Preserved Sheet Maria ‘mary’ Jameson

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Jun 23, 2019
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Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Maria Anna Escritora Rica de Puerto de Plata 'Mary' Jameson

Age: 29 (Looks 20)

Gender: Female

Race: Daen-Velhiemer Ailor (Wildlander Culture),

Sexuality: Bisexual

Preferred Weapon: Daggers, often stiletto style, and Arming Swords/Swords.
1. Steel dagger engraved with Unionist sigils.
2. Regal Pouch with 100r in fivepieces.
3. Regal pouch with 500r in tenpieces (Kept between chest)
4. Steel armingsword engraved with Unionist sigils, not often kept on person
5. Blacksteel Sword. Purchased from Keldor Artemis @ Leaping Ksai Jewlers' Forge
6. Orange Koi Pass (Stolen)
7. Shining brass and ruby engraved engagement ring. (Luminous Gem purchase, from Reynard Benac)
8. Steamtech biotic arm (Provided by Reynard Benac)

Core Concept

  • Anna is a Unionist by obligation and self-observed duty. Returned to life largely by the Prince Cedromar Kade and the diety of God Empress Ness, Anna is a fledgeling Unionist with great devotion to Ness and the Celates, a following of the Creed as she knows it, and a desire to inundate herself further within the church, branching past the ideas of the Minoth Sect she used to be to find a new, more respected sect and church of faith within Unionism.
  • Anna's Identity is seen within her ability to help others andbe a good businesswoman, when her businesses she manages is doing well, or people she is helping are truly able to thrive in life, that is where she collects her purpose from.

Skill Information:

Total Points:50 + 10 Hobby | 3 Unused

Combat Skills:
  • 15 Sword Combat (10 Base + 5 Racial Bonus)
  • 10 Dagger Combat (5 Base + 5 Seizing Innovation)
Other Skills:
  • 2 Baking Art
  • 5 Cooking Art (5 Hobby Points)
  • 5 Sailing Arts (5 Hobby Points)
  • 5 Perception Training
  • 5 Medicinal Arts
  • 5 Bodycare Training
  • 12 (3 Roguery Skill Buys)
    • Slight of Hand Pack
    • Burglary Pack
    • Rogue Gift 1
    • Rogue Gift 4
  • 3 Language Buy
Body Stat Calculation:

Blades Combat 1 * 15 = 15
Dagger Combat 1 * 10 = 10

Sailing Arts 0.5 * 5 = 3 (Rounded from 2.5)
Bodycare Traning 0.5 * 5 = 3 (Rounded from 2.5)

Body Stat: 30 (Racial Cap, otherwise 31)

Body Shape: Ripped Body Type
Average Body Fat

Special Traits and Mutation

  • Roguery
  • Rogue Gift 1 (Point Allocation)
  • Rogue Gift 4 (Point Allocation)
  • Slight of Hand Pack (Point Allocation)
  • Skin Purge 1
  • Rogue Gift 1-4 Immune (Perception Proficiency)
  • Mundane Light Mend I (Medical Proficiency)

    New Abilities Lack Name: From MonMarty and Birdsfoot_Violet

    Unable to become Vampire/Werebeast.

    Burning Touch: Any known vampire to come into contact with Mary Jameson causes her to have a burning sensation in their hands.

    Subject to Magestorms: When Magestorms occur, Mary disappears as her new body was fashioned by Birdsfoot_Violet's char.


Common (Free)

Daendroque (Homeland)

Skodje (Point Allocation)

Sulvaley (Free Language |
People of Many Tongues)

Appearance Information (Required)

    • Mutations, similar: Maria has a missing right arm that was cut off below the elbow. She has a steamtech arm to replace such, with plans to soon get one of crystaltech and will alternate between the gray steel and its vents, or the blue crystal with gemstones.
    • Anna has sky blue eyes and blonde hair, appearing quite Velheim with a pale skin tone and often braided or bunned hair. She has a tight musculature about her person from routine trainings she takes part in and is about 5'5", weighing in at a solid 142lbs. She takes pride in keeping her body well maintained, and as such has high muscular definition on her arms and legs with a flat, toned set of abs on her stomach.

Anna Escritora Rica de Puerto de Plata Jameson-Burgos

+ Relation: Mother

Info: Maria's mother. A local writer and an inspiration to Maria. It is from her that she learned to be a Daen woman, and hold the sentiments of such to the point that the racism was not even considered abnormal. She taught Maria to be gentle, to thread, cook, and though tough learning how to properly poison someone or simply just pickpocket or even reverse-pickpocket them. From her books did Maria learn to write.

Cadre Jameson:

+ Relation: Father

Info: A Northerner, her father was a sailor who settled to be a merchant but she knows little else and was only recently introduced to the fact that the tattoos she knew him to have were part of Vihelm culture rather than sailor culture. He taught her most of what she knows about small arms and fast blade combat, along with a bit of her assassination knowledge. It is from him and a few others did she learn to be a Regalian woman.

Ana la pobre de Puerto de Plata

+ Relation: First kill

Info: A beggar woman who often stole from her parent's shop, Maria's womanhood was earned in her family by the murder of this woman who none in town favored. This woman often haunts Maria as the murder and the intensity of it broke most of who she finds herself. The verdict of the town was this though; Ana had a few too many drinks one night, and at some time headed home after to die of rancid garlic poisoning, enough that it had likely been slathered on the blade that only just nicked her hand.

Life Story:

Age 0-4: Mary is raised speaking Daen, Velheimer and Common at home, not taught anything other than the effects and roles of power dynamics and respect, general behavioral traits. Her father around this time opens up shop and mother establishes herself as a local journalist, settling down with their child after a few years of adventure.

Age 4-12: Maria lives simply as a child. Taught Daendroque and Velheim cultures and gleans what other cultures are like though elders shelter her from elves. Maria at this age is taught who to be as a woman and gender roles, as well as how in Daendroque the roles within the household were often applicable to each family their own.

Age 13-17: Maria raised in ways of womanhood, writing, and in the skills of a thief and assassin, testing her first kill at fifteen and after simply taught to hone her skills. She is also taught to be sometimes selfish, to serve herself, and that the world is hardly ever fair but justice often comes to those who have pushed their bounds too far. She sets to be an assassin simply due to conditioning, and the fact that people often pay more for that than simple poetry, though true murder that is intimate and close at the same time is something that she despises, and thus puts more of her training into forgery.

Age 18-25: Maria lives in Puerto de Plata as a ghost writer for her mother, moving out and sometimes working to smuggle things into and out of the Sun Islands with falsified ledgers and signatures. Through this busy time she is unable to find a husband to please the elders and eventually is offered passage to Regalia, the Holy and Crown City. She leaves with some seamen, a guest who for a year provides plays and poetry along with a few personal novels for them in return for them never being rough with her. It is here where she realizes she might be bisexual. Facing pressure from her mother and extended family, Maria made her way to start a proper education for the skills she was taught in her youth. Only a few months after her eighteenth birthday and work for her family, she attends the Regalian Informational Academy. Quickly being a quick study, she surpassed peers but always was privy to hide her skills from her professors. Here, her skills were honed and she learned not only the espionage skills of her homeland of Daen and the work of a spy, but how to be politically savvy and infiltrate various groups, maintaining a persona of a Daen National. Once graduating from the Informational Academy under one alias, she entered the Narlas College for Commerce under the simple name Maria Jameson. Her experience working her parents' shop in her youth aided her here, and use of espionage helped keep her at the top of this school. It was a large mystery then, as to why she simply disappeared for a few months to only reappear later in Regalia.

26: two months after her birthday, she decides to really get out into the social scene, having her beautiful if used dresses and a beautiful house, if in a poor district. Maria was faced with huge resistance to her ignorant and racist ways, meeting those in the melting pot that is Regalia begins to lose her learned ignorance by force of herself, often at the expense of mental health and intense repression. She sells services near the Basilisk, which was close to her home. She has no set employer but the most common forgery she makes is papers for citizenship, when she ironically has her own legitimately.

27: The year that she truly explored herself, and explored Regalia. Maria spent much of her first year in Regalia finding out about the city, learning of its people and the roads, the culture and noble houses. It all flooded her head and she tried her best to work as a part time writer and the other half doing whatever she could (that was legal and not prostitution) for coin. She also explored her sexuality, her identity, and her independence. For her, this time was about learning all she could, about everything.

28: Spending the beginning parts of the year wrapping up and slowing down her life, Maria began to settle into herself and hone her more benign skills, cooking, and language. Pursuing a learning endeavor in her history, she went onto a Velheimer ship just as winter began, and spent time on this ship learning rigging and being the ship cook. She learned Sköd more properly and became educated in the culture of sailors, Velheimers, and in turning down advances from the very people she lived with. Maria soon was hired by a man, Rickett Hoth and was the figurehead running the restaurant section of his hybridized tavern and tailor's going as far as commissioning the signs to be made for her shop and adding in her own artistic flourishes. Around this time she was able to socialize with people of higher caliber than what she used to know, befriending Cinna Eledhwen and often relaxing on some days with Merril Audhild. As the year came to a close, she decided to begin closing her ties with smuggling and general crime. She settled old debts and other matters, traveling across Aloria well into the beginning of her 29th year.

29 (Now): Maria has returned to Regalia, going by Mary. She finds work in re-opening her own restaurant and as working as a medic in the Burning Bridges clinic. She similarly begins work at the Leaping Ksai Trading company. Upon the passing of her mother, she gains control of her larger family's coernerstone shop and a share of the shipping company. Finding a wealth of friends and coin, she merely wishes to use it for good intents or to lead to a general sense of goodness in the city and world. Temporarily dying after a stretch of bad affairs she was tricked into, she now serves Ness as well as she can and confronts life in a different air, working to manage a family rather than doing things purely on her own.

Maria, now always going by Mary, came back to Regalia, soon finding work in restaurant owning and working the Burning Bridges Clinic. It has only been a few weeks, but she enjoys her work. She is doing good, feeling bad, and overall hoping for the best of changes. Seemingly peculiar, she has despite wishing to no longer be one of crime, indulged in her skills of spywork and information gathering. At times, it seems she hears information first hand when she was not around. No one knows what is going on, but perhaps it is due to a day she spent with a friend, missing for a whole day. (Became Alais willingly.) Recently, with the passing of her mother and working various restaurants in management, Maria has taken to claim ownership of the store her family owned in the little port home of Puerto de Plata. She sends letters home instructing the prior employees on how to manage the store, as well as is a co-manager at the Leaping Ksai's Leaping Dumpling Restaurant. She's taken a quick study of medical application in her job at the Bridges. Seemingly giving up a past of combat, she wishes to hone her skills as an honest businesswoman and assistant nurse. Quite a surprise, Mary exposed herself as infected and became a willing informant to the Violets on a coven known as the Danse Masquerade. Curing, she is continuing the rest of her goals as well as has plans to adopt a friend by the name of Heinrich, as well as have a fulfilling life with her partner, Reynard Benac. Only a minor hiccup has came from such. Her death. Gutted and left on the street, she was a helpless soul for about half a week before mysteriously returning. Quite odd it was, then. Taking some time for recovery and then back to her old self then, Mary only had a new outlook on life and many a happy new memories to make for herself. Taking her new outlook, Mary has found herself worshiping Ness more, and taking the act of becoming a better person seriously. She has honed her craft of medicine to be more skilled, training with her now Fiancée, Reynard. She took new interest in using her daggers, too often caught in close quarters that she wishes to not die yet again from someone who simply got in too close for her blades. Similarly, she has pushed herself deeper into her cooking, finding a sort of bliss and peace when doing so, and building on her utter enjoyment of the craft from before, perhaps nothing bringing her as much happiness as she is given by feeding others, especially her family and friends.
After a recent kidnapping, the woman has found herself shortly with a new one at the act of her fiance. Planning to find one of crystal, she plans for the steamtech to merely be temporary, and to one day regain feeling and warmth in the missing limb.

  • Maria Anna is born 280AC, she was born to the matron of her family and a strange Hvitskager. Growing on a small island off the coast of Daenshore, the family beginning to take on a more Velheim culture about themselves, even adopting a new sailing crew throughout the wold of mostly Velheim.
  • Seemingly raised in Daenshore caused Maria to be raised to write, kill, and lead from a young age, even at times taking over as a manager at her family's business and local shops, though not the shipping companies as a whole. She has little time to enjoy her youth, not quite knowing the idea of toys and crafts as much as letting one's child do as they please so long as they can still perform tasks to better their future.
  • Mary, perhaps late in life, took to her adulthood with a pursuit in education. Taking time to learn finance on a professional level, and yet espionage and roguery even before that. Intermingling such with sailing to give her a better well rounded look upon the world, if still embracing the Velheim ideals instilled into her from a young age.
  • Graduating from school with honors, the woman and all her combat prowess took her to sea, traveling most of Western Aloria. Running at times privatweering raids, trading and shipping runs, and many more things before she focused on Regalia, doing similar here until she finally came to settle. Today, her main reason to stay being able to protect her friends she has made within the city, and make her family proud by conducting and creating businesses to thrive in the Crown City.

Progression Information

Rogue 2, Warrior 1
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Hello! A lovely Daendroquin character, a rogue, making their way into the city, how exciting! Let's get into the review:

Firstly, I'd like to see if you fixed up the format a bit with making the headings more clear and segment it under the right stuff. A good example of a well-formatted application can be found here.

Alright, let's get cracking.

  • In the Religion, could you place how devout your character is to Unionism out of 10. (x/10)
  • Do you think add to your life story the reason why Maria also pursued becoming an assassin as a side career?
  • Could you maybe place more emphasis on who she works for as well?
Please highlight the changes in lovely blue when you're done!
Hello! A lovely Daendroquin character, a rogue, making their way into the city, how exciting! Let's get into the review:

Firstly, I'd like to see if you fixed up the format a bit with making the headings more clear and segment it under the right stuff. A good example of a well-formatted application can be found here.

Alright, let's get cracking.

  • In the Religion, could you place how devout your character is to Unionism out of 10. (x/10)
  • Do you think add to your life story the reason why Maria also pursued becoming an assassin as a side career?
  • Could you maybe place more emphasis on who she works for as well?
Please highlight the changes in lovely blue when you're done!

I have completed the recommended actions as well as made the marriage noncanon as Lixis has gone MIA and likely it won't be part of the major story, and replaced Lixis with Manaxi as Manaxi just kind of instantly became a close acquaintance of Maria. Maria is still married but she might try to file for divorce on grounds that she couldn't have consented to marrying, as she was at the time drunk.
@Tibertastic I have updated my sheet with new proficiencies. Removed rogue training entirely in lieu of combat skills, and highlighted the new parts in blue.
hey ! i am Chap and this is my peer review
to try and help with the crazy amount of apps being reposted / posted I will look at prof points and body stat but thats it . my thing is numbers not words !

★ Racial boosts no longer exist it is simply everyone is born with 5/60 (pretty sure this was just a term error)

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Re-Approved as I can find no issues.
Hi, so I added hobby points and just want reapproved for that. As well as did a wipe recently for her progress with Max as it led to a lot of non-lore friendly stuff. Ty!
My Review:
Total Points:37 (Base 5, Age 22, Hobby 10)

+5 Literary Arts (Base 5)

+ 3 Perception Training (Age points)

+ 7 Fast Blades Combat Skill (Age points)

+ 7 Thin Blades Combat Skill (Age points)

+ 3 Athletic Training (Age points)

+ 10 Cooking Sciences (From Hobby points)

+ 4 Unarmed Combat Skill (Age points)
  • 5 + 3 + 7 + 7 + 3 + 4 = 29. You're two points over what you're actually allowed, please fix this.
Body Shape

Body Shape Calculation:

Unarmed Combat: 4 x 2 8

Fast Blade Combat: 7 x 1 7

Think Blade Combat: 7 x 1 7

Athletic training 3 x 2 6

Total: 28

Body Shape: Ripped Body Type

Average Body Fat
Tag me once these issues have been addressed @HexedNoob
Edits: Proficiency change, language added, Added correct age and added to life story.
1. Steel dagger engraved with Unionist sigils.
2. Regal Pouch with 100r in fivepieces.
3. Regal pouch with 500r in tenpieces (Kept between chest)
4. Steel armingsword engraved with Unionist sigils, not often kept on person - "No character has access to any Metal except Iron or painted variants in their backstory without the relevant Proficiency."

So unless your character forged those items themselves, or you bought them IC from a business in the city, you need to change them to just Iron.

Tag me once you are done with this one edit @CharmedHexes
@HydraLana I bought them about 6 months ago when there was that forge under the Golden Willow. I have a recipt tho lack signature from the person who played the smith. Though the shop now is GiGi's Flowers and Gifts

Screenshot: upload_2021-6-14_19-3-46.webp
Update because I missed page 2 of the receipt. Vakgar's Forge was the place
Remains approved.
Edited sheet and proficiencies to better and more accurately portray how my character is IC. Updated to pursue current path she is on as well as added espionage schooling as I had missed it in the first update a few weeks ago to explain her skills in spywork.
You cannot claim Schooling knowledge from the sources you site. You can only earn the knowledge through attending the academies and facilities in question. Please adjust this information and tag me once you are done @CharmedHexes
How would I incorporate such? Told in a discord ticket from staff Azas#8462 that
You can also incorporate it[Store ownership and management] off screen, so to speak, by buying the Finance School proficiency - you can read more on this at This doesn't have to necessarily mean they attended the school, it can be used as they spent 3 years learning these specific skills in an immersive environment.

If I have to give her schooling for certain things, do I have to rewrite her backstory to have gone to school then even if she reasonably was taught similarly over a more extended period of time?
I also updated her hometown name as per your mention of Puerto Azul being an actual place and potential name confusion
Re ping since idk if editing a message to put one works or if it's just cosmetic like discord, sorry.
No, I am aware of these pings, the discussion just took some time. Ultimately after internal discussion, we have concluded that the ticket answer was incorrect. The reason being that in attending and stating Schooling, a character gains access to Progression abilities and connections that private tutoring does not afford them, and there are also differences in quality or ability between private tutoring and large-scale education. I have to uphold my statement that you must either remove Schooling, or bake it into your backstory. Tag me once these changes have been made @CharmedHexes
Character needs re-approval for visual changes and ability additions from death and revival. New abilities from MonMarty adding on, visual changes and new body from Birdsfoot_Violet @HydraLana
@HydraLana ran a small update on Anna, switching out bodycare for sleight of hand pack. Trading away 3 points for a 3 point pack. Re-formatted the sheet itself to look better, and added new item into inventory in lieu of upcoming marriage.
I finished another rework of Mary, reworked proficiencies to match what she has been doing ICly lately, decreasing Sailing Arts as she has not sailed in some time, removed strength proficiency, and increased other skills as she has had more focus on them. Added a bit to the life story to match such. @HydraLana