Archived Mass Theft And Its Toxicity To The Server.

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The Human Torch.
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Up North in that Minnesota place
Roleplay Guilds
Divine Intervention
I have waited a proper amount of time in order to finally express my thoughts without completely fuming with rage. This issue does not just relate to me personally, but anyone who has had their entire cache stolen from them. Mass theft is extremely toxic to the server in two ways. It is bad for the economy, and toxic to the community.

Economical Repercussions
My cache was stock piled with all sorts of deflated commodities. stacks of diamond blocks, god armor, potion materials, enderpearls, quartz, and much more. I kept all of those things out of the economy in order to not further deflate the cost. The person who stole all of those goods sold them to make quick regals further extending the problem. I would have much rather my stuff been destroyed and wiped off the server rather than put into the economy.

People leave the server for various reasons: They don't like the staff, they don't like premium features, they don't like pvp, or even RP. They also leave because someone may have stolen their whole lively hood. Everything that they had even if it was measly rubbish was what they had worked for. For example my items did not just have an economical value. They had sentimental value and even real life value. If someone is robbed of their whole cache of goodies. What do they have to even live for on the server anymore.

My situation
I will admit this wasn't the first time my whole cache had been looted. After working 3 hard months on the server in Argonia. I had lost my whole cache of belongings. I did not quit after this however I did become cynical. I stopped trusting staff because it was a staff mistake, and I overall became quite bitter after the whole deal, and my whole perspective of the server changed.

This time though. I lost more than a year of hard work, I lost all of my old friends belongings that I had been saving for her in case she had returned. I also feel like I lost hundreds of dollars. All that premium I bought, and all the silver and regals I exchanged for premium. All of that money I invested on the server because I had a little belief in the server. Now all belief I have is crushed, and I believe all that money, and time is wasted. I could have invested that money in my future, but instead I invested it in this server because I firmly believed that it was fun and things would get better.

One last note, no one who goes through what I have been should be told that their stuff doesn't matter. Peoples things have various meanings to them, and to say that my stuff doesn't matter. Makes things exponentially worse. Also it should be more well advertised that /f access only restricts areas to faction members, and can be overrode by /f perm status. I feel like that is not widely enough known.
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Won't you role players complain that there isn't enough housing if we do this?

Also, not all the houses are big enough.

I dont know If you rent a larger house and fill it with chests but not hoard houses that would work.
Also there is never enough housing anyway :P
This would force the staff to add more :P
This could just be to store your most valuable items not your 10 chests of cactus
I dont know If you rent a larger house and fill it with chests but not hoard houses that would work.
Also there is never enough housing anyway :P
This would force the staff to add more :P
This could just be to store your most valuable items not your 10 chests of cactus
You're forgetting bout the 25 double chests of God armor you told us not to hoard in our vaults. ;)
I don't horde my treasure to keep the economy safe, I horde it because I want to, and for no other reason than that.
I was a poor victim of Mass-Stealing and the mods did do what they could to help, even if it was my fault.
I'm gonna start hoarding treasure like you :)
Helpful hint, set up an organized storage system first, else you will have hundreds of double chests of unsorted valuables and no idea where to put em.
@levers these bad people are threatening me ;_;
Well Party, I read this thread from the beginning, and I'm pretty sure the lesson to be learned here is that sometimes it's best to just nod politely and walk backwards out of the room. I believe you may have dug your own potato cellar here.

Well Party, I read this thread from the beginning, and I'm pretty sure the lesson to be learned here is that sometimes it's best to just nod politely and walk backwards out of the room. I believe you may have dug your own potato cellar here.


I tried 0_o
Untill someone resurrected this thread
