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Played Character Marceau Francois Delmotte

This character is actively played.


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party



Character Information
  • Full Name: Marceau Huinousse-Pouvoir Ruse Coeur Delmotte Loup de Bastadon
  • Heritage: Regal Ailor
  • Age: Twenty Eight
  • Gender: Male
  • Religion: Unionist
  • Affinity: Markenism
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Skin Color: Caucasian
  • Hair: Light Brown
  • Height: 5'10
Skill Information
  • Character Occupation: Count of Bastadon, Nobleman, Senior Officer, Division General
  • Hobbies: Equestrianism, Cartography, Reading, Journaling, Historical Studies
  • Languages: Common, Ithanian, Altalar, Anglian

Life & History

  • Marceau Delmotte is the current Count of Bastadon from the House of Delmotte, beginning his reign as a titled nobleman in the year 307. He is the only son of Louis 'The Peacemaker' and his wife Camille Heress-Omerie, but does have two younger sisters by the names Adeline and Renee.

    After beginning a courtship halfway through 311, Marceau would go on to be wed with Yvea Peirgarten in 312, begetting the twins Francis and Justine with her that same year. It is thought that the two married for love rather than political convenience, and public demonstrations by the Count suggest that this is most certainly true.
  • Marceau Delmotte was born on 1 June 284 in the province of Irvellan. He is the only son of Louis Delmotte and Camille Heress-Omerie, though has two younger sisters. Initial designs for Marceau suggested that he would go on to be a Viridian, though this would be strongly contested by his mother, insisting that he should be spared the duties and obligations of knighthood so to better focus on eventually inheriting her title of Miser.

    Until the age of ten, Marceau would be educated entirely by family tutors, who would describe their student as both curious and pensive, positing a keen interest in his instructions, particularly when concerning lessons to do with histories of the Empire and the lands of his expected inheritance. This was likely impressed on him by his mother rather than his father, who was far more interested in martial pursuits.

    Upon the aforementioned age, done with the hope of building an alliance with another family in Basta, Marceau's parents would grant him as a ward to House de Gosselin. This would involve Marceau being relocated to the city of Bastillion, seated in the province of Bastadon, to be tutored in the de Gosselin household as an honored guest.

    Marceau was quick to befriend the other children of the court, including those belonging to the servants, or children that had been employed as servants themselves. He became especially fond of a boy named Henry and his sister Roseline, the two known to be the son and daughter of the estate chef. Marceau's affable relationship with the other children was a comfort, and helped him think of Bastadon as a home away from home.

    Marceau would remain in Bastadon until his sixteenth name-day, at which point he would be sponsored admission to the Imperial Marshal Academy of Regalia.
  • WIP

Plot Hooks

  • Imperial Marshal Academy
    Marceau was sponsored admission to the Imperial Marshal Academy of Regalia in the year 300, and would continue to study with infrequent disruptions until the year 310, at which point he would graduate and be granted an official Senior Commission. During his time as a student of the academy, it is likely that he would have had to do a great deal of interacting with the other pupils and faculty. As such, anyone who had been admitted to the Imperial Marshal Academy between the years 300 and 310 should at a baseline be at least familiar with who he is.

    The Battle for Basta
    In the year 306, during which time he had not yet graduated from the Imperial Marshal Academy and was still studying to qualify for a Senior Commission, Marceau would be summoned by his childhood guardian, the Marquis of Basta, and was enlisted as a strategic advisor in the Marquis' battles against Houses Paquet and d'Aruele, and the vast mercenary host of Frederique Ivrae. This was Marceau's first practical introduction to warfare, having only previously engaged in theory work.

    It is likely that during this time, and following de Gosselin's eventual victory and conquest into Ithania, that Marceau would have dealt with a vast number of other strategic personnel, knights in service to the House de Gosselin, or even common soldiery. It is perhaps just as likely that those on the opposite side of the confrontation may have heard of him, and may have since developed a poor opinion of him because of this.

    The Sendrassian War
    Halfway through the first leg of the Sendrassian War, Marceau was enlisted a Field General by Grand Marshal Typhonus, personally charged with the liberation of Bhoszzhaal; a Hadarian island province overtaken by Sendrassian Occupants. Not without grueling and hard fought efforts, the division of Imperial Armymen beneath Marceau would eventually prevail in cleansing the island of Sendrassian presence, and would successfully repel a large counter-invasion with the help of Imperial Navy Admirals.

    Marceau held the island of Bhoszzhaal until a blunder by the Grand Marshal, wherein they were captured by the Sendrassians, forcing the Regalia to surrender as a concession for the Grand Marshal's safe return.

    It can however, despite his forced removal from the Marshal Cabinet following the surrender of Bhoszzhaal, truthfully be said that Marceau was one of the very few competent Field Generals on the side of Regalia during this conflict. It is likely that most soldiers, Junior Officers and Knights involved in this war would have been familiar with his name and his charge.
  • WIP

Proficiency Information
  • General Marken Mechanics
    • Marken have enhanced senses, even when not transformed. They can see better (even in darkness), or hear quieter sounds from further away. (Consult with Event DM if this would reveal any new info).
    • Marken have a danger sense that borders on precognition, and are "warned" of their possible impending death during Combat or Events, allowing them to prematurely disengage or avoid fighting something.
    • Marken, if present at a God Summoning of the God that cursed whatever Marken infected them (however far back), can possibly be given "Redemption Quests" to free them of the curse or help them master it. (Not Guaranteed, at Discretion of Lore Staff).
    • Marken fare better in extreme temperatures and climates (cold or hot), and are not hurt or slowed down where other people might be, but this only applies to weather.
    • Marken can declare Rental/Estate/Base Region or a Wilderness Cave as their "Territory" granting them +1 to Attack Stat (break cap up to 11) while fighting within and around it. If another Marken declares the same area their Territory, neither gets the bonus, and they must fight over the area, with the winner getting the bonus.
    Howl Marken Mechanics
    • While in Quartermarken Form or greater, while out of Combat, can scale walls (using Ender Pearls) and the sides of buildings as long as they are not a perfectly flat surface.
    • While in Fullmarken Form, a Howl Marken can stare down another Fullmarken to potentially make them back down. Both players /roll 20, best out of three. The loser is forced to look away, deferring to the winner for that one instance.
    Full Marken Form Mechanics
    • Fullmarken Forms cannot make use of weapons or armor at all, instead their body (fists, claws, teeth) is their weapon, and their thick hide counts as Armor.
    • Fullmarken Forms are forced to use the Warrior Combat Style, and gain +2 Strength and +2 Constitution. Additionally, they have any Dexterity Proficiency converted to Strength capped at 7.
    • Fullmarken Forms regress into a more instinctive mindset, barring them from abilities. While in Fullmarken Form, they may only use point buy abilities from Melee, Shielding, Tanking, Bruiser, Athletics, Training, Cutthroat, or Roguery.
    • Fullmarken Forms are unable to speak (but they can still understand others). They can produce bestial noise Marken Speech, which any other Marken can understand, even while untransformed.
    • Fullmarken Forms are not constrained by any environment they have to fight in, whether that be Underwater or in frozen wastelands, they can use Attack Emotes or Abilities like normal always.
    • Fullmarken, if they are not in control of themselves, gain +2 Attack +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 11/9), but must attack anyone and everyone around them without discretion. This Mechanic does not work if they have no allies present.
  • Strength: 7
    Bruiser Point Buy
    Bruiser Slam
    Bruiser Tackle
    Bruiser Flurry
    Bruiser Agony
    Bruiser Rampage

    Bruiser Feint
    Melee Point Buy
    Pinning Throw
    Diving Tackle (Ailor Mechanic)
    Weapon Throw (Free)

    Constitution: 5
    Training Point Buy
    Rage Counter
    Status Endure
    Mounted Point Buy
    Familiar Disrupt
    Mounted Trooper (Ailor Mechanic)

    Wisdom: 1
    Chem Point Buy
    Technique Parry

    Dexterity: 1
    Sharp Reflexes
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I've been gone for a while. I need to know if there is any changes that need to be made.
strength and shielding packs changed to generic 'methods' rather than weapons, you can use any type with any weapon with them
forgery is gone
the 'general, commander, etc' packs are gonna all be underneath the "State Leadership Pack" in state point buy

lol idk if there are others but thers that. i would just look over the whole prof system and make sure you got all your ducks in a row
Looks all up to spec, just put the language packs you point bought under Charisma too!
Does he still have West Linguist Pack and Ancient Speech Pack? They're still listed under Languages (and Practiced Speech is now Practiced Mockery, which just allows Ailor to recognize shit-talking in other languages) @Arhbi