Archived Make Roleplay Great Again! (click Bait Title!) - Real Time Actions

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
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Hello everyone! I am ConflicttFTW, aka Conf Ladveer or Amar Tellsam- the latter of which is in charge of the new, but quickly growing, group. La Resistenza Viola.

Now, this is something that has come up, specifically because of that group, and the battles that have been taking place against the Deathlings.

Now, I want to start off by saying, I love the Player Quest system. Its messy at times, but it does a job and it makes the world feel more... changeable. It allows players to do things in RP that they could not otherwise.

But... I have found a bit of an issue, specifically during the Siege of Fort Kronau. Amar and his men were all behind the Deathling Camp the night before the battle today, ready to set fire to the tents and Catapults. But we found out we need to do a Player Quest for that.

At first, I thought, 'fair enough.' , but the issue came up again today during the battle. Amar and his lot tried to flank the Deathlings, and were overrun nearly- two men were captured, and one is unaccounted for. Amar and another retreated, and circled around to the tents. I figured, since staff are here and the event is active, maybe now we can just light the tents on fire? But again, we need a Player Quest.

I understand the reasoning, Player Quests keep it organized and such, but in Battle Roleplay, I feel like we need to be able to just, do things.

Full System In Spoiler:

There would be a subcategory in the Player Quests section, that you are only able to post in during certain events, IE the Siege of Fort Kronau, or probably near-constantly during the Dark Queen's Reign assuming it does not last forever. This section would have to manually be altered by staff to allow or disallow posting, but beyond that it would only require maintenance and checking during its Active Phase. When it is opened, a post would be made indicating as much, in Progress or Events sections of the Forums.

The system would be similar to the existing Player Quest set up, with more requirements. They payoff for meeting these requirements would be the "Real-Time Actions" having quicker effect.

EDIT: The limit on players per Action could be raised to 10 as well, for larger Actions.

The Application would go as follows:

Players Participating: (Usernames, Roleplay Names, and Approved Applications of all players involved)
Group Post: (Link to the Post in the Events / Announcements Forum)
Quick Summary: (10 word max summary of the Action)
Details: (A more detailed description of the Action. Players are allowed to go more in-depth about what they want to do, as the actions are short-term and quicker)
Event: (Which Event this is taking place for. IE Siege of Fort Kronau. Incase more than one are active.)

These posts would need to be handled quicker than standard Player Quests, as they are about Currently Occurring Events. This would solve the issue of, starting a PQ to do something, only for the Event it is for to end before you can manage to have it handled. It would make life easier for Staff- as they would have a way to tell what posts need attention more urgently- and for players, because as said above , you won't have to worry about an Event ending before the Quest is handled- at the least not as often.

This Section would be more strict as well, with trolly, frivolous, or non-relevant / important posts resulting in removal of permission to use the section, to limit spam and mess.

Submissions that can not be done would simply be marked "Rejected" and the Staff and Players involved can move on.

In addition, it would be better in my opinion if players can view their own submissions, that way the results can simply be as a reply, with any ingame alterations to the world being done as they come up.

Obviously, MAJOR changes to the map would not be allowed, but minor things- I use the example of Amar and his lot setting fire to the Tents again as an example- can be handled quickly, by the Staff who handles the Submission. If other staff are needed- as I know Massive has a strict system for handling each Department- say so in the Outcome reply, so the Players know their actions at least did occur, and they can roleplay as if the world changed until it can be altered by World Staff.

The Following was made before I added the Full System bit, so it might not apply fully. As such, put it in a spoiler.

The Pros:

Real-Time Events that can affect the Battle.
Feels more immersive and interactive.
Can add an interesting twist, making the events feel more dynamic.

The Cons:

More work for Staff. This would add a fair bit of work on their plate, which is an issue.
Messing with plans. Sometimes, Player Actions may run head first into the plans staff have set up.
Random Noob Players doing Random Noob Things. Enough said.

Overall, I feel like the ability to act in real time, in some cases such as Battle RP Especially, would add a lot to the experience. It will also add more work for staff too though. Ill leave it for people to discuss below.
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This is a very good Idea because I feel the battle was horribly unorganized. For one, it took about an hour in a half, for two, we couldn't kill any guards. We didn't feel as if it was a battle due to the inability to change to flow. I climbed in through a window only to find myself blocked out by a monmarty in creative mode in the bottom of the sewers and the inability to kill anybody. I don't mind the creative but imagine: An undead werewolf(thylan) jumps through a window. A predatory beast in hunt mode, I really think we need the ability to change to course of events and be able to fight and affect the battles.
I feel like you need a plan to implement the system, rather than just reasons.

I agree that it's rather inhibiting to events such as these, but the sheer amount of checks staff would have to go through with each player would be pretty steep. ex-

In substitution to player quests, have supply caches labled around Regalia, not just inside the city. A player may then undertake a few minutes of roleplay in an attempt to gain supplies from these caches at high risk. These caches can each have varying materials with security increasing with the rarity of materials. Perhaps a cache of wood and flint would be guarded by just a single guard. But again, the issue is staff work. How are these caches guarded 24/7 unless there are people there?

Just an idea to get you going. Work up a plan that streamlines the work and makes this a possibility without putting too much strain on staff intervention. This idea you're asking for has too many grey areas and exploits. I like it, it's just not nearly as concrete as it could be.
Messing with plans. Sometimes, Player Actions may run head first into the plans staff have set up.
Random Noob Players doing Random Noob Things. Enough said.

This right here is probably why I'm against it. Battles are usually heavily orchestrated. For the Lo Army, they have the numbers and the organization to carry out attacks (They did easily defeat the Violet Order)
Yes, Kronau has a lot of people. But they don't have the entire city. And the resources were thin to begin with. They're supposed to be underdogs in this struggle.
There may be some resistance, but it still is a small number compared to the occupying force. Else I would've expected a lot more gangs on the streets of Regalia. Just because all of a sudden the "good guys" are at a disadvantage doesn't mean they automatically get the win after every fight. Regalia is now a militaristic city under command of the Lo Guard. The same struggles the gangs have faced for years has now become the struggle of the pro-Regalians.
I'll give props to the groups actively trying to rebel. But I don't think giving people the "go ahead" to battle the way they want is a great idea. It just disrupts RP in general.

So for now, I'd say keep to the Quest system.


If the free-for-all was added, then those maim/kill perms better get elevated. A band of rebels against an Army is gonna be a slaughter.
I feel like you need a plan to implement the system, rather than just reasons.

I agree that it's rather inhibiting to events such as these, but the sheer amount of checks staff would have to go through with each player would be pretty steep. ex-

In substitution to player quests, have supply caches labled around Regalia, not just inside the city. A player may then undertake a few minutes of roleplay in an attempt to gain supplies from these caches at high risk. These caches can each have varying materials with security increasing with the rarity of materials. Perhaps a cache of wood and flint would be guarded by just a single guard. But again, the issue is staff work. How are these caches guarded 24/7 unless there are people there?

Just an idea to get you going. Work up a plan that streamlines the work and makes this a possibility without putting too much strain on staff intervention. This idea you're asking for has too many grey areas and exploits. I like it, it's just not nearly as concrete as it could be.
true, I will work on a solution to this. My main idea is word-only events. In events where players take place to help the event flow, we should have the option to send in what we want our characters to do and then, staff writes a report. This would be really strenuous on staff though.

While I agree messing with Staff plans can cause issues, I think it would be best if treated like a real battle. Sun Tzu had a saying that went something like "The best laid strategies last until the first arrow is shot." And this has been accurate through all of history in real life. Things going wrong, and both sides trying to maneuver to take advantage of these unforeseen failures and twists is what a battle really is.

@Kaezir As for a proposed plan for this, I have a few thoughts:

Perhaps a method on the forums or ingame to request Real Time effects in certain situations, such as the battle. Like, the ticket system and messaging is already in place, so theoretically that could just be used. If it was a Forums thing however, you could make a requirement for these Real Time Events to have everyone have an Approved Application, and have a Group Post in the Events / Announcements thread. These would only be doable during actual events, such as a battle, to prevent random people trying to set the tavern on fire or something.

The issue is, these kind of events where these 'Real Time Actions' are needed and can't just be emoted are rare, so the effort is not really worth it to set up the system.

My post was more along the lines of, allowing players more freedom in these events to do map-effecting actions, such as setting the tents and siege machines on fire at the discretion of staff online / involved. Realistically, (and, no hate to the Staff who were handling it, I have run events in smaller scale but similar set up to this on my own server and I know its a stressful, adrenaline filled mess sometimes, no hate or anything :3) it would have taken maybe, a minute, to set the tents on fire and emoted it with an environment emote to make it happen.

Thinking about it, I really could have just ran up and emoted setting the tents on fire probably, but I didn't want to try to force something, felt cheaty XD

My main issue at the moment is, the siege has ended before my Player Quest was handled. (again, no hate or salt to staff you guys da bus) Maybe just trying to make sure Quests directly related to an occurring Event get handled as quickly as possible would be enough.

Just a few simi-disconnected but I think functional ideas.
While I agree messing with Staff plans can cause issues, I think it would be best if treated like a real battle. Sun Tzu had a saying that went something like "The best laid strategies last until the first arrow is shot." And this has been accurate through all of history in real life. Things going wrong, and both sides trying to maneuver to take advantage of these unforeseen failures and twists is what a battle really is.

@Kaezir As for a proposed plan for this, I have a few thoughts:

Perhaps a method on the forums or ingame to request Real Time effects in certain situations, such as the battle. Like, the ticket system and messaging is already in place, so theoretically that could just be used. If it was a Forums thing however, you could make a requirement for these Real Time Events to have everyone have an Approved Application, and have a Group Post in the Events / Announcements thread. These would only be doable during actual events, such as a battle, to prevent random people trying to set the tavern on fire or something.

The issue is, these kind of events where these 'Real Time Actions' are needed and can't just be emoted are rare, so the effort is not really worth it to set up the system.

My post was more along the lines of, allowing players more freedom in these events to do map-effecting actions, such as setting the tents and siege machines on fire at the discretion of staff online / involved. Realistically, (and, no hate to the Staff who were handling it, I have run events in smaller scale but similar set up to this on my own server and I know its a stressful, adrenaline filled mess sometimes, no hate or anything :3) it would have taken maybe, a minute, to set the tents on fire and emoted it with an environment emote to make it happen.

Thinking about it, I really could have just ran up and emoted setting the tents on fire probably, but I didn't want to try to force something, felt cheaty XD

My main issue at the moment is, the siege has ended before my Player Quest was handled. (again, no hate or salt to staff you guys da bus) Maybe just trying to make sure Quests directly related to an occurring Event get handled as quickly as possible would be enough.

Just a few simi-disconnected but I think functional ideas.
these are very logical ideas and we could possible have an event thread going where this happens or a sort of ticket system in place
Perhaps a method on the forums or ingame to request Real Time effects in certain situations, such as the battle. Like, the ticket system and messaging is already in place, so theoretically that could just be used. If it was a Forums thing however, you could make a requirement for these Real Time Events to have everyone have an Approved Application, and have a Group Post in the Events / Announcements thread. These would only be doable during actual events, such as a battle, to prevent random people trying to set the tavern on fire or something.
This isn't a terrible idea but it would require constant maintenance. There is already strain on handling the lore Q&A section as it is.

I recommend it only being opened at certain times Just a simple application too-
Character X wants materials Y.
This is how X got materials Y.

Yes or No?

Then a staff would simply reply with an "Approved" thus giving you ingame means to an end.

Write out explicitly how this would work and keep staff work to a minimum. Include a short application covering all the details that a character would need to know IC in order to explain how they got it. Once you've got it, add the explanation and application to the main post, so other staff and players don't have to scroll through comments.
I believe the system consept has potential and could provide roleplay with a more immersive feel.
Tagging @LumosJared to provide a response as this is a suggestion pertaining to the Lore department.