random, and proceed in a straight line until you luck upon something shiny.

Thanks to world restore, I can compensate for the senseless nature of mining in Teled by jotting down the coordinates of any notable ore deposits I stumble upon, secure in the knowledge that when the world reboots, I need only revisit these locations for a sustainable supply of diamonds. With a few other miners in my faction, we can acquire a few stacks in hours. The more we mine, the more coordinates we collect, and the larger our supply becomes.

While the excitement of discovering an unlooted base and knowing yourself to be the first to claim its treasures can't be created by breaking 1000 blocks of stone, keeping simple records is more reliable and profitable over time. In summation, world restore is the shizznit, so far as I'm concerned.
I think the most important detail missed here is: They don't last forever. This is just a method of extending the time the bases stay around by making them something like the wilderness, then after some time, the protections fall and it is restored like normal lands. It just gives looters more time to find and loot the places, or a new fac time to take it over.
I think the most important detail missed here is: They don't last forever. This is just a method of extending the time the bases stay around by making them something like the wilderness, then after some time, the protections fall and it is restored like normal lands. It just gives looters more time to find and loot the places, or a new fac time to take it over.

I understand what you're saying, and here's my response:
1.) That seems to my uninformed eye either a hassle to code correctly (there would have to be some way to differentiate the base from wilderness without it being a faction) or a hassle for staff to keep track of and slot bases for removal at the right time.
2.) When a big faction disbands, every veteran in the server is in that shit like flies within minutes. A huge faction with a beautiful base (name began with 'P') went defunct just a few days ago, and an hour later it was thoroughly looted and griefed. Despite its beauty, nobody claimed it. In the event a small faction goes down, it usually isn't worth the trip out to raid the thing, and in any case it persists for the rest of the month. Obviously some factions disband near a month's end, but in either case the base is going to be looted of most its items within hours or the items lost are nothing to mourn.
3.) While it's nice to take over an old base, nobody needs to. Bases are meant for either PVP or RP. A successful PVP base can be built by any idiot with a few stacks of logs and cobble and a functional grasp of symmetry. RP bases are meant to promote the growth and unique interaction of characters, and are almost always more successful when created by the characters meant to inhabit it. In this way, form serves function and the base will be created to serve the ends it must fulfill, or else characters will adapt to features as they are created. I think that any RP faction will find themselves having more fun if they power through the initial drudgery that is base building and create their own domain than if they utilize the skeleton of another.

I don't mean that your idea is bad. If world restore remained otherwise unaffected, I think it would be great if faction bases were to stick around for a few weeks after being unclaimed, but I doubt it will ever happen because of the effort it would require to code such a thing, and I don't think that by forsaken bases despawning at the end of the month with everything else we're losing that much.