Archived Make Vampires Less Friendly

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
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One problem I have right now is its EASY for humans and vampires to live together with almost no tension at all. This goes against all role playing. I agree that human/vampire societies could exist, but they would have constant tension between the humans and vampires. My suggestion to solve this problem is to make it so vampires can only get blood by killing livestock and humans. It make sense because right now vampires can kill a skeleton and get "blood". It will also increase tension by making it so humans fear the vampires because there is always a threat of them turning on the livestock or humans for food. If this is combined with Watchdog's "bite" suggestion I see this ramping up the tension between humans and vampires VERY nicely.
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Agreed. There should never be a time where vampires and humans live in harmony.
I think that vampires can live with humans, but it doesn't make sense if the humans know that the vampires are vampires. So if vampires simply would keep the fact that they are vampires a secret I see no problem with them living side by side with humans peacefully.
I agree, we really need more anti Vampire RP going on, discourage more people from becoming vampires, lest most others shun them. And what about vampire relations with the other races? I would imagine Orcs wouldn't mind vampires, as long as they can fight. Tigrans, they probably view them as another predator, unwelcome competition. The dwarves could easily coexist with vampires, but probably don't care much for them. I couldn't imagine elves feeling comfortable with vampires. The Yanar Don't seem like they'd really be the prejudiced type, though. Agni are probably neutral towards vampires. The Undead would likely get along just fine with Vampires, both are cursed beings of somesort. No Idea with Maiar...
Actually, you can't get blood from skeletons, the only agressive mob you can get blood from is spiders, and yeah, I think that should be removed.
What's funny is that vampires ARE undead. So they are like, second cousins or something.
spiders and silverfish are the only aggressive mob that do not give blood, zombies USED to give it if i remember right. but the only ways of blood i know of are livestalk, ppl (players/villagers) and spider/silverfish, and pets. i have NEVER recieved blood from any other mob, not even bats[DOUBLEPOST=1357630929][/DOUBLEPOST]i started hunting vampires/ppl interested in becoming vampires when they leave safezone areas so they learn "hey, being a vampire gets me killed, i may not wanna tell ppl i am one"[DOUBLEPOST=1357631032][/DOUBLEPOST]then again i get alot of "but im a friendly vampire" i think there should just be something that HAS to be read before you are able to become one so you know what it is all about.
Keep one thing in mind:
We don't want to limit peoples role-play possibilitys. Yes, I'm sure making the "living together in peace" harder would be cool, but how?
Forcing a player to read something before they get vampires is not a very nice should be obvius.
I do think that it should be made more difficult for human-vampire coexistence, if only because vampires are BLOODSUCKING DEMONSPAWN OF NIGHT AND DARKNESS, but other then that, not much reason really...
Just making sure you guys understand, I want to make it so you have to KILL humans or livestock for food, just so there isn't any confusion :). Also heck yes there should be hostility, they're freacken VAMPIRES! Don't just treat them like normal people, have some TENSION. Am I saying we should burn all vampires at the stake. No, but it shouldn't be this easy to coexist.
Let's use everyone favorite glittery vampire reference, Twilight.

Even in that series, non-violent vampires were an absurd rarity, and absolutely zero of them were advocating the fact that they were undead.

Matter of fact, wasn't it the majority of sparkling blood drinkers that hated the Cullens, so much so that they even went to war against them?

Just saying. If Massivecraft Vamps aren't even on the same level as Twilight, then what's the point of being a vampire?
I do think it is kind of stupid that there are more good vampires than evil. I agree with this. I also agree with ulumulu that roleplay shouldn't be limited, but I think in this case it would actually help roleplay. The problem is people don't view vampirism as a disease. They view it as a stat-change that might make them better at PvP. So I think creating this tension would really encourage the vampiric savagery that should be going on.
I agree wholeheartedly with Golemlord, and most everyone here- honestly. Vampires are more OP than most of the other races- with bloodlust and all the other perks. A majority of "good" vampires are only such because they wish to have the perks, but roleplay as basically a human. The "good" vampires I have had experiance with cascade as a "Vampire" but define themselves in such a way, that they act as if they have magical AIDs. There need to be less of these good vampires.. I say the vampires should be nerfed, as many others do, because of this. It will discourage noobs from becoming this demonspawn.
I've been thinking about this, and thought of this: when a human gives a vampire blood, then it is a 50%(or higher) chance that they will be infected too.
I think the problem is that a vampire has to travel very far to find a human to feed on unless they are a war with that faction perhaps that ability for vamps to attack people that thye chose with a command like /hunt [player name] then the player would get a notice like you are being hunted but the hunting vampire can be killed by anyone till they say /hunt [player name] or until they kill the player and only one vamp can hunt one person so no one would gang up[DOUBLEPOST=1361994529][/DOUBLEPOST]Attack in safe zone
Honestly, I think it should just be a lot harder for people to become vampires instead of just saying "Can someone make me a vampire?"..
I think the problem is that a vampire has to travel very far to find a human to feed on unless they are a war with that faction perhaps that ability for vamps to attack people that thye chose with a command like /hunt [player name] then the player would get a notice like you are being hunted but the hunting vampire can be killed by anyone till they say /hunt [player name] or until they kill the player and only one vamp can hunt one person so no one would gang up[DOUBLEPOST=1361994529][/DOUBLEPOST]Attack in safe zone
What if a vampire uses /hunt [playername] to protect people from other vampires. I don't think a hunt command is necessary.
I think the problem is that a vampire has to travel very far to find a human to feed on unless they are a war with that faction perhaps that ability for vamps to attack people that thye chose with a command like /hunt [player name] then the player would get a notice like you are being hunted but the hunting vampire can be killed by anyone till they say /hunt [player name] or until they kill the player and only one vamp can hunt one person so no one would gang up[DOUBLEPOST=1361994529][/DOUBLEPOST]Attack in safe zone
love that idea, and if possible the person could do /show hunt which will show how many players are hunting them and who is that certain person hunting
Keep one thing in mind:
We don't want to limit peoples role-play possibilitys. Yes, I'm sure making the "living together in peace" harder would be cool, but how?
Forcing a player to read something before they get vampires is not a very nice should be obvius.

There is actually a simple solution to this: Make blood gain for vampires ONLY from killing humans. There is no need for vampires to use bloodlust if they live peacefully next to other humans, and if they don't use bloodlust, they never lose any blood.

problem solved.
There is actually a simple solution to this: Make blood gain for vampires ONLY from killing humans. There is no need for vampires to use bloodlust if they live peacefully next to other humans, and if they don't use bloodlust, they never lose any blood.

problem solved.
Yes but then people would have to declare war or hunt noobs useing dynmap to find food
I don't think you need any of these unnecessary action as the Crimsons are coming and I heard a roomer that you may be making spawn, for humans unprotected from vampires and vampires unprotected from humans.
If this is true then that should easily solve the problem.
And the other variation which is exactly that but vampires can't attack humans.

Note: This is for 'Humans' and 'Vampires', specifically.
Remove getting blood from spiders? Lol

Then vamps are useless. They can't level or travel.
Changes i think vampires need.
1.Bloodlust gone or weaker (this being countered by wood being weaker as well)
2.Human blood being nesisary, not the only blood they can get but making it somehow a need.
3. Weaker defense against the sun.
4.Being able to disguise as human better (i understand this is a planned feature)
5.Somewhat being able to steal blood in spawn.
6.Harder to obtain and harder to cure infection of dark disease (being said there needs to be some vampire victoms who were not changed by choice)
7. Bats. They need bat mob diguise, making it easier to hide in public. (preferably this drains blood and makes them incredibly weaker so they dont try and pvp as a bat on unsuspected people)
I know some of this is probably unable to code, but they are just suggestions.
Changes i think vampires need.
1.Bloodlust gone or weaker (this being countered by wood being weaker as well)
2.Human blood being nesisary, not the only blood they can get but making it somehow a need.
3. Weaker defense against the sun.
4.Being able to disguise as human better (i understand this is a planned feature)
5.Somewhat being able to steal blood in spawn.
6.Harder to obtain and harder to cure infection of dark disease (being said there needs to be some vampire victoms who were not changed by choice)
7. Bats. They need bat mob diguise, making it easier to hide in public. (preferably this drains blood and makes them incredibly weaker so they dont try and pvp as a bat on unsuspected people)
I know some of this is probably unable to code, but they are just suggestions.
I agree on 5 and 6. This would definitely help the balance.
Also from being on the server a lot I have noticed the Crimsons are never on or at least never do executions or give chase to vampires. The Crimsons need to get more active (having 4-5 online at a time) and actually doing their job. I mean seriously you all keep complaining when there is that simple solution.
Changes i think vampires need.
7. Bats. They need bat mob diguise, making it easier to hide in public. (preferably this drains blood and makes them incredibly weaker so they dont try and pvp as a bat on unsuspected people)
I know some of this is probably unable to code, but they are just suggestions.
This involves client side involvement. Unable to code.
I agree on 5 and 6. This would definitely help the balance.
Also from being on the server a lot I have noticed the Crimsons are never on or at least never do executions or give chase to vampires. The Crimsons need to get more active (having 4-5 online at a time) and actually doing their job. I mean seriously you all keep complaining when there is that simple solution.
The crimsons arent like Mods or Trusteds, their job is strictly RP its not an actual responsibility.
i actually think that vampires should have like the bite thing that watchdog said i tho am i vampire but i really just want to live in peace with humans im just kidding. I think that you should scrap bloodlust all together and just make it so vamps have like a speed I potion permanently because vampires are naturally fast though
There can be vampire supporters I think, but I would suggest when a vampire is seen, action should be taken appropriately. For example, if a hater of vampires sees a vampire, they should roleplay for this reason.
There can be vampire supporters I think, but I would suggest when a vampire is seen, action should be taken appropriately. For example, if a hater of vampires sees a vampire, they should roleplay for this reason.
Yes, but vampires also need roleplay appropriatley. In Regalia at day time the vamps are always hiding in the spawn and shrieking and jumping around, I try to tell them to try and hide their vampirisim and they say, and i quote "lolz what are you going to do about it"..
Yes, but vampires also need roleplay appropriatley. In Regalia at day time the vamps are always hiding in the spawn and shrieking and jumping around, I try to tell them to try and hide their vampirisim and they say, and i quote "lolz what are you going to do about it"..
Yes, it is stupid hoe we cannot change how other people think and play.
i actually think that vampires should have like the bite thing that watchdog said i tho am i vampire but i really just want to live in peace with humans im just kidding. I think that you should scrap bloodlust all together and just make it so vamps have like a speed I potion permanently because vampires are naturally fast though
And then they need /v hide so you don't look abnormal...[DOUBLEPOST=1363088013][/DOUBLEPOST]
What's funny is that vampires ARE undead. So they are like, second cousins or something.
According to the infection thing, vampires are simply dead bodies with living souls. Nothing died and came back to life as spiders and zombies did. So, technically, they are not undead. Exact line (from memory): It feels like your body is dying, but your soul is trapped.
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