Archived Maiar - More Adapted To Being Aquatic

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Jan 23, 2014
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I've seen quite a few people say Maiar don't seem too attuned to their environment:
Don't get me wrong, I love the whole idea of the Maiar and their lore. BUT, I can't help but look at them from a biological point of view, and I have to agree with others. The breathing underwater, fast swimming and drying out on land are fantastic in my opinion, but as an aquatic race, I can't help but think they need one or two more things.
  • First and foremost, a constant 'Respiration III' effect. I've heard people say I should install Optifine but I messed it up twice, and it'd be much easier to live with if people just simply had this effect on, without having to go to the extent of downloading a mod to make it happen. I personally am quite bad at installing mods, and on top of that it just makes sense that if you've evolved in the water, you can actually see where you're going.
  • Secondly, 'Aqua Affinity'. One of the most irritating things about this is that it shouldn't take very long to break a block if most Maiar cities and structures are deep under the ocean, so it makes sense that they'd be much more efficient at sub-sea building.
  • ***EDIT: Due to Waminer 's post I no longer think this is needed, as Maiar speed is enough to outlast an enemy in water*** Lastly, and this one is purely my own perspective, a strength 1 effect in water. I thought of this because, since EVERY other race is land based, combat on land can be a bit worrying for a Maiar since their food, and as a result regeneration, goes down very quickly. Having strength 1 in water would give a reason to actually almost fear the Maiar, as it would give other races a 'rule' if you will, which is to never take on a Maiar in the water. If this seems too O.P, maybe consider adding a weakness 1 effect while on land. I want to make it clear this last one is just a stab in the dark, and isn't something I'd expect everyone to take with open arms....or fins.
Please keep in mind this is my first ever actual post, so don't flame me if I've done something wrong or this post looks messy.
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For a first post, this ain't too bad. Organizationally. But these other powers would give maiars a lot more powers. They would have four, and if you look at naga, they have one.
The only reasons to reject this which I can thik of are the particle effect, if it causes any. Or it just takes time to code, time Cay doesn't have. I can't imagine that it's hard to code though, even if you only get these effects by going into water.
Ah, but they're passive 'powers' and they make a lot of sense, biologically speaking. The first two especially don't give Maiar an advantage over other races on land, and since no other race lives in the water, I don't think it makes them that o.p. Also, Naga's have two... Poison resistance, and a Poison melee chance attack thingy.

Good idea, but it has been rejected every time.



Well, nagas no longer have the poison attack thingy. I think.
Ah, but they're passive 'powers' and they make a lot of sense, biologically speaking. The first two especially don't give Maiar an advantage over other races on land, and since no other race lives in the water, I don't think it makes them that o.p. Also, Naga's have two... Poison resistance, and a Poison melee chance attack thingy.

The poison fist thing was disabled because it was too OP, and everyone on the server was being a Naga because of it.

Also, you can't really go wrong with giving Maiar a bit of a water advantage. I mean, they can't really leave the water for very long. That's already a pretty big weakness.
I agree for the first too, but not strength 1. Sure they have an advantage in water, but isn't their speed their advantage in water?
Ohh I see. Well, poison resistance can be pretty helpful. Anyways enough of the Nagas, I really do think Maiar would benefit from at least being able to see underwater better than other races. Kirby12352 favoured MiningMac5
I agree for the first too, but not strength 1. Sure they have an advantage in water, but isn't their speed their advantage in water?

Speed, while one of their advantages, would technically make them stronger in the water than other races. Other races would be slow, barely able to inflict damage, while the Maiar, who can swim faster than any other race, would totally wreck them due to their speed.
I didn't think of it that way, actually. Like I said, it was just a stab in the dark, so I can see what you mean. The first two were really my main....concerns. I don't know if 'concern' is the right word to use, but there you go. I'm really glad to see people agree with me! Kirby12352 MiningMac5
I wasn't aware of their limitations when I started this server. Worst three days of my life. I started traveling with a bucket of water, but I couldn't walk for a minute without being on the brink of death.

So, I took to the seas! A wonderfully dark place where I can't see where I'm going and it takes me three times as long to build houses! Fortunately my friends couldn't see how shabby my structures were, on account of my inability to stay on land long enough to make friends.
I see exactly what you're saying. There's something so alluring about being able to live in the ocean, and since Minecraft water is...well pitiful, I would have thought these passive abilities would at least make it more rewarding. Also, I have an idea for a Caribbean style map, but that's for another thread. If people like this, it'd be great to see MassiveCraft implement it into the plugin. Alibarem
For a first post, this ain't too bad. Organizationally. But these other powers would give maiars a lot more powers. They would have four, and if you look at naga, they have one.

๖ۣۜIf you note though, Naga perhaps one of the best PVP protections. Poison. Witches suddenly become harmless to you, I suggested a strategy Naga can use them for yesterday in ally chat. Let alone, there always is that one person who brew poisons and throw them at you, but all you can do is just swallow it all and keep rushing at them, if you are close enough, they could accidently even poison themselves. That was actually how I won against fighting Insurgo commanderpizza { Sorry } was because I had chain and a wooden sword, and all I seemed to be attacked with was iron swords and poison, but the poison was enough to make me suddenly a pretty decent threat, taking out a good 3-4, even at one point a spree of 6 kills because they could not seem to slow me down for long enough.

Maiar, on the other hand, although the strength part I could see as rejected, why would the others be? Fish people who have lived there all their life can't see 2 feet in front of them? Nor are they able to build very quickly for having lived there for centuries? Sand and Silt on the ocean floor isn't too hard to get rid of to be honest, and since most of them should have webbed hands, it would only be easier...
Maiar, on the other hand, although the strength part I could see as rejected, why would the others be? Fish people who have lived there all their life can't see 2 feet in front of them? Nor are they able to build very quickly for having lived there for centuries? Sand and Silt on the ocean floor isn't too hard to get rid of to be honest, and since most of them should have webbed hands, it would only be easier...
Thank chu <3
That's exactly what I'm saying. I can't help but see that, after millenia of evolving under the waves, Maiar should be unparalleled when it comes to underwater life. Their senses (especially vision) and their bodies should be the absolute pinnacle of survival in the ocean, at least that's the impression I got. Chronicler
I agree for the first too, but not strength 1. Sure they have an advantage in water, but isn't their speed their advantage in water?

Speed increases lag, its like trying to hit someone with an axe whilst riding a very fast horse. I was stuck on an island defending one of my bases once so I turned fish and it was one of the worst mistakes I made, even when I was in the water and the others were chasing me. It was only good for dodging arrows. Then another guy turned fish and we could barley hit each other so the fight lasted waaaay to long. Some sort of buff to make fishy peoples more powerful in the water and cut down the amount of time it takes to kill someone in a fight would be a wonderful thing in my opinion, specially seeing as when a fish is in a lake it can only swim in circles it can't actually run away like land races can. So those on the land just camp the lake and fire arrows in and the fish can't defend its self.
I agree with your ideas AtlasGecko
I used to be maiar myself but I turned vespid for rp reasons.

An I dea ive always had was that maiars culd regain hunger from drinking water bottles.
I agree with your ideas AtlasGecko
I used to be maiar myself but I turned vespid for rp reasons.

An I dea ive always had was that maiars culd regain hunger from drinking water bottles.

Maiar are water creatures. Giving them this ability makes them land creatures. Give them a bunch of bottles, a water bucket, and they would have an infinite food source, and NEVER have to go back in the water. There's a reason this idea has been denied about 50 times.
I may not be a maiar, nor do I ever intend to be one, but I like the ideas.
+1 Support
._. I wasn't even there for that raid

๖ۣۜIt was a long time ago. Somewhere around after the release of 1.3 and conversation of 1.4 was hopping around. I was also in Jj's faction at the time, however this is currently starting to de-rail. I will only respond on topic things now, convo me if you still want info.
Thanks everyone for the support! Really appreciate it. Kiba Araqnuibo Yeah, Maiar are water creatures. Giving a fish a drink of water is hardly going to supply it with oxygen, is it?
Mecharic Thank you.
I support, however I must disagree the strength one aspect. Instead, every hit they land while in water should be a critical one, just like when you're flying in creative, and their regeneration should speed up while they're in water, not to the point of a regeneration potion effect, but just so that it wouldn't be so endlessly boring to play one.
I support, however I must disagree the strength one aspect. Instead, every hit they land while in water should be a critical one, just like when you're flying in creative, and their regeneration should speed up while they're in water, not to the point of a regeneration potion effect, but just so that it wouldn't be so endlessly boring to play one.

๖ۣۜPersonally, I do not. Removing Strength and replacing it with regen AND a shorter scale of strength is basically like giving Strength I. They already are powerful enough in PVP for water, they just need to actually be able to see and do things more than PVP. From how fast Maiar can move, you don't need strength at all.
๖ۣۜPersonally, I do not. Removing Strength and replacing it with regen AND a shorter scale of strength is basically like giving Strength I. They already are powerful enough in PVP for water, they just need to actually be able to see and do things more than PVP. From how fast Maiar can move, you don't need strength at all.
๖ۣۜPersonally, I do not. Removing Strength and replacing it with regen AND a shorter scale of strength is basically like giving Strength I. They already are powerful enough in PVP for water, they just need to actually be able to see and do things more than PVP. From how fast Maiar can move, you don't need strength at all.
Allow me to explain further

Giving them strength 1/2 in water would be overpowered, as they could just be stationed in little pits of water and used as some quite overpowered guards, that is why they would be able to land McCrits while they're flying (they are technically flying and they automatically fly when they get 3 blocks underwater, it is possible to fly in shallower waters but that is quite difficult). As an additional balancer, the target would have to be partially submerged in order for it to work.

And with generation, I do not mean a regeneration effect, I mean that their health should regenerate just a little faster than other races, but don't worry, their foodbar should still take forever to recharge and they would have to be within regeneration range (no less than 2 foodbar missing), just like other races have to.
I think that sounds reasonable. Now it's just really for the admins to decide and others to pile in their votes hentem
Lastly, and this one is purely my own perspective, a strength 1 effect in water. I thought of this because, since EVERY other race is land based, combat on land can be a bit worrying for a Maiar since their food, and as a result regeneration, goes down very quickly. Having strength 1 in water would give a reason to actually almost fear the Maiar, as it would give other races a 'rule' if you will, which is to never take on a Maiar in the water. If this seems too O.P, maybe consider adding a weakness 1 effect while on land. I want to make it clear this last one is just a stab in the dark, and isn't something I'd expect everyone to take with open arms....or fins.

First off, is a very good first post in terms of organization, good job. As well I really like the aqua affinity idea, though I must admit, if you have ever tried to download Optifine, it is ridiculously easy, it takes 3 clicks and helps everyone on the server, someone getting blurry vision is a great way for them to download it if they care that much.

Now, my only criticism of your post was the strength idea. Have you ever fought a Maiar in the water? Sure they are underpowered on land, but they are fish, that is a given. Anyways if you have ever fought a equally armored and armed Maiar or even one that is very poorly armed but has been Maiar for a while, it is insane. Around 5 months ago I was by a large river in Daendroc when XVW a member of my faction attacked on his alt account for fun. I had diamond armor on and a sharpness 3 training sword. He had similar arms the only difference being he had iron armor. He easily threw me out of the water, nearly dead. I waited outside, and he could have easily killed me if he did not want me to try again.

This time however I brought along 2 other people, senorworkman and magicalwettoast once again with diamond armor and training swords. We countinued to fight him into the water and use bows to try and attack him however he could be everywhere at once, remember that Maiar swimming is much faster then speed 2 on land even if it is flat land. Eventually though just because of the fact that he needed to land 3 and a bit blows for every one landed on him he was almost dead. This was the time to strike however we quickly noticed a problem. He simply swam around up river, regened and came back at us fresher than ever, any arrow we shot falling uselessly behind or to the side of him. This pattern continued with one or two deaths on our side when he decided to make a rush onto the land until we dug a hole under the water he came into it and we smothered him with lava via dispensers.

So what does this story show? It shows that Maiar already have an insane advantage in water, and their opponents a large disadvantage. For when we land dwellers go into the water, we become slower to move, to fall, to rise, and we need to rise in order to breathe. At the same time a Maiar becomes quicker than the fastest runner on land with the added ability to rise and fall without damage and with incredible speeds. All this combined makes the Maiar nearly impossible to corner or kill from a range, meaning a Maiar only engages when he decides to engage, and he retreats when he wants to retreat all the while when he always has a advantage of no breath and the ability to use a third dimension to kill you. So, lets look over the advantages of Maiar.

1. Maiar already are practically unkillable as they can retreat when they desire to almost like if you had the ability to fly when you became injured on the surface.

2. Maiar bring an additional dimension to the two dimensional water battle, they can use this to attack without being attacked back.

3. Splash potions are useless for land dwellers in water but are still an option for maiars in water, this means even among god PVPers the Maiar still have a distinct advantage to counter them.

4. Maiar have gills, while a land lubber that attempts to go underwater to hit the Maiar will quickly find themselves out of breath.

So all this granted why would Strength 1 be OP? Well first off, there are skill some nubs that don't have the resources to use strength potions frequently in combat or at all, this causes Maiar to have a first off free and everlasting and secondly potentially rare potion effect for free in noob combat which would easily turn a Maiar combat balance from really good in its habitat and bad outside of it into death destroyer of worlds in its habitat and bad out side of it which would turn any noob war against a single Maiar into a defensive only war as any attack would be instantly destroyed.

But wait, what about the other people this effects, the god PVPers. Well this would be a huge annoyance and unbalance, first off because many PVP factions and noob factions alike that are losing a war will just move into an ugly base in the Ocean and wreck everyone using disarmed as your weapon is now on the Ocean floor and you have creative mode people flying around doing the damage equivalent of a decently enchanted diamond sword to you without losing anything. This would make PVP broken as it will be extremely hard if not impossible to defeat someone that does this, and it will be annoying to even try. So ultimately it will just make PVP less fun for everyone noobs and PVPer alike, so that is why I don't want to support this piece of your addition.
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