Mariyajno Faya Tresulaan

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Acosmism, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. Acosmism

    Acosmism Sugar Parental Unit

    May 25, 2020
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    Full Name: Mariyajno Faya Tresulaan (Nickname Mari)
    Age: 114
    Gender: Male
    Race: Teledden Altalar
    Sexuality: As long as it has a pulse and it breathes, and even then there are a few exceptions
    Preferred Weapon: Charm
    Proficiency Limits: N/A
    Total Points: 50 Core + 10 Talent + 10 Hobby + 5 Racial Boost
    +15 Sword Combat
    +10 Rapier Combat
    +5 Lightbow Combat
    +12 Linguistic Science (Middle Altalar, D'Ithanie, Plains Elven, Twi Dialects, Ancient Altalar)
    +5 Statecraft Command
    +5 Stealth Rogue (Talent)
    +8 Woodwind Instrument (5 Talent + 3 Core)
    +10 Dancing Art (Hobby)

    Body Shape
    Physical Stat: 5 Dancing Art + 15 Sword Combat + 10 Rapier Combat + 5 Lightbow = 35, capped at 15
    Low Body Fat

    Common (given)
    Modern Altalar (Mother Language)
    Middle Altalar (Linguistics)
    D'Ithanie (Linguistics)
    Plains Elven (Linguistics)
    Twi Dialects (Linguistics)
    Ancient Altalar (Linguistics)

    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    Learning of Ancients
    Calvannis Chain
    Sei-Mann’s Craft


    Eye Color: Striking pale blue
    Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
    Hair Style: Long (About mid-back), usually half-up half-down with various braids sprinkled about here and there, and some decorative gold clips where suited best.
    Skin Color: Porcelain
    Clothing: Usually more form-fitting, almost always incorporating the colour purple. His style could be seen as more feminine, but it includes many bright colours and great silks. His style makes it obvious he grew up in class, but that he is fun-loving, charismatic, and free-willed.
    Height: 6’8”
    (Mari uses his ability to look young despite his great age)


    Character Alignment
    Chaotic Neutral

    Character Personality Type
    The Entertainer

    Faith of Estel 4/10



    Mari was born on June 8th, 194, to two stuffy-nosed Teledden stuck in a miserable arranged marriage. The two were successful mages and hoped to raise their sons and/or daughters the same way, to be successful and long-lasting. They had two more sons after Mari, and one daughter, making Mari the oldest. At the time they lived in Tanaar Ivaëlle.

    Childhood-teenage years

    Mari was quickly put to work, studying as soon as he could read, which was at a pretty early age compared to his siblings and peers. From an early age, Mari was showing signs of advanced intellectual capacity, being able to absorb information swiftly and with ease, storing it in his mind for future reference. Because of this, expectations arose, expectations that, for a teenager, were extremely high and pressuring.

    When Mari was sixteen, the family moved to Avela Monvarindra for their Mage Schools, hoping to push Mari and his siblings further into their hopefully magic and knowledge-filled futures.

    Young Adult

    Mari found himself enjoying the Avela culture, the freedom and colourfulness it portrayed really attracting him, making him stray from his studies. He began to sneak out at night, and as a result of this, his studies dropped along with his grades and overall achievement in his academic life. His parents saw this and immediately sought to pull all fun and extracurricular activities from his daily life for good, entrapping him in a state of studious depression and pressure from peers and elders alike.


    In terms of knowledge, Mari faired well. In magic, he found himself failing every single day to the point where his parents were immensely disappointed in him. He couldn't do anything in terms of magic, his only power being his intellectual knowledge -- vast as it was, it was not enough to meet the high expectations of his family and peers. Shunned by them now, he ultimately moved away from them to prove his worthiness and usefulness elsewhere. He eventually settled in Ithania and took up a teaching position in Academie du Éducation dans l'Histoire du Monde.

    Later Years - Present

    He served in Academie du Éducation dans l'Histoire du Monde for forty years until he aged seventy (during those forty years it was mainly repetition, with a few scandals here and there and sprinkled affairs but never any relationships that worked out), and was getting tired of his repetitive lifestyle. During these years of teaching he was considered stuffy-nosed and strict, most everyone he taught being distant from him due to his unkind nature. As he aged he realized his ways were outdated and did not make much sense, and worst of all: they reflected the actions of his parents. He remembered in his youth when he wished to dance and sing and run about, and realized now he could do that. He retired from teaching in 264 and went on to pursue a more colourful lifestyle. He travelled all over the world, mostly in the south, going wherever he could and doing whatever seemed the most fun, colourful, and brightest things he could get his hands on. that was forty-four years ago, and over these four decades, he learned much more through his travels than he did in books. He learned a handful of combative strategies through passing trainers, musical talents, dancing, and most importantly: how to have fun. With this newfound freedom, he now resides in Regalia, dancing about the streets and causing chaos where he wishes, really having not a care in the world.

    • Winner Winner x 5
    #1 Acosmism, Sep 28, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
  2. Acosmism

    Acosmism Sugar Parental Unit

    May 25, 2020
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    I LIED I'm bad at aesthetics say goodbye to all who knew me
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  3. Grimmsome

    Grimmsome mr. blue sky (living here today)

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Hi! I'm claiming this application for review. Expect a response fairly soon.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. Grimmsome

    Grimmsome mr. blue sky (living here today)

    Aug 6, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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