Archived Making Guldar A Death World

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
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Look, I'll admit it, I have a thing for survival games. I started playing minecraft because the idea of trying to survive in a hostile environment, venturing out during the day and hiding during nighttime, seemed awesome to me. However, in this modern day and age most players on Massivecraft can easily survive in the world, aided by diamond armor and MCMMO. Guldar presents the server with an opportunity to create what could be described as a full survival world. Here's a rundown on my suggestions.

- Make it so that players cannot bring an inventory to the world "What are ye doing in that plate armor? You want to sink the darn ship? Light inventories only or we all go to Davy Jone's Locker"

-Make it so there are multiple 1 chunk spawns throughout the world that its possible to be brought in on. "Well, it's not the place we wanted, but I'll be darned if I spend another second in these waters."

-Make it so tree's can naturally produce saplings that will automatically plant themselves. Pretty sure this can be a plugin because this exists. Make it so tree's spread like they're on steroids.

-Speaking of tree's, make the vegetation freaking deadly! Idea's include (not sure if this can actually be implemented):
1. Plants that poison players and can actually kill them. However, when the players die a zombie spawns in their place.
2. Plants that will spawn silverfish if you break their logs. Imagine when a noob uses tree feller on one of these!
3. Plants that will apply slowness and nausea.
4. Tree's that are actually giant bombs ready to go off when a log is broken off. ( only the custom tree's the world starts with)
5. Make it so plants can spread plagues such as these.
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I like it but i doubt the Admins would want to have put all their effort into making Guldar only to make it a largely unusable world for the general faction populace.
Okay, let me start with a few facts.
I am a huge Warhammer 40k fan.
I am primarily a Guardsmen, and have been an Imperial Guard player for some time.
I mainly use Catachan detachments, as they are the best. They hail from a death world.
So any of my following opions are going to be heavily biased in favor of making Guldar a death region. Deal with it.

Personally, it would be great to have a world dedicated to making PvE harder than PvP.
Making plants lethal would be great, although I have a couple additions to what has already been suggested.
4 & 5 probably are not feasible, so I wouldn't implement them. The first three are great, although I think that Yanar should have some kinda of resistance to these.
Messing with inventories doesn't make a ton of sense, because there would be ways around it. The two easiest ways being /bp and using enderchests. The random locations are also not the greatest ideas, as that would be more annoying that dangerous.

Besides the plants trying to kill you, I think it would be cool if most, if not all, mobs were stronger on this world. Normally passive mobs could potentially harm players, which would be really funny. Spiders (both kinds) and creepers could spawn a lot more often all the time, and all hostile mobs having high spawn rates at night. I'm not sure if one can mess with the day/night cycles, but perhaps there could be a way to make it so the night is longer than the day?

Basically, my thought process is that if this world is uber hostile, it might give the PvP community something to do, since wars and raids have been made harder to enact. With mobs being more of a threat than players on this world, it could act as a suitable replacement for wars for some.

Honestly, regardless of what is done and why, I just want an uber hostile world to roam and try to survive in. I personally think it would be fun.
Well, me and waymaker kinda want our next capital to be based there.
Besides the plants trying to kill you, I think it would be cool if most, if not all, mobs were stronger on this world. Normally passive mobs could potentially harm players, which would be really funny. Spiders (both kinds) and creepers could spawn a lot more often all the time, and all hostile mobs having high spawn rates at night. I'm not sure if one can mess with the day/night cycles, but perhaps there could be a way to make it so the night is longer than the day?
you can mess with the day/night cycle as far as i know whit some plugin wizardy. also was thinking, wouldn't this make that world perfect for vampires? long night and a short day, mobs don't attack vampiers so they would only have to fear exploding trees and players ;)
Exploding trees are possible, I also believe that depending on how the world is set up, it's possible to disable Enderchests and backpacks. In my opinion this a great idea but I think it should be kind of like a game, not a minigame but every few weeks or so the world is reset, players locked out and such. Once that has finished there is a day for people to join then the 'ship' leaves port. Not to return until that batch is done with. It would add sort of a UHC and kingdom vibe to the game. Just sayin'
Just wondering what ever happened to jorrhildr, it was announced before new ceardia...
Exploding trees are possible, I also believe that depending on how the world is set up, it's possible to disable Enderchests and backpacks. In my opinion this a great idea but I think it should be kind of like a game, not a minigame but every few weeks or so the world is reset, players locked out and such. Once that has finished there is a day for people to join then the 'ship' leaves port. Not to return until that batch is done with. It would add sort of a UHC and kingdom vibe to the game. Just sayin'
The idea of making this a "game" world, is a pretty bad idea to me. It would be the perfect place for an evil base, or something like that. Also, it would make sense for it to house a couple Shendar elf and Drowdar elf rp factions.
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