Archived Make A New Game Called Chickenball

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Feb 13, 2015
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Make a new game called Chickenball. Its like football/soccer except with a chicken. You choose two portals and it places you into teams and when theres enough players like maybe 2 or 4 minimum the game begins. You get put in a big field with goals on opposite sides and a chicken and you have to punch the chicken into the other teams goal to get points. But if the chicken dies the killer's team loses points so you have to use snowballs to hit the chicken or keep throwing health potions. oh and your given infinite snowballs and healing potions. You can't use leads but you can use seeds because a lot of people will use seeds so the chicken wont just follow one person.

The chicken has like 5000hp and everyone gets swords with knockback. The round ends when theres a goal or the chicken is killed. Winners can get better swords with higher knockback.

and there could be different versions like Extreme Chickenball where everyone has speed and there are zombies, wolves, and blazes trying to kill you and the chicken
or Slugball where instead of a chicken its a silverfish or endermite and everyone has slow and the field is all slime blocks.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
oh and you can use knockback swords too. or you could get special snowballs enchanted with knockback.
no swords because the chicken will die too fast nvm. or you could give the chicken like 1000 health
I think you can do this manually with a player. I've seen some players do it before. It would be unnecessary to create a plugin for something players have already found a way of doing by themselves without plugin support. We don't have time for an unnecessary niche plugin like this.