Archived Lwc - Easier Locking Mechanism / Commands

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of Tranquility
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
While I like the LWC-plugin mechanics, I find that one of the drawbacks for LWC is that it is not very noob friendly. You need to learn / remember a non-intuitive command; /cprotect I was going to say, but after having to look it up it's /cprivate for the common sort of lock.

You see, that's the problem right there, I see myself as technically savy, and have used commands ever since DOS was the thing you used on computers. But even I seem to forget the basic command to lock a chest.

It also doesn't follow the servers other plugins in terms of how you use them. For example "/money show", "/money log". If /money was the LWC plugin, those commands would be something as obscure as "/klog" and "/kshow". Yeah, I added that random letter of K because really, what's with the C in all those commands anyway?

So I propose that the LWC commands is altered to make them more streamlined with the servers other commands, and probably a bit easier to remember:

/lwc help | h
/lwc private
... etc


An alternate solution to make LWC easier to use would be to use signs like we're used to. It would work as with deadbolts, when you use a sign on a chest it gives you the basic /cprivate protection, HOWEVER, the sign is not physically put on the chest and it could even be consumed in the process. This second solution would make it more noob-friendly and less non-RP, which I find writing commands to be.

The big problem with the second solution though is accidentally clicking on a chest with a sign, making you lose 10 regals by accident, that's something that's much less likely to happen when having to write commands before clicking.
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You can use /lock instead of /cprivate, and you use /cprivate instead of /lwc create private. It is not hard to remember really, wouldn't you use /lwc create private/public/password, right? It just longer to type, than /cprivate. You can always do /lwc for the list of the commands.
I didn't know that, it doesn't mention those commands on the plugin-page:

If the commands I proposed pretty much already exists, then I simply suggest they are added to the documentation. :)
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