Archived Maiar Toggleable Fast Swim

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Oct 29, 2013
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So, I like the fish people. They're a pretty cool race. However, they seem to have an issue underwater.

Getting out of the water on the surface is just fine. However, exiting the water under the surface (into an air pocket or a cave) often causes a glitch where the Maiar dies due to falling damage, even if he had just been walking along the bottom of the sea. This is quite frustrating, as it really restricts what Maiar can do underwater.

I'm guessing its the Fast Swim that causes this bug. I won't pretend to know anything about the plugin, or how it could be resolved. However, I think a short term solution could be making it so the Fast Swim could be toggled on or off, be it by key stroke or a /command of some sort.

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I've been running into this problem, too. I did a search to see if there has been any discussion about this and this old post I'm ressurrecting is the only one I could find. Is there any way to avoid this glitch? I've been trying to figure out if there was something specific that I do that triggers it, to make it reproducible, but I can't trigger it consistently. It seems to base damage on how far deep you are, though. When I jump out of water into an opening near bedrock, it usually kills me or nearly so, but if it's near the surface, I take only a little damage.

This is of serious importance to me, since my Maiar towers use columns of water to move up and down rather than ladders.
I've been running into this problem, too. I did a search to see if there has been any discussion about this and this old post I'm ressurrecting is the only one I could find. Is there any way to avoid this glitch? I've been trying to figure out if there was something specific that I do that triggers it, to make it reproducible, but I can't trigger it consistently. It seems to base damage on how far deep you are, though. When I jump out of water into an opening near bedrock, it usually kills me or nearly so, but if it's near the surface, I take only a little damage.

This is of serious importance to me, since my Maiar towers use columns of water to move up and down rather than ladders.

In the near future, the staff will be completely revamping the race system into a new plug-in that brings new attributes, abilities, weakness, and racial traits to better customize one's characters. So fixing this bug in the current races plug-in is not the best use of our time. However, rest assured, we have many ideas for making Maiar interesting to play as and I'm sure "Fast Swim" is something that will be fixed/reinvented.

Keep up the awesome roleplay, guys! ;D
What if you leave it off and then run into a pvp situation? This would make it harder for people who forget to change it back to normal, and end up facing a situation that they need a quick escape from.
I have, I think, figured out a work-around for underwater bases. So far, I haven't died since implementing this (fins crossed).

The trick is to make sure you don't jump into, or out of water. A water column "elevator" should hit solid ground, then exit to a 1-block high level of water, if any, that you have to walk into. Not as much fun but not potentially deadly, either. I know the OP said it happens even if walking, but I'm not sure yet that is the case if you are not popping up out of the water. I've tested this system several times and it has worked every time so far.

Also, it seems the calculation of damage is based on the height of the next level of dry ground above you. I haven't done enough experimentation to solidly verify this, but it seems to be the case in the places I built so far. If true, this should mean that you can avoid or minimize damage by building a second dry floor not too far above where you would come up in the water.
I support this, because I would think some Maiar players want to just swim around slowly rather than swim as fast as they possibly can all the time. Like how a predatory Maiar would slowly swim around a potential prey target or something.
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