Archived Maiars Buff

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Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
perth W.A
alright maiars loose hunger really quick and i think that maiars should be able to drink water bottles to regain hunger and i kinda think this is a good idea in my opinion what do you guys think
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Please read prior suggestions this has been suggested and rejected at least 3 times.

Also people take suggestions much more seriously if you use proper grammar and capitalization.
And this Idea again. At first it won´t happen it was discussed a thousands of times and always turned down.

Here are the reasons why, first there is the gameplay reason. With a bottle and an bucket full of water you have an unlimited and free foodsource.

Second is the Rp reason. Maiar are supposed to be rped in the water, so if they are to long on land they dry out and can´t breathe anymore.
Many times this has been suggested and many times it has been refused and cast aside and its most likely to be refused time and time after.

I have replied to a few of threads with the exact same question so can you and all other future wannabe Maiar bottle feeders Please do search for something before posting it again.

They're supposed to be roleplayed as a water creature. And if you give it a water bucket and a water bottle, it has unlimited food, and becomes a land creature.
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