Masika Tiye Nefertiti

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by pixYcandi, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. pixYcandi

    pixYcandi Random Adjective Generator

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Before You Read, for Your Enjoyment and Immersive Experience:

    • N A M E: Masika Tiye Nefertiti
      -Nicknames: Mazy, Ka, Tiye
    • A G E: 27
      -Birthday: April 3, 280AC
    • G E N D E R: Female
    • R A C E: Half Varran (Altalar, Warran)
    • S E X U A L I T Y: Meow!
    The halfling has made Regalia’s streets and odd crannies her dear old home sweet home, expecting the bustling and progressive city to be the shining light of her life. Indeed, it was her dream to arrive there and make a life for herself there. Work has always been a difficult concept for the random personality set she possesses, and thus she switches around and does many odd, smaller jobs to make a sort of jostled living for herself.

    Being raised in an ever-changing home and scarcely seeing her mother, never meeting her father, there was never a sense of security. She had never been tethered to anything but what rewarded comfort. Regardless, the city of Ssil was all she knew, as well as her numerous half siblings and cousins.

    Masika has a strong tethering to the idea that she must make something great out of herself and the world around her. To achieve this would be the ultimate goal of her life.


    P R O F I C I E N C Y: 27+5 = 32 Points to Spend
    • +7 Athletic Training
    • +9 Unarmed Combat

    • +5 Perception Training

    • +11 Parlor Magic

    B O D Y S H A P E:
    • 7 x 2 + 9 x 2 = 32 body score

    • Athletic body build.

    • Moderate body fat.

    L A N G U A G E S:
    • Zcorr

    • Common

    S P E C I A L T R A I T S/S P E L L S/M U T A T I O N S:
    • Tethering spell: -4

    • Guiding Light spell: -3

    • Elemental Shot spell: -4


    E Y E C O L O R: Green

    S K I N C O L O R: Warm/red undertone tan

    H A I R S T Y L E: Mid-back length, straight, layered

    H A I R C O L O R: Dark brown

    C L O T H I N G: Creme/sandy shirt and pants, brown boots, gold/brown bracelets and bands, mahogany sash

    H E I G H T: 5’7, 170cm


    {1}O U T W A R D: She often firstly appears to be an obnoxiously curious creature, fairly nosey with no thought for conversational privacy. Some may consider her spastic or otherwise hyperactive, though she also proves herself to be studious, so perhaps the hyperactivity with a thirst for learning is not inefficient. However, it may be noticed that her attention span is never fleeting, and she can become “stuck” on one insignificant thing for days or even weeks. If the timing and the attention is just right, she can easily be taught a great deal in a short amount of time, and her wits never appear to leave her, this has also been witnessed.

    {2}I N W A R D: She considers herself to be an ideal conversationalist and friend. She is bursting with confidence, so much so that it might be concluded that she’s a narcissist. She reflects often on how much she genuinely knows in comparison to her peers and is prone to comparing herself, sometimes to the extreme of inwardly tearing herself apart and becoming agitated due to this insecurity, especially if it is provoked. Regardless of her insecurities and doubts to herself and her abilities, she “corrects” it by inflating her ego even further and flaunting even more pride.

    {3}F A M I L I A L: Masika may not be emotionally or even physically close to her family, but the idea of friends becoming her adopted kin is delightful. She is extremely loyal to those she forms tighter bonds with, down to the willingness to do just about anything for them. Though this is a snare, she doesn’t see it as anything less than something that would be returned to her, even if that ideal isn’t realistic by any real-world standard. Her love and affection run as deep and unending as her loyalty, though that makes betrayal that much more hurtful. Being naive, she never expects it.

    {4}M O R A L I T Y: She is known to be a lawful sort of good, or so that’s what she intends to be. She relies heavily upon knowledge to make judgments or decisions, even down to giving advice. The law and order she knows of the world is what the cogs in her brain revolve around, and her understanding is the only one that matters. Good deeds are always worth high praise and a reward from Masika, though evildoers and sin is always spat upon. She defines her “good” and “bad” by measuring their intentions in the first place, such as if the intention of the act was meant to better or worsen a situation.

    {5}P E R C E P T I O N: Masika believes her (and most’s) place in the world to be something earned, not deserved by birth. However, cradling her logic as a foundation for all knowledge, is her faith of Baskarr. She has never once doubted or given up on her understanding through both religion and study, though what appears to be the only real link between nobility and peasantry through religion, philosophy, and politics intrigues her and constantly springs new thoughts to mind, which she can’t appear to be able to “make work” with her already formed worldview. Everyone has a place, big or small, and different ideas due to being different individuals, and that’s how she manages to fit it all together.

    E G O T I S T I C A L: The spirited cat often presses herself to puff up her chest, tip up her nose, and take up the most space she possibly can. The overwhelming amount of pride in her being is enough to drown a room of souls unfortunate enough to be trapped with her. She takes great pleasure in showing off her skills and knowledge or winning an argument.

    Q U I R K S: “Mmmmmmayhaps.” She tends to purr into her cognitive processes, the thoughts floating through her mind visibly like flickering lanterns on a rowboat. Additionally, she can easily find herself distracted or unfocused.


    Masika Tiye Nefertiti was born in 283AC to her Warran mother at the city of Ssil. It was a shocking discovery, to say in the least, that she was not a full Varran. Mainly, her mother was greatly scrutinized, having clearly fraternized with an interesting choice of character.

    Regardless, Masika’s childhood was filled with wonder and excitement among her existing siblings and companions. Even though filled with the clear dangers of the time, her home and loved ones provided a safe shelter. The girl found herself in an interesting position, indeed, between becoming bilingual and increasing her skills to read, speak, and write. Clearly there was a gift that developed into a skill over practice and tender time’s passing.

    The maturing halfling’s youth was filled with inspiration from fantastic works of literature and poetry. How she longed to travel and learn more! As she grew further physically, her abilities stretched and pulled like fresh taffy candy, becoming flexible and easy to work with over time. This brought about the opportunities she took in order to bring herself to Daendroc. Ultimately, her best (and worst) discovery was how to bargain cheap travels.

    In the year 305AC, at the age of twenty-five, she found herself employed on a ship headed, at the time, straight to Regalia from Daendroc, where she had spent her nineteenth through twenty-fifth years of life calling home. The time to live her dream and start another chapter in life had made its way to her, and she took it by the reins to lead it firmly in the direction she wanted to go.


    P A R A N O I A: Is everyone out to get her? Masika doesn’t know for sure, but chokes back the uncertainties wringing at her throat. If her choices are criticized, she retaliates and overreacts. Also due to this, her relationships are difficult to nurture and grow. This also plays onto her agitation. There is a clearly defined urge to be popular in order to “keep” people from attacking her.

    A T T E N T I O N: Constantly seeking attention, she will do whatever she can to get eyes on her and relish in popularity. This nearly contradicts her paranoia, but the two appear to stride hand in hand to torment her. She wants the world’s attention on her for being perfect, even though she was born in the body of one who would be treated with minimal kindness at best.

    N A I V E T Y: If someone seems particularly safe, she’ll believe them to be so, inspired by her own insecurities. Words are shallow to everyone but Masika, who will take someone’s word with no grain of salt. If it appears to be a genuinely made promise to her, she’ll follow right along with it and put faith in the person. Betrayal is that much more terrible to her in all of this.


    S T U D I O U S: The halfling’s enjoyment of books and learning has granted its pay to her in skills and knowledge, namely in her parlor magic and hunting skills, which appear to be her main interests. She also adores flaunting these to others and being able to correctly answer any query causes stems of pride to grow into self esteem. The more she is able to learn, the more she is able to bring into show.

    A N A L Y T I C A L: Masika knows just how to take apart a complex puzzle and put it back together again. Complex issues socially, especially, are her favorite attempt and decipher. This means she can take into account all of the details of a room and put together a logic for it. Indeed, it can come in handy when trying to figure something out, and also plays a part in her perception.

    C H A R I S M A T I C: Bursting with energy and hyperactivity, the one with intense personality can breeze her way through social situations with the exception of what she would consider to be emotionally taxing occurrences. The atmosphere may be tense until Masika decides it shouldn’t be. If she were allowed to be popular among groups, she just might be able to turn tides and be influential simply because her personality allows her to be.


    P O P U L A R I T Y: Masika relishes the joyous feeling of being the special little snowflake everyone wants to catch. Her insecurities feed into it, and so if she isn’t the center of attention, she will make herself the center of attention, regardless of how she has to go about it. The positivity that she craves, the acceptance she desires, the adoration she cherishes so much, all stem from the popularity that she enjoys gaining.

    E X P L O R I N G: The thrill of stepping out the door into something different and unexpected delights Masika. To stride upon the path leading to gateways of discovery is one of her greatest joys and leads to immense satisfaction.

    L I B R A R I E S: Books, notes, pens, charcoal, candle, lantern. To study, write, and read in a place where the possibilities are endless is a pleasantry for the halfling. The gentle bustle of scholars and philosophers among her to make minor understanding contact with is also a great delight.


    L O N E L I N E S S: The extroverted, lively one with the twitchy left ear known as Masika cannot stand experiencing neglect. For instance if she finds herself ignored or being left behind, it can impact her mental state to the point of devastation. She also has never been known to be able to let go of people, especially close friends. When they grow distant is when her heart breaks.

    L O C K E D D O O R S: There is nothing that displeases her more than not being able to know what’s behind the door. The curiosity of a cat is relentless, so they say, and Masika is certainly no exception.

    C H E R R I E S: Perhaps it’s the texture, perhaps it’s the smell, but Masika cannot stand cherries. The otherwise shiny, sweetly scented, juicy red fruit is favored to just about anyone BUT Masika, who will no doubt complain if she has to eat them.


    Leufred: +93%

    Jean-Luc: +34%

    Catalina: +67%

    Akeno : +92%

    Theresa: +38%

    Frankie: +41%

    Akh'dul: -27%

    Kailu: -7%

    Mur-Kau: +86%


    F O R G E T T A B L E D E T A I L S:
    • Favorite Food: Pizza

    • Favorite Color: Orange

    • Favorite Place: Daendroc

    • Favorite Season: Spring


    • Winner Winner x 7
    #1 pixYcandi, Mar 4, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
  2. Eccetra

    Eccetra Rat Mumther

    Jun 10, 2014
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    I am claiming this character app for staff review!
    Expect a response within 48 hours.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  3. Eccetra

    Eccetra Rat Mumther

    Jun 10, 2014
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    ☼ Staff Review! ☼
    Hello, my name is Eccetra and I’ll be reviewing your app today.​
    • You have 27 points to spend, but you've only used up 25 total! You can add on some more if you like.
    • Racial bonuses do not factor into body builds I'm afraid! Please alter her body build accordingly.
    • That's all! A lovely app overall.
    Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you’re finished!
  4. pixYcandi

    pixYcandi Random Adjective Generator

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Thank you so much! I've made the changes in pink. It matches your aesthetic. Hope your day has been really nice! @Eccetra
  5. Eccetra

    Eccetra Rat Mumther

    Jun 10, 2014
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. pixYcandi

    pixYcandi Random Adjective Generator

    Feb 13, 2018
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    @Eccetra I have redone the proficiency, that's all that's been touched and needs re-reviewed. Hope your day is great! <3
  7. Eccetra

    Eccetra Rat Mumther

    Jun 10, 2014
    Likes Received:
    All calculations are sound according to my calculator!

    ☼ Approved! ☼
    • Powerful Powerful x 1

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