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Played Character Nicolette Delmotte

This character is actively played.


average LoL player
Feb 12, 2019
Reaction score

"Each milestone informs the next."

|| Theme || - || Imgur Album ||




Full Name: Nicolette Vesta Delmotte
— Nickname(s): Nicole
Heritage/Culture: Regal Ailor
Age: 23 Years

— Date of Birth: September 19th, 291 AC
— Zodiac: Virgo
Gender/Pronouns: Female - She/Her
— Sexuality: Bisexual
— Status: Single
Religion: Unionism
Occult: Mundane
Occupation: Noble & Aspiring Duelist



Eye Color: Steel Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Hair: Long, Wavy Cool Black Hair
Height: 5'4, or 165 cm
Body Type: Slim
Additional Features: None

Nicolette is a pale, female Ailor standing at 165 cm, or 5'4, with a relatively slim body and very little muscle definition. She has a heart shaped head, hair that is long and wavy with bangs, colored cool black hair and eyebrows, and steel blue eyes with white scleras. The Delmotte's fashion consists of elegant dresses, exquisite jewelry ranging from necklaces to earrings, and heels that acts as her normal attire, but when she is in combat, or training she tends to wear pants and a shirt with boots, and a scabbard that hangs at her waist that holds her sword.





Hobbies & Talents: Athletic
Languages: Common (10/10) | d'Ithanie (7/10)
Mechanics: Ailor Mechanics



Attack Stat | 7 (Strength)
Defense Stat | 5 (Con)
Points Spent | 14/15

7 | Strength - Melee & Athletic

Weapon Throw (Free Investment)
Technique Parry
Shrug Off
Knockback Sweep
Shattering Strike
Wounded Ego
Reflecting Strike
6 | Constitution - Shielding & Training
Shield Cover
Shield Rumble
Shield Snare
Shield Fortitude
Iron Will
1 | Intelligence - Adapt
Wardrobe Pack (Mundane)
0 | Wisdom
0 | Dexterity

0 | Faith
0 | Magic



Origins | 291 AC
In the wealthy nation of Basta, Nicolette Vesta Delmotte was born to her parents Guiscard Delmotte and Matilde Adnet.
Nobility | Born into House Delmotte
Nicolette was born into House Delmotte and her titles are Lady, or your Ladyship. She is a cousin to Count Marceau Delmotte and Lady Adeline Delmotte.
Aspiring Combatant | In Training
Nicolette is an aspiring combatant who's been training since she was an adolescent by her instructors in Basta. Whilst she may not have as much combat experience unlike others, she is sure her skills and expertise wielding a sword is good, though not perfect. Some of the swords she knows how to wield are rapiers, longswords, and broadswords.
Unionist Worshiper | Patron - Allest, the Champion
Nicolette is a Unionist and her chosen patron is Allest, the Champion.

Current | 315 AC
In February of 314 AC, Nicolette ventured off to Regalia to be with her cousins and other relatives, but returned home to Basta for several months. She has now returned to the city of Regalia once more.





  • To be added
  • To be added

Last edited:
Nicolette has returned.
  • App has been updated for new format
  • Some proficiency points have been shuffled
  • Updated Plot Hooks
  • Made sure to include a plain text app which can be located at the bottom of her app!
Changes woohoo!
  • Removed Oceanic Pack and Safeguard Pack. Intelligence is now at 1.
  • Added new Shielding Packs. Constitution is now at 4.
  • Overall revamped the app to make it look pretty.
  • Will do her relationships and likes/dislikes portions sometime soon.
Last edited:
  • Updated proficiency points with prof update.
  • Dexterity 2 > 0
  • Con 4 > 6
  • Everything else still the same pretty much.