Maiar Psa

Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Stop the suffering! Millions of Maiar die everyday because there is no water for them to live! This is also a large epidemic regarding maiars being unsocial because they can't talk to people without having to run back for water every five minutes! You may be thinking, this is terrible what can I do to help! The answer is simple! Have special fish tanks within your home in case a wandering maiar comes by and is in need. This can be as simple as two slabs and a bucket of water in the corner. Or as intricate as a glass tube system. Also if you have a public building not safe for maiar that is just racism. I hope for a world where there is no discrimination against the ones that protect your waters. Thank you.

Edit: It was a joke .... but thanks for the rates! Also thank you rip shoul for having a sense of humor
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I suppose this was funny, eheh. I have read the topic again, and my conclusion has changed.
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Ummmm, Regalia is a human city, they could care less about Maiar. Also a lot of the buildings in Regalia already have fountains or ponds that the Maiar can use, including the sewer system.

On a different bite this doesn't fit in the general sub forum, it would go in features and discussion. Also next time you post try not flood it with !!!! It makes me read it like your yelling, and when I read it like that it makes me feel like I am listening to a child.
I have a few points to give on this subject:
  • Firstly, Maiar are not land-dwelling creatures, and they not really supposed to even walk on land, despite some having evolved to form legs. If it can't breathe air, why should it walk on land?
  • Secondly, as @Billy Rage pointed out, why should humans care about Maiar? And as for so called 'racism', Regalia is like that to practically all other races, aside from similar species like elves and dwarves.
  • Thirdly, again @Billy Rage has mentioned it, Regalia does have it's sewers and fountains that Maiar can use to traverse the city. And why should humans clutter up their homes with a special pool for Maiar, much less a 'glass tube system'? It's not our job to accommodate every single species in their homes.
  • Protect our waters? What is their to protect us from? Elaborate. Also, pros and cons of the proposal, maybe? Plus, Regalia has it's Navy to protect us with.
  • Finally, this idea could at least be formatted better, put in the right section, and worded much more patiently. It looks like you put absolutely no effort into this proposal, and, honestly, it seems as if you have just thrown together a weak statement about how Maiar should be treated like humans when they are not even close to the race.
Overall, I find this idea ludicrous and very poorly presented. -1 support
Stop the suffering! Millions of Maiar die everyday because there is no water for them to live! This is also a large epidemic regarding maiars being unsocial because they can't talk to people without having to run back for water every five minutes! You may be thinking, this is terrible what can I do to help! The answer is simple! Have special fish tanks within your home in case a wandering maiar comes by and is in need. This can be as simple as two slabs and a bucket of water in the corner. Or as intricate as a glass tube system. Also if you have a public building not safe for maiar that is just racism. I hope for a world where there is no discrimination against the ones that protect your waters. Thank you.

Edit: It was a joke .... but thanks for the rates! Also thank you rip shoul for having a sense of humor


Sorry, man.
Let today be maiar awareness day.
Put a stop to those constantly dying maiars at your faction and by dying maiars I mean all maiars
Let today be maiar awareness day.
Put a stop to those constantly dying maiars at your faction and by dying maiars I mean all maiars
Actually my faction (Sylvan) is quite accommodating. They've got plenty of water sources and are settled on the bank of quite a large river. My home was even built on the edge of said river, and is half submerged so I can work in the comfort of the water.

Not all factions are ignorant to the problems Maiar face; whether they choose to accommodate for the race is up to them.
I will get on this right away!

*Makes water in corner surrounded by half blocks. A sign beneath it, instead of floor. Beneath the sign? Lava.*
