Martyland Prepping A Survival Rp Faction


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
I'm trying to get back in the game of Survival Roleplay to enjoy some more light-rp settings away from Regalia with a different atmosphere. I've got a decent land claim in the Roleplay River Pact area, with neighboring factions Armaschleit and Mithril, but am lacking a real base of population to interact with. My faction currently contains the members:
  • SupremeCripple
  • Carlit0o
  • Doc_Cantankerous
  • Scribbe
  • Antonvoron
  • Finlaggan
  • Arhbi
  • Dosier
  • LumosJared
  • jla129 (currently not in-faction)
  • some more of SupremeCripple's friends whose names I have forgotten
But we're obviously looking for more. Currently we don't really have a faction set up yet, mosrtly just an underground storage and a darkroom and a basic infrastructure to hide from raiders if need be. Currently we have a few enemies that think it's funny to /f enemy the server owner, but haven't really experienced any raiding, and I'm fairly certain that as soon as the builds are done, we'll get by without ever dealing with too many issues. We have a number of allies, as notably said most if not all of our neighbors Mithril, Armaschleit, Magnanimus, Drachovia and Brightshore that are all loosely allied in a sort of roleplay coalition.

We haven't really decided what we're going to do with our faction yet. Originally it was intended to be kind of a monastery abbey vibe, but that's not super "fresh" for new RP vibes away from Regalia. It's currently set in a tundra like area, but we've really got the opportunity to make whatever the group kinda wants. Obviously the faction will be sort-of-lore-compliant, but we won't "strictly" enforce the Regalian rule set, meaning anyone can be a mage or demon whatever as long as it fits the story of the town/settlement what we're going to do, all is up for debate within the faction.

I consider the core members mentioned above the real MVP members, so their decision will obviously weigh more than newcomers, but we're principally open to new recruits joining us. For now we can vaguely promise rp interactions if they occur along with our faction neighbors, and a house assigned at some point when we're done with our housing system.

If you want to sign up, make an application on this thread and be sure to @MonMarty at the end of your post so I get an alert. If you're accepted, we'll invite you over to the discord we're probably going to make at some point from where we'll conclude faction planning. Just say why you wanna join and what you wanna do and we'll take a look at it.
  • Username(ign/discord): HeyoFreyo/HeyoFreyo#9311
  • I'd like to join because I've been searching for a good roleplay faction for a while. I've been apart of a few, but the members were really inactive or only roleplayed in Regalia. I feel like joining this faction will give me the opportunity to roleplay outside of Regalia and with different players. It will also give me a chance to roleplay in a place with a different vibe and feel. I'm fairly good at decorating, so I feel like I could contribute that and icly, I'd like to run a butcher shop within the faction.
Hey, I've been looking to join a RP faction that I can help build. I want to brush up on my building skills and help plan out housing and such. Also, it can never hurt for me to up my mcmmo levels...

I'd like to have people a bit more my own age and I wanna join a strong faction, in return I can show you that I can be a very dedicated player, social and helpfull
I'm 19 years old, 20 in a month and in university, I can commit to the faction wihtout any problem, in the beginning I'll follow blindly, but I won't join as a mindlsave, in the beginning I wanna work hard to Ensure you guys can trust me, but I've played wow and other games and as I'm not the owner type, I'd like a leading fucntion later on (work my way through the ranks) and if the teamwork and the friendships are good, I'm even prepared to drop some money into the server to help us and again to just Ensure I'm dedicated, don't wanna join a huge faction where I'll ben on the lowest rank, that rank being that you have nothing to say. @MonMarty
Howdy, I'm keen to join. I used to be pretty active on Massivecraft about 3 years ago but then the last 3 years of high school took up the majority of my time. However, I graduate in 68 days and I miss Massivecraft so here I am. I used to roleplay a lot during my active period and I'd be down to get back into it, but most of all I miss being in a faction and contributing to its development. I've never been a good fighter, whether it be on ffxiv, wow, Minecraft, or real life, but goddamn can I gather resources. It's safe to say that I'm a digital hoarder and so I'll happily gather whatever you want. I can also build okay structures. Not the best, but satisfactory. However, I can farm for 3 hours and feel satisfied with my life afterwards. Oh and also I turn 18 in November if Martyland is an R18 type of place. My Discord is Kas#0537.

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I'm currently finishing a building project for another faction, but would be very interested in joining this one after if there is a lot of building needed. Looking to get away from the sandstone desert style I'm currently in so am interested in the riverside landscape. Also interested in the RP aspect and something a little less PvP oriented. I should be finishing up the farm project at the other faction fairly soon, so please let me know if you're interested in having me join! Thank you <3
