Lulus Roleplay Related Artwork

I need to step up my cool level if I want to even attempt roleplaying with you o-o
I think that people largely underestimate how stark terrifying Luthien looks when she is pissed off enough.

A commission i bought of a very talented artist on tumblr. I adore it!
No offense to the artist. But I much prefer the way you draw Luthien. From the little I know of her, Your art makes her look.. more like her in a sense.. It better captures her personality? you could say? I don't know, I just like your art better
I am currently working on a life-sized bust of Luthien!

I've wanted to work on something like this for a very long time. Luthien is a character i have had since i was very young, and who i have worked and edited to fit with the massivecraft lore, rather than create her for it alone. I've always been able to see her face very clearly in my mind, and i thought i would give a shot at actually making her out of clay. I'm pretty happy with how it is coming along.

These are photos of just her face, that will be then put onto the rest of the sculpture once it is done.

I am very interested as to what people think of seeing her face represented in a three dimensional medium. Even more than that, i am interested in the difference between how i perceive my character, and how others do.

SO TELL ME. How does the sculpture compare to how you envisioned her?


Luthien Wow, That is Actually really cool.... Scary cool. -focuses on the nose- yep, Just how I envisioned her! ( I like the nose, every time I decide to attempt using clay I muck up my noses xD. )
This sculpture is very well done and it portrays your character very good, but not exactly how I envisioned her. I'm not quite sure by myself how to describe it...the sculpture looks a bit too smooth and is not as angular/edged as I imagined her. But it could be just a result of the clay and the lack of hair that misleads my my view.^^
You shouldn't be on these forums.

You oughta be like a sculptor for masks of Hollywood.

Cause that not only is exactly how I envisioned it, but it's extremely close related to your picture, you BROUGHT ARTWORK TO LIFE.

Which possibly means there is also a motherly/satanic advisor out there...
Actually, for once, luthien actually looks quite alike the way I imagined her.
I think there should actually be a luthien costume for halloween, it seems quite cool :P I know id buy it
Man I love your art work. It's eery, but beautiful and mysterious - You should illustrate books, but not children ones... You would frighten them.
I love your artwork fhgdkhgfhgs! If I ever acquire 200s I am paying you for a drawing XD (Yeah, paying for three daughters to save them from random assassins happens way too often) o.o I wuv it. So much. The sculpture is amazing too.
I love your art! <3 So amazing, fgjhjfhjajfhsgkh! I spazzed >.<" Ermuh Must find the silver to pay for a picture of Ebony rewr Or some other character, if Eb dies, which would be awful T^T <-- Got no idea where that came from, but alrighty...
I rarely ever check threads that I have no vested interests in, however your artwork has me checking time and again.

Never stop making such marvels.
Oh my god... Horror games with your art style would make everyone on the whole planet pee...
Luthien I would pay to see this happen.

U: Hello, my name is Luthien.
AA: Hello, Luthien. -_-
U: and I'm an- aw, hell. Get over here!
*Various munching, screaming and splatter noises*

that is literally exactly how it would go. And she would say "Isn't alcohol fantastic?! This is a club for alcohol lovers, is it not?"
These are shitty but i wanted to draw luthien how i imagined her to look like around the time she met Frank
BASICALLYYY she had lived utterly by herself for like fifteen years, without contact with the outside world. Sheeeee had started to go quite literally mad, this was before she became a upyr as well, i might add. She was also feeding minimally so i imagine her appearence to have been utterly decrepit and she would have let her hair get really long and gross, she was very suicidal around this point purely because she was sick of being alive, she felt she had lived long enough blah blah blah im rambling.

I have added a short story onto my back story about a man who encounters her around this time. have a read of it HERE
[scroll down to the bottom of the main post]

In my head i can picture her appearance really clearly but i've been having trouble with drawing lately so the pictures are shite ANYWAY
a lot of red hair with sweeney-todd streak which i just noticed now is on different sides for both images WELL its meant to be from the left temple but i flip images a lot when im drawing.

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