Preserved Sheet Margot Knockaert

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hater of men
Jan 30, 2019
Reaction score
the village

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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Margot Bonnibelle Knockaert

  • Age: 25
    • April 3rd, 279
  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ailor
    • Half Highland Ceardrian, Half Ithanian
      • Father was Ithanian, while mother was Ceardrian.
  • Religion: Unionist

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
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Skill Information

  • 25 Points to spend from age

  • +10 Bodycare Training | Cultural boost

  • +5 Unarmed Combat | Invested points

  • +5 Perception Training | Invested points

  • +10 Thread Arts | Invested points

  • +5 Literary Arts | Invested points
Body Stat

  • Physical Stat of 5, +5 Unarmed Combat. 5x2=10

  • Toned Body shape

  • Average Body fat.

  • Common | 10/10

  • d'Ithanie | 8/10, learned from father
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Margot moved to Regalia as a young child with his parents. To Margot, it is unknown the real reason why her parents moved there other than "Work". She's been living there since she was 12, so she's not particularly new to the city. Growing up, Margot lived in the slums, and she still does, but this led her to love fashion, nobility, and possibly power. She works as a tailor in Regalia, providing the people of the slums shirts, pants, dresses, and basic clothes.

  • Margot was born to a man and a woman like many people are. His parents were named Bridget and Francois Knockaert. She was born in a small town in Ithania, after 12 years of living there, her parents moved to the Holy City, Regalia. They lived in the slums and was an only child.

  • Margot's main goal in life is to become a famed fashion designer. She wants to achieve this by starting a small, lovely boutique in the slums, then buying an even bigger shop once she gets enough money.
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Sky Blue

  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde

  • Hair Style: Medium hair length, curly, usually in a ponytail.

  • Skin Color: Pale Peach

  • Clothing: Although she lives in the slums, she loves high fashion, and often tries to recreate it with what material she has.

  • Height: 5'5

Personality and Abilities

  1. Margot's Alignment is Chaotic Neutral. She values herself over others, she accepts bribes, or anything in a trade that she sees would benefit her to get her to her one goal; Power and Money.

  2. Margot's personality type is ENTJ-A or a Commander. She's a natural born leader, embodying charisma and confidence. Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination, and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they've set for themselves.

  3. Margot is purely unionist, she was born unionist and plans on staying unionist. She wouldn't change her Religion for anything or Anyone.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • Likes
    • Men with Beards
      • Beards make Margot feel safe, and she is instantly attracted to anyone with a beard. She finds that people with beards are almost always good, smart, and handsome. To an extent, this is a weakness for her.
    • Animals
      • Margot has always liked Animals, specifically, cats. She finds them not to be too playful, but not too sassy. She finds them comforting, fluffy, and nice. In addition, she also likes smaller animals, I.E. Mice, Guinea Pigs, and Hamsters.
    • High Fashion
      • Growing up in the slums, Margot never had access to a good fashion choice. It was usually rags, and a dirty skirt. This led her to love high fashion, such as noble fashion. Even though she still lives in the slums, she tries to replicate it with whatever she has.
  • Dislikes
    • Sanguines
      • Like any rational minded person, Margot never had any love for Sanguines. She is scared of them, and would never dream of befriending one.
    • Magic
      • Magic to Margot is more of a fear than a dislike. She sees it as unnatural and different, and different is not okay. Although she's never seen it in person, she's extremely scared of what it could do to her.
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  1. Childhood
    1. Margot's parents were never meant to be. Her father was a merchant in Ithania, while her mother was living in the slums to be with Margot's father. Her mom was named Bridget Smith, while her father was François Knockaert.

    2. Margot's mother had a hard life, but since her father sent them money, they were able to afford basic needs. She played with friends in the slums but never attended school. While a child, she was very manipulative, making her friends do her bidding and what she wanted.

    3. In her early teens (12, to be exact.) Her parents fled Ithania to Regalia, mostly for their love of each other. As I said before, her parents were never meant to be. When they fled to Regalia, they moved to the Regalian slums, it wasn't much different than the Ithanian slums, but at least it was bigger.
  2. Early Adulthood - Present day
    1. When Margot turned 18, she was still living with her parents, but this time, she had a bigger dream. She wanted to become powerful, rich, and famous. And how do you do that all at once? Fashion. She never attended school, but her mother was a pretty mean, lean, sewing machine. When Margot turned 22, she opened up a speakeasy-like tailor shop in her parent's house, although it was mostly run in her room.

    2. It was a challenge, to say the least, to keep it open. She wished she could just move out, but she didn't have enough money. Until one day when she was 25, she earned enough money to buy herself a shop. She does exactly that! Opening up her shop. (OOC NOTE: The shop application is still under review! So it's not technically open yet!).
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Hello! I'm claiming this application for review!
Hello! It's review time!
  • First off, she does not have enough body stat to be athletic, since Cultural boosts do not factor into body stat.
  • Please put all expansions/optional sections into a spoiler.
  • If she is a devout Unionist she would not so easily be converted to a new religion. Please edit her personality accordingly.
Please make these edits in a new color and tag me @Rochelle_ when done!