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Making A Choice


Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score

To whomever cares for this city and the decision of the peerage who only seek to protect it, we implore you to read further. House Abansaddi, on all fronts have come to an agreement on how we wish to move forward in these tumultuous times. We implore our allies or those who view themselves as our allies to follow suit.

In recent months not only has the Eronidas district been attacked by the Lothar Order breaking into homes, but the people who look to us for protection have been violently attacked by the same Order, some of which were mundane simply in close proximity to the Occult. This mixed with previous attacks, slander, racial remarks, and over-all uncouth jeering by purists, Lothar, and those who claim to be serving the Empire in this wretched crusade has led us to a decision regarding our house's stance. House Abansaddi officially stands with the Occult and against the reckless assaults brought on by those who fight them.

With this in mind I implore all reading this missive to remember that we are still Nobility and denounce the afflicted that will also be fighting, we do not stand specifically with them, but Occult of the city as a whole. This is a reminder that the house and all its facets condemn those who remain afflicted and continue to harm the city. This includes those mentally enslaved.

Counirth Akurgal Abansaddi,
Countess Enheduanna Abansaddi,
Lord Tanith Abansaddi,
Lord Skylock Abansaddi