Archived Maiar Water/food Bar

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The Clumsiest Panda
Aug 17, 2013
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I was talking to some friends earlier and we were discussing the fact that playing maiar is a little hard because they are constantly having to find water, or even just remain in it. Would it be possible to make it so that the food bar can be restored by drinking water bottles, in the place of food or having to stand in water? Just a thought as it would probably make roleplay and just working around a faction as a maiar a lot easier.
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Being a Maiar you should know your limitations as you can breath in water for infinite amounts of time, a human and the other races can't so they need to know when to return to the surface just like Maiar need to know when its time to return to the water... Just like a fish they cannot be out of the water for massive periods of time.

We all have our downfalls.

Besides that this has been suggested a few times if I can recall.
This Idea has been discussed a hundred Times and won´t be added.

There are two Reasons for this, Maiars are supposed to stay in Water most of the Time, because they "dry out" on Land, and even with the new Subrace added to the Lore that won´t change. Maiar are Fishfolk after all. That is the Rp Reason.

The "Gameplay" Reason is that Maiar that can drink from Waterbottels have a free and infinite Source of Food, if they take a Bucket of Water and a Bottle with them.

I know it is hard to work on Land as Maiar and if you build a lot (on Land) Maiar is the wrong Race for you. But there is a new Maiar Faction that is planning to build an Underwatercity so if you really wanna stay Maiar you maybe could join them.
Like humans can wear a respiration helmet to stay under water longer, I think Maiar should be able to wear something similar to stay on land longer. ^_^
Because a fish with gills can totally survive by drinking water.
I was considering switching to Maiar and was wondering about this potential trouble. After some thought, I had an idea similar to Jack the Unseen, where anything that would make a normal character be able to breathe underwater for a while would make Maiar food levels decrease more slowly out of water for the same amount of time. So, helms of respiration or perhaps a new potion for land-breathing (which could double as a potion for water-breathing for non-Maiar, if such a thing doesn't exist already).
Well I have played a Maiar character on and off for a while now and what I can tell you is. If you like exploring, building, and living on land, then do not be a Maiar. A Maiar is one of the most boring races in Massive Craft if you do it alone. Gliding by the ocean as a solitary creature has its perks and it has its downfalls. Personally I like to be social, so if I ever pick up on a Maiar again I will find a group of Maiar to live with.
Right, this has been discussed on Regular occasions, littlemsclumsy.
So when you have a idea, just search that it's not already made. :)

Maiar are Fish Folk, they aren't meant to be able to live on land. They should be living in under water cities or in Riverside settlements, rather then in Regalia or Land based places.
It's designed like this, to make it hard to Maiar to live on land, as it's hard for a Human to live in water.
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