Archived Maiar Transportable Food-source (in The Rift)

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May 23, 2014
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So...isn't it annoying that maiar can't regenerate hunger AT ALL in the rift...well maybe bottles of water can be added to their food sources (like 1 bottle of water is 1 food point or half of one).If this is added, it might seem a bit overpowered so there could be a counter. Maiar lose more hunger in deserts,jungles and The Rift
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In all fairness, that is the consequence of being a Maiar. After all, can Dakkar go in the ocean on a boat and survive? Most likely, no. So, why should Maiar have the unfair advantage? Vampires have their problems, like requiring blood to stay alive and sunlight hurting them, so, Maiar have to deal with it.
I mean just why the hell would a maiar even be there it's a realm of molten stone and literal oceans of lava.
Maiar are meant to be an aquatic race in the first place. If it were that easy for a maiar to get around, why bother making them an aquatic race at all? Besides, like Grailen said, a fish-like humanoid would not be spending it's time in an infernal cavern.
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Still, Maiar's should be able to traverse the nether with the same difficulty that Dakkars have in traveling in the over world. Just because the nether isn't a compatible terrain for Maiars, doesn't mean it should be impossible to survive in.
Let's all remember that MassiveTraits is quickly approaching. The mechanics of all races will look very different soon.
Let's all remember that MassiveTraits is quickly approaching. The mechanics of all races will look very different soon.
IF races will still even be a non-RP thing. If traits goes as I heard it will, you will have a bunch of slots to fill with negative/positive buffs similar to what you would get with the races plugin, but much more variety to choose from.
IF races will still even be a non-RP thing. If traits goes as I heard it will, you will have a bunch of slots to fill with negative/positive buffs similar to what you would get with the races plugin, but much more variety to choose from.
Then, when you want to go to the rift, you go to Regalia to shuffle your traits around so you can eat normal food.
You can only change your traits when you are in regalia. And I am sure there is cool downs on changing and other stuff so you won't change very other day.
I got an idea! Making dakkar rain proof! This post is a joke.
Or perhaps Dakkar can buy special umbrellas!
Pretty sure traits will completly replace in game effects of races. Not 100% positive though.
Want to do stuff in the nether as a Maiar? Dont be a maiar. Want to do stuff ICly in the nether as a Maiar? Why the hell do you want a fish man in the realm of fire and lava?
Also, this has been suggested at least 10 times and was rejected by the staff each time. Seriously, consider this more. To put it in perspective, take a fish, put it on a rock inside an active volcano, and pour a bottle of water on it every 2 minutes. The fish won't even stand a chance.
Want to do stuff in the nether as a Maiar? Dont be a maiar. Want to do stuff ICly in the nether as a Maiar? Why the hell do you want a fish man in the realm of fire and lava?
Then Maiars would become the only race that has to change it's race if it wants to travel to some places. Even a Dakkar can live in an ocean biome with limited difficulty.
Also, this has been suggested at least 10 times and was rejected by the staff each time. Seriously, consider this more. To put it in perspective, take a fish, put it on a rock inside an active volcano, and pour a bottle of water on it every 2 minutes. The fish won't even stand a chance.
Any animal would die the moment you placed it in an active volcano. Fish would actually explode the moment you placed it on the rock because it's body would turn into steam almost instantly. But then again, there are some fish that live next to underwater volcanoes, so they might last longer than most animals in some cases.
Any animal would die the moment you placed it in an active volcano. Fish would actually explode the moment you placed it on the rock because it's body would turn into steam almost instantly. But then again, there are some fish that live next to underwater volcanoes, so they might last longer than most animals in some cases.
Exactly. If you want an aquatic race to run around in a fiery cavern full of lava, they would die very fast. The point I'm trying to make is that putting a fish or even a fish-like humanoid in an environment full of lava and heat and especially no water. Other races might traverse the rift with great difficulty, but especially maiars, because they're in the exact opposite environment that they are meant to be in.
Exactly. If you want an aquatic race to run around in a fiery cavern full of lava, they would die very fast. The point I'm trying to make is that putting a fish or even a fish-like humanoid in an environment full of lava and heat and especially no water. Other races might traverse the rift with great difficulty, but especially maiars, because they're in the exact opposite environment that they are meant to be in.
Yes, and the point I'm trying to make is that it shouldn't be impossible for a Maiar to survive in the rift without switching races. Fish are only made up of 10% more water than humans, so traveling in the nether should be about as difficult. Like the staff have said, the only problem they have with living on land is the excess of oxygen. A world where oxygen is burnt up at rapid rates by raging fires would not only make it easier for them to survive in it, but more difficult for common land animals to live in at the same time.
Yes, and the point I'm trying to make is that it shouldn't be impossible for a Maiar to survive in the rift without switching races. Fish are only made up of 10% more water than humans, so traveling in the nether should be about as difficult. Like the staff have said, the only problem they have with living on land is the excess of oxygen. A world where oxygen is burnt up at rapid rates by raging fires would not only make it easier for them to survive in it, but more difficult for common land animals to live in at the same time.
According to the thread, the suggestion is to allow Maiars to maintain their food level by drinking water bottles. Pour water bottles on a fish every 30 seconds, try to keep it alive.
According to the thread, the suggestion is to allow Maiars to maintain their food level by drinking water bottles. Pour water bottles on a fish every 30 seconds, try to keep it alive.
Well do you have any better ideas for helping Maiars survive in the nether? You can't blame someone for making that mistake since the word "hydration" is still used when explaining Maiars ability to live on land. The person who created this thread got that wrong, but what he got right was his statement about it being incredibly unfair for Maiars to be unable to travel in the nether.
(Also, the water breathing potion is just as ludicrous as an air breathing potion. Same with fire resistance. But do you see anyone complaining about that?)
What if there was an enchantment maiars could have on armor so that they may stay on the surface longer?
What if there was an enchantment maiars could have on armor so that they may stay on the surface longer?
Maiars are FISH, fish are not built to live on land for long. I really hate these threads, because this will never happen. Maiars will always be in water there will be no item or ability to make them stay out of water for even more time
Maiars are FISH, fish are not built to live on land for long. I really hate these threads, because this will never happen. Maiarswill clever be in water there will be no item or ability to make them stay out of water for even more time
'Twasn't even a suggestion. Just a thought.
Yes, and the point I'm trying to make is that it shouldn't be impossible for a Maiar to survive in the rift without switching races. Fish are only made up of 10% more water than humans, so traveling in the nether should be about as difficult. Like the staff have said, the only problem they have with living on land is the excess of oxygen. A world where oxygen is burnt up at rapid rates by raging fires would not only make it easier for them to survive in it, but more difficult for common land animals to live in at the same time.
You can stop fighting this, try throwing a fish in a fiery demonic cave of lava, which there is no water, which fish need, there are flames everywhere which will cook it alive, and the ground is dryer as than stone. The Rift shall never be a place for the Maiars, and it isn't even unfair whatsoever.
You can stop fighting this, try throwing a fish in a fiery demonic cave of lava, which there is no water, which fish need, there are flames everywhere which will cook it alive, and the ground is dryer as than stone. The Rift shall never be a place for the Maiars, and it isn't even unfair whatsoever.
You're using the same cliché arguments that have been used many times before. For one, fish are so far one of the only animals that have been proven able to survive near active volcanoes or lava. Human's shouldn't even be able to survive near them.
As you see in this picture, the man is wearing a white suit that prevents the lava from killing him. Without it, his body would dry up and slowly crumble away.
But, I don't even think lava in Massivecraft is real lava. So far, science has not found a species of animal capable of living inside a volcano/lava. This is why cooking or heating your meals is so effective in removing living organisms that can get you sick. For Dakkar to be able to even touch Lava without getting their hands melted breaks physics.
So one more time to sum it all up. If you think Maiars can't live in the Nether because of their Biology, then you are either right and every race shouldn't be able to live in the nether, or you are wrong and Maiar should be able to survive in the nether.
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Maiars are FISH, fish are not built to live on land for long. I really hate these threads, because this will never happen. Maiars will always be in water there will be no item or ability to make them stay out of water for even more time
Maiars are built to live on land for long. They have legs and arms, breathe air through their mouths, and are even considered mammals in the lore. They have more adaptions allowing them to live on land than humans have allowing them to live under water. And yet humans have 10< times the amount of items allowing them to survive underwater than Maiars have allowing them to live on land. (If you don't include potions or enchantment effects that is.)
Maiars are built to live on land for long. They have legs and arms, breathe air through their mouths, and are even considered mammals in the lore. They have more adaptions allowing them to live on land than humans have allowing them to live under water. And yet humans have 10< times the amount of items allowing them to survive underwater than Maiars have allowing them to live on land. (If you don't include potions or enchantment effects that is.)
You have to remember that Maiars can go on land for several minutes. The items that other races can use to breathe underwater also last for several minutes. It's pretty fair as far as I'm concerned. As for the rift, it's pretty much inevitable for any race to die there. I'm just saying maiars especially because they're completely in the opposite of their natural environment.
Also, I have a solution to the problem!

~~~~~~~~~/race b dakkar~~~~~~~~~~

And when you're done,

~~~~~~~~~/race b maiar~~~~~~~~~~
Ok think this, A fish crawls onto land and starts drinking a water bottle to survive forever on land, hell no
@Nico07291 The "items" I was talking about were transparent blocks. Things that you can put your head inside and not suffocate as an after affect. Things like a torch where you can place it down and it gives you oxygen for a split second before disappearing, or a fence post which does the same thing without disappearing right away. The difference is that Maiars only have one item (their water bucket) in comparison to every other item that normal races have. Maiars hunger also takes MUCH longer to replenish, so that one item isn't even that good.
Also, there is a delay for changing races. I don't want one trip to the nether equaling 3 days without accessing any of my underwater stuff.
That's flawed thinking.
Ok think this, A fish crawls onto land and starts drinking a water bottle to survive forever on land, hell no
Man swims into water and starts drinking a water breathing potion to survive forever in the ocean, hell yes? Man digs underground and starts drinking fire resistance to live in lava forever, hell yes?
Did you hear that there is this new theory that animals who currently live on land couldn't have gotten there without its fish ancestor having the courage to crawl onto land itself? You should check it out.
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Maiars are FISH, fish are not built to live on land for long. I really hate these threads, because this will never happen. Maiars will always be in water there will be no item or ability to make them stay out of water for even more time
Actually, You're wrong, Maiar's are elementals.

Hence Rendering anyones fish arguments useless.
@Nico07291 The "items" I was talking about were transparent blocks. Things that you can put your head inside and not suffocate as an after affect. Things like a torch where you can place it down and it gives you oxygen for a split second before disappearing, or a fence post which does the same thing without disappearing right away. The difference is that Maiars only have one item (their water bucket) in comparison to every other item that normal races have. Maiars hunger also takes MUCH longer to replenish, so that one item isn't even that good.
Also, there is a delay for changing races. I don't want one trip to the nether equaling 3 days without accessing any of my underwater stuff.
That's flawed thinking.

Man swims into water and starts drinking a water breathing potion to survive forever in the ocean, hell yes? Man digs underground and starts drinking fire resistance to live in lava forever, hell yes?
Did you that there is this theory that animals who currently live on land couldn't have gotten there without its fish ancestor having the courage to crawl onto land itself?
No what I'm trying to say is that the maiars would also die from dehydration in certain spots for example like if humans went deep enough in water they will get crushed by pressure, if maiars stay on land too long their scales and body would dry out in the sun and kill them, also maiars need water to run over their gills to survive, and so a water bottle running over their gills won't work because they would need to be fully in water
No what I'm trying to say is that the maiars would also die from dehydration in certain spots for example like if humans went deep enough in water they will get crushed by pressure, if maiars stay on land too long their scales and body would dry out in the sun and kill them, also maiars need water to run over their gills to survive, and so a water bottle running over their gills won't work because they would need to be fully in water
But you forget that in minecraft there is no such thing as water pressure. Maiar's are considered mammals, and the definition of mammal includes that they don't have scales or gills, so those wouldn't dry out and they would breathe more like a dolphin or whale than like a normal fish.
And the water bottle is more of an "in general" suggestion. Maiars need something that allows them to walk into a place void of water without them dying from dehydration or having to teleport away. Water bottles is just an easy solution, though maybe not a logical one. You are free to suggest any better ideas that would help this get accomplished.
But you forget that in minecraft there is no such thing as water pressure. Maiar's are considered mammals, and the definition of mammal includes that they don't have scales or gills, so those wouldn't dry out and they would breathe more like a dolphin or whale than like a normal fish.
And the water bottle is more of an "in general" suggestion. Maiars need something that allows them to walk into a place void of water without them dying from dehydration or having to teleport away. Water bottles is just an easy solution, though maybe not a logical one. You are free to suggest any better ideas that would help this get accomplished.
I mean in lore about the water pressure
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