Archived Magic?

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Apr 7, 2013
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Ok I haven't read about magic in general nor much about the lore on the server since I've been busy lately with work, but I found odd that Magic isn't something that is used on this server, keep in mind, I'm well aware that the server is only using server puglins but would be wise to think on some other mods into this server, Ars Magica is a good example of magic on the right path(my point of view) would be nice to have this applied on the server, keep in mind, this is just my opinion ; ) share your views guys.
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mhm Interesting, now dev'ng a plugin like that would be even more interesting, sadly I'm not a mod maker, else I would try.
well that would be cool too, but heck that's would take a bit of time and I doupt Cay will waste time on that.
Isn't there a magic plugin that uses sticks or blaze rod. And there's 1 that uses different hoes. Like gold is fire diamond is water. Stone is snowball. Mabey if tweaked you'd have to do something for these wands
Ars Magica got some neat ideas, like the robes and stuff like that(new armors woot!) well or someone could use the info on the to make a magic system that fits our server, with the Auras and stuff, would be cool on my point of view, on top of that add'ng a catalist to "shoot" magic, in this case a costum key, note that I doupt this can be done server side only, =v but would be cool nevertheless, I woudn't mind to install some mods into my client if it was to make it possible.
(Magic Launcher makes it so easier)
I think there should be race-based magic if Cay choses to make a magic plugin. Each race gets a single, specific spell that any member of the race can use, but they must be that race for say, 1 week before they can use the spell.
Alright, I know that was a typo, but you can't deny, that was an AMAZING word... I'll have to use that more often in conversation... Puglins... Heh...

GOD! epic fail there! xD lmao!! "Puglins"!!!

I think there should be race-based magic if Cay choses to make a magic plugin. Each race gets a single, specific spell that any member of the race can use, but they must be that race for say, 1 week before they can use the spell.

mhmmm this...I do understand that point of view, but something with more dept would be better to the server we have, this is my point of view keep that in mind.

if you read a bit that link that Justin sent(

Branches of Magic or aka Magic Types

Alteration, Destruction, etc etc, what I mean is, like other skills, you would be able to rank each Branch of Magic, each branch of magic would have a list of spells, Rituals, Enchants(aka weapon/armor temporary enchantments) another thing would be Runic Magic, similar to Rituals would use Runes to trigger the magic thus allowing direct magic attacks without words(chanting spells) note that like the RP guidelines said:

"All spells are spoken, you can not "think" a spell and it will happen. What language you say a spell in does not matter, except for Latin. If you choose to say a spell in Latin, it will cost less energy. Which means you should google translate if you don't know Latin or if you do, translate it yourself. The word of the spell is the medium by which your auric energy goes through. The more specific you get with your words, the less energy it takes to power said spell."

thus this means that you need to "chant" a word to the spell activate, this could be used out of battle or in battle, tough using it Battle would be kinda hard since typing at the same time your try'ng to dodge someone sword can be quite a feat, still would be epic to see some real Mages being born.
ho right like I was say'ng, runic magic would use Runes with symbols to trigger the magic(Ars Magika? urrr) this would be epic to use too since you wouldn't need to "chant" to use a spell tough would still use Auric Energy.

Races would have a certain affinity to certain type of spells or Branches of Magic like the Guide described.

=v I just got these ideas from reading that guide, and heck if you guys want too I could write about a extended version of this even with some spells onto it too(or a list of spells)
Here's a more complex version of what I had in mind, race wise:
  • Elves
    • Wood Magic
      • Tree Growth - Grows all saplings within a 4 chunk radius of the elf. (costs 16 bone meal, 2 hunger)
      • Giant Tree - Creates a giant tree out of any oak sapling within a chunk radius. (Costs 6 hunger, 2 hearts, 1 sapling, and 8 bone meal)
    • Grass Magic
      • Grass Spread - Plants grass in all dirt blocks within a 4 chunk radius. (costs 2 hunger)
      • Deep Grass - Plants deep grass in the chunk the elf is in. (Costs 4 hunger)
  • Humans
    • Farming Magic
      • Fertile Growth - Grows all farmable crops within 4 chunks. (costs 32 bone meal, 4 hunger, 2 hearts)
      • Bountiful Harvest - Double Drops from all crops for 60 seconds. (no seeds dropped)
      • Plant This - Plants all seeds of an equipped type within inventory. (Costs seeds)
        • 6 chunk radius (6X6)
        • Only in farmland blocks
        • If holding Wheat Seeds, all wheat seeds in inventory will be used
          • When out of wheat seeds, planting stops.
  • Dwarves
    • Stone Magic
      • Horizontal Shaft - Creates a 2 chunk long 2X2 block shaft in the direction one is facing. (costs 2 hunger)
      • Vertical Shaft - Creates a 3X3 block shaft 1 chunk up or down (/dwarf magic Vert Shaft Down). (costs 2 hunger)
    • Dirt Magic
      • Dirt-B-Gone - Removes all dirt for 1 chunk cubed. (costs 2 hunger)
      • Mountain Movers - Moves all dirt from 1 chunk cubed into inventory (costs 2 hunger)
  • Orcs
    • Sand Magic
      • Sandstorm - Limits visibility of everyone within a 4X4 chunk radius (including self) for 60 seconds. (costs 4 hunger, 2 health, and 64 sand)
      • Sand Hole - Creates an inverse pyramid in 1 chunk cubed of sand. Does not effect non-sand substances. (costs 6 hunger)
    • Gravel Magic
      • Gravel Wave - Causes all gravel in 1 chunk to rise up 2 blocks (and then drop down via gravity). (costs 6 hunger)
  • Tigran
    • Tree Magic
      • Tree Climber - Allows the climbing of trees like ladders for 60 seconds. (costs 4 hunger)
      • Tree Dweller - Allows travel through leaves like walking/laddering for 60 seconds. (costs 4 hunger)
    • Animal Magic
      • On My Feet - Reduces fall damage by 50% for 60 seconds.(costs 4 hunger)
      • Angry Bear - Increases unarmed damage by 25% for 60 seconds. (costs 3 hearts health)
  • Maiar
    • Water Magic
      • Rising Flood - Creates a 2 block tall flood of water in the blocks immediately around the Maiar (3X3 area)(uses 4.5 hearts)
      • Speedy Current - Increases swimming speed by 50% while underwater for 60 seconds.
    • Storm Magic
      • Dense Fog - Limits visibility of everyone within a 4X4 chunk radius (uses water and lava bucket)
      • Sudden Gale - Stuns everyone within the chunk the Maiar is in.
  • Agni
    • Fire Magic
      • Torch of Doom - Sets fire to everything in the chunk. (uses lava bucket and 16 netherrack)
    • Magma Magic
      • Lava Pit - Creates 5 block deep pit with 1 block of lava on the bottom. (uses 8 hearts and 4 lava buckets)
  • Naga
    • Venom Magic
      • Poison Gas - Disorients everyone within a 2X2 chunk area. (uses half hunger bar)
      • Poison Bite - Poisons the next person to be hit with unarmed attack. (uses 1/4th hunger bar)
    • Rend Magic
      • Rip, Tear, Repeat - Increases unarmed damage by 25% for 60 seconds (uses 4 hunger)
      • Deep Bite - Deals 4 hearts damage with the next hit (uses 4 hunger)
  • Vespid
    • Swarm Magic
      • Shriek of the Swarm - Increase damage of all allies within range by 5% for 30 seconds (uses 4 hunger, 2 hearts)
      • Summon Swarm - Summons 5 normal and 1 venomous spider (kills Vespid, 2 day cooldown, uses 64 string)
    • Armor magic
      • Hardened Shell - Decreases all damage by 25% from enemies. (uses 4 hunger, must be in shift mode)
  • Yanar
    • Flower Magic
      • Garden Growth - Plants 8 red and 8 yellow flowers in the chunk of location (uses 1 hunger)
      • Scenery I Am - Renders Yanar invisible for 60 seconds or until moving (uses 4 hunger and 4 hearts)
    • Life Magic
      • Regenerating Glow - Heals all hearts in all allies within 1 chunk (kills Yanar, pacifist false - also uses 32 bone meal and 32 red flowers - 2 day cooldown)
  • Undead
    • Resurrection Magic
      • Raise Zombie - Summons a Zombie (uses 32 rotten flesh and 2 hearts)
      • Raise Skeleton - Summons a Skeleton (uses 32 bones and 2 hearts)
      • Raise Swarm - Summons 5 zombies and 2 skeletons (uses 160 rotten flesh and 64 bones, kills Undead, 2 day cooldown)
    • Death Magic
      • Life Drain - Drains 4 hearts health from every enemy within chunk (uses 64 obsidian and 32 redstone block)
      • Starving Shadows - Drains 4 hunger from every enemy within chunk (uses 32 quarts and 64 redstone blocks)
Something like the above... though it can always be altered to better suit the server lore, IG needs, and basic impossibility of some spells. All spells would be typed as follows:

/spell race spellname

and would need the required substances. Similar to Mcmmo, magic increases with use. At first spells have a 75% chance of failure, but over time reaches a 95% chance of success (even the best can screw up). If spell fails it still costs the same as if it succeeded.

For example:

"/spell Dwarf ShaftDown"
"Spell failed"
"Skill increased from 12 to 14"


"/spell Undead RaiseZombie"
"You have summoned a Zombie!"
"Skill increased from 152 to 153"

and the like.
Here's a more complex version of what I had in mind, race wise:
  • Elves
    • Wood Magic
      • Tree Growth - Grows all saplings within a 4 chunk radius of the elf. (costs 16 bone meal, 2 hunger)
      • Giant Tree - Creates a giant tree out of any oak sapling within a chunk radius. (Costs 6 hunger, 2 hearts, 1 sapling, and 8 bone meal)
    • Grass Magic
      • Grass Spread - Plants grass in all dirt blocks within a 4 chunk radius. (costs 2 hunger)
      • Deep Grass - Plants deep grass in the chunk the elf is in. (Costs 4 hunger)
  • Humans
    • Farming Magic
      • Fertile Growth - Grows all farmable crops within 4 chunks. (costs 32 bone meal, 4 hunger, 2 hearts)
      • Bountiful Harvest - Double Drops from all crops for 60 seconds. (no seeds dropped)
      • Plant This - Plants all seeds of an equipped type within inventory. (Costs seeds)
        • 6 chunk radius (6X6)
        • Only in farmland blocks
        • If holding Wheat Seeds, all wheat seeds in inventory will be used
          • When out of wheat seeds, planting stops.
  • Dwarves
    • Stone Magic
      • Horizontal Shaft - Creates a 2 chunk long 2X2 block shaft in the direction one is facing. (costs 2 hunger)
      • Vertical Shaft - Creates a 3X3 block shaft 1 chunk up or down (/dwarf magic Vert Shaft Down). (costs 2 hunger)
    • Dirt Magic
      • Dirt-B-Gone - Removes all dirt for 1 chunk cubed. (costs 2 hunger)
      • Mountain Movers - Moves all dirt from 1 chunk cubed into inventory (costs 2 hunger)
  • Orcs
    • Sand Magic
      • Sandstorm - Limits visibility of everyone within a 4X4 chunk radius (including self) for 60 seconds. (costs 4 hunger, 2 health, and 64 sand)
      • Sand Hole - Creates an inverse pyramid in 1 chunk cubed of sand. Does not effect non-sand substances. (costs 6 hunger)
    • Gravel Magic
      • Gravel Wave - Causes all gravel in 1 chunk to rise up 2 blocks (and then drop down via gravity). (costs 6 hunger)
  • Tigran
    • Tree Magic
      • Tree Climber - Allows the climbing of trees like ladders for 60 seconds. (costs 4 hunger)
      • Tree Dweller - Allows travel through leaves like walking/laddering for 60 seconds. (costs 4 hunger)
    • Animal Magic
      • On My Feet - Reduces fall damage by 50% for 60 seconds.(costs 4 hunger)
      • Angry Bear - Increases unarmed damage by 25% for 60 seconds. (costs 3 hearts health)
  • Maiar
    • Water Magic
      • Rising Flood - Creates a 2 block tall flood of water in the blocks immediately around the Maiar (3X3 area)(uses 4.5 hearts)
      • Speedy Current - Increases swimming speed by 50% while underwater for 60 seconds.
    • Storm Magic
      • Dense Fog - Limits visibility of everyone within a 4X4 chunk radius (uses water and lava bucket)
      • Sudden Gale - Stuns everyone within the chunk the Maiar is in.
  • Agni
    • Fire Magic
      • Torch of Doom - Sets fire to everything in the chunk. (uses lava bucket and 16 netherrack)
    • Magma Magic
      • Lava Pit - Creates 5 block deep pit with 1 block of lava on the bottom. (uses 8 hearts and 4 lava buckets)
  • Naga
    • Venom Magic
      • Poison Gas - Disorients everyone within a 2X2 chunk area. (uses half hunger bar)
      • Poison Bite - Poisons the next person to be hit with unarmed attack. (uses 1/4th hunger bar)
    • Rend Magic
      • Rip, Tear, Repeat - Increases unarmed damage by 25% for 60 seconds (uses 4 hunger)
      • Deep Bite - Deals 4 hearts damage with the next hit (uses 4 hunger)
  • Vespid
    • Swarm Magic
      • Shriek of the Swarm - Increase damage of all allies within range by 5% for 30 seconds (uses 4 hunger, 2 hearts)
      • Summon Swarm - Summons 5 normal and 1 venomous spider (kills Vespid, 2 day cooldown, uses 64 string)
    • Armor magic
      • Hardened Shell - Decreases all damage by 25% from enemies. (uses 4 hunger, must be in shift mode)
  • Yanar
    • Flower Magic
      • Garden Growth - Plants 8 red and 8 yellow flowers in the chunk of location (uses 1 hunger)
      • Scenery I Am - Renders Yanar invisible for 60 seconds or until moving (uses 4 hunger and 4 hearts)
    • Life Magic
      • Regenerating Glow - Heals all hearts in all allies within 1 chunk (kills Yanar, pacifist false - also uses 32 bone meal and 32 red flowers - 2 day cooldown)
  • Undead
    • Resurrection Magic
      • Raise Zombie - Summons a Zombie (uses 32 rotten flesh and 2 hearts)
      • Raise Skeleton - Summons a Skeleton (uses 32 bones and 2 hearts)
      • Raise Swarm - Summons 5 zombies and 2 skeletons (uses 160 rotten flesh and 64 bones, kills Undead, 2 day cooldown)
    • Death Magic
      • Life Drain - Drains 4 hearts health from every enemy within chunk (uses 64 obsidian and 32 redstone block)
      • Starving Shadows - Drains 4 hunger from every enemy within chunk (uses 32 quarts and 64 redstone blocks)
Something like the above... though it can always be altered to better suit the server lore, IG needs, and basic impossibility of some spells. All spells would be typed as follows:

/spell race spellname

and would need the required substances. Similar to Mcmmo, magic increases with use. At first spells have a 75% chance of failure, but over time reaches a 95% chance of success (even the best can screw up). If spell fails it still costs the same as if it succeeded.

For example:

"/spell Dwarf ShaftDown"
"Spell failed"
"Skill increased from 12 to 14"


"/spell Undead RaiseZombie"
"You have summoned a Zombie!"
"Skill increased from 152 to 153"

and the like.

this would be pretty good to add as racial magic =Q I still find that we should have a magic system similar to the RP one(structure wise)
Great ideas, but they seem very griefable.

I thought so as well, but you need to be a race for at least a week (maybe more, like a month) before you can use magic (and even then it is liable to fail completely) so it would be difficult to grief stuff simply with magic. Plus, it would tell others that you broke the block(s) just like if you had done it without magical aid, so you could be caught.
I thought so as well, but you need to be a race for at least a week (maybe more, like a month) before you can use magic (and even then it is liable to fail completely) so it would be difficult to grief stuff simply with magic. Plus, it would tell others that you broke the block(s) just like if you had done it without magical aid, so you could be caught.
The one problem is that vampires should get their own magic, and not the human magic.
The one problem is that vampires should get their own magic, and not the human magic.

Vampires get no magic, they already have:

Bloodlust, Shriek(lol), Double Jump, and don't need to breath. That pretty much covers every possible spell an evil vampire that can only eat Cake or blood would need... besides this, they do not get the human magics, Vampirism cancels out human magic.
I thought so as well, but you need to be a race for at least a week (maybe more, like a month) before you can use magic (and even then it is liable to fail completely) so it would be difficult to grief stuff simply with magic. Plus, it would tell others that you broke the block(s) just like if you had done it without magical aid, so you could be caught.

I see what you mean. I agree with having a skill for it, because then factions can train mages rather than sending their children down into darkrooms until they emerge years later as killing machines. :P
I see what you mean. I agree with having a skill for it, because then factions can train mages rather than sending their children down into darkrooms until they emerge years later as killing machines. :P
Haha the evil of the darkrooms make you strong makes the children strong
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