Lulus Roleplay Related Artwork

Mar 8, 2013
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Frank's hair
Duchamp Estate and Charbon
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I do a lot of drawings based around roleplay situations, so i thought i would create
a thread to share some of the illustrations.
Please do NOT ask me for a request unless you are prepared to pay from 50 to 200 silver in game
(depending on what you want)
In such a situation, send me a private message on the forums, detailing what you would like me to draw. Please note; I do hold copyright over my illustrations AND characters. Any and all images i draw belong to me.
You may have seen this already in my RP introduction thread. It is simply an illustration of my roleplay character, Luthien.


This was inspired by a roleplay situation between myself and MLG_CATS. I imagine Luthien would find his character utterly sweet.
Luthien often sinks into....i dont like to call them "psychotic" episodes, because they are not violent or angry or unstable. Her mind is old and she struggles with mental processes, often hallucinating whilst drunk or intoxicated, thinking she is in a time from earlier on in her life.
This picture is what i imagine she was seeing during one of those episodes.
Simply a quick doodle of PizzaRoles character, Frank
This is an illustration of how Luthien met a (very significant/important) character from her past, who these days is only heard of in Lulus drunk rambles.
I made myself an outfit for the masquerade :P
I find your art style, and your general attitude, hilarious. This is wonderful! Good job! :D
A quick gift for Faewyn for i do very much enjoy RPing with her. I do apologise for not being very good at drawing pretty things, although know that i did try! I think i have been drawing the skinny and decrepit for a touch too long...

Some scribbles of luthien i did today...
I'm glad I haven't seen Luthein drunk yet, and lets hope it stays that way...

-weeps from the sheer awesome-

Your style is so unique, it's so awesome to see Faewyn in your style. And she most certainly looks pretty! Gah, can't, even, comprehend how much I squealed when I first saw this. Thank you so much!

-saves a billion times over to computer-
This is the 16th time coming back to this thread. I gotta eat sometime... just not now
I felt the absolute need to share this.

It is a commission i bought of Luthien from a very talented artist on an art website i use.
good gracious i love it!

All of it is wonderful.

I especially love the drawing of Frank.

Its almost unbelievable to know how creepy your character is, and how creepy she is in roleplay, and then talk to a not so creepy creator on teamspeak.
By any chance, did you take inspiration from Ao no Exorcist?
This was made as a joke. Luthien lavs fwank.

Some more serious artwork..or artwork that is based on a more serious note. Luthien saying sorry to PizzaRoles character frank.

yeahh.....she does not apologise often.

More Luthien pictures of her doing nothing in particular. Enjoy the lack of constructed, backgrounded drawings.

Luthien got busted draining some poor young lass.

she did not take it well.

also, who needs backgrounds? not I.

My old character didn't exactly like Luthien... And Luthien didn't like him. But these drawings are AMAZING :D
Wow these drawings are amazing! I wish I could draw my character.

Also I would love to rp with you sometime soon.
I maed an interpretation of my vision of Luthien as well. hurr. warning image is 2500x2000, clicking it might result in your browser being raped.

If you your so good at making artwork of yourselve, then what else can you make artwork of i wander? Purhaps you make an irl painting out of a minecraft structure, building, or landscape...

Luthien when she was 25 (before she was turned) and Luthien now.

quite the difference don't you think?
She's not as creepy... or red..

Oh the other hand, Very nice!
ahh luthien you look so cute there!
what happened?

jk lole
Because d'aaaaaww is right! Gah, that's such an awesome picture, and I love Luthien's expression, especially consider how blubbery and slightly hysterical Faewyn was at the time. She's just so calm and strong and ksdbflsfsd.

-steals picture onto computer, to stare at endlessly-
Shambang16 there had better be a reason you rated MY post "pink cloud."

Also, I wish i could actually draw like you. I'd actually have something to do that looks so amazing, besides punch a monster and see a little yellow letter pop up.