- Full Name: Lucien de Clermont
- Age: 42
- Birthday: December 6th, 265 A.C.
- Gender: Male
- Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe / Ithanian
- Sexuality: Bisexual
~ Visual Information ~

- Eye Color: Greenish grey
- Hair Color: Golden Blonde
- Hairstyle: Military cut
- Skin Color: Pale
- Clothing: A range of form fitting formal to casually loose and breezy. Lucien usually leans towards a mix between the two, keeping his sleeves baggy whilst his torso form fitting to ensure his garb stays in place. He's usually seen wearing stripy shirts or a sachet beneath his belt alike.
- Height: 6'2"
- Body Build: Muscular
- Weapon of Choice: Halberd
~ Skill Information ~
- Proficiency Points: 42 points total, 60 cap
- +15 Stave Combat Skill (+15 Points)
- +5 Unarmed Combat Skill (+5 Points)
- +5 Visual Arts (+5 Points)
- +10 Threads Knowledge (+10 Culture)
- +3 Athletic Training (+3 Points)
- +14 Parlor Magic Spells (+14 Points)
- +4 Element Branding Spell
- +3 Kindling Spell
- +3 Saying Dust Spell
- +2 Cleansing Spell
- +2 Lustre Spell
- Body Build:
- 31 Stat Points
- Muscular Body Type
- Extreme Low Fat Type
- Languages Learnt:
- Leutz-Vixe (Fluent)
- Ithanian (Fluent)
- Common (Fluent)
~ Personality and Abilities ~
- Social Perception: Lucien at most, is usually seen as being unapologetically a well behaved unionist; an all around nice guy. However to the some that are close to the man or have disproven themselves through his eyes, know he also be unapologetically cruel. He's a recovering asshole with a tendency to take things too far until someone points it out, or he notices himself. If you're a disappointment, a shameful presence, or unworthy of his time, you're a lost cause. At best, he's well tempered and capable of controlling his rage when need be, but at times he can unfortunately let loose. His more assertive side comes out, and the fork road of cruelty to decisive thinking. This behaviour is usually accounted for his lack of trust towards his Elders, and the unspoken lies of his sisters actions.
- Personal Perception: Unfortunately, Lucien half the time is either in a state of repentant or depression. Lucien finds himself being fed-up most often, but hide's his shameful sorrow under a smile upon his lips, his misery easily concealed by his ability to drown his despondency in a cloud of smoke. However, the man isn't always a sad sack, and finds himself enjoying life when he looks back on the progression his family has made, bringing confidence to his stride. When in this state of happiness, Lucien holds his head high and simply exudes self-confidence.
- Kin Perception: As mentioned before, Lucien's family and friends are more than aware of his inconsistent mood swings and 'rowdier' side, as for his perception of others. The man enjoys to gossip, but he prefers to be dependent and keep his deeper feelings towards others, his own. His personal opinions may come out in front of his kin, but at most it's petty bickering than stronger opinionated beliefs. Alongside this, his twin sister Cilla is aware of his magical belongs, despite how his trust is borderline between his sister. Again, due to the unfortunate events of their childhood. This includes the more closer family members and friends, but anyone at a slighter distance, is unaware.
- Morality: Despite Lucien's unreliable ability to be back and forth with his emotional temper, he usually tries to keep himself as a neutral individual. Due to his work with different social groups, he likes to consider the best of the situation, no matter the biased opinions of others. However, his mortality can be twisted at times of frustration as his perception of a situation may falter due to the rage within him, thus resolving in the flexibility of his mortality depending on the emotion state he's in when confronted with a situation. The fact that Lucien knows Magic can play a minor factor his his deception, as well. As some may not agree with his choices, whereas others care not.
~ Life Story ~
Birth and Childhood:
- Lucien was born to Aedilhild and Witteric du Clermont alongside his twin sister on the eve of 265 AC.
Westerlands of Brissaud bordering Ithania. - For duration of Lucien's youth, he was raised by his grandparents Anais and Richarr du Clermont who took fondly to his sister over himself. Whilst in their hands, Lucien struggled to comprehend their situation and continuously questioned when he was able to return to his parents. This made Lucien the least favorable out of the siblings, as his mannerism came off as ignorant and irritable.
- Lucien had no issue utilising their family home as a place to play and practice training. Richarr would often aid Lucien; pushing for Lucien's enthusiasm towards learning how to wield a Halberd, causing the two bonded separately over their practice sessions compared to Lucien's relations with Anais, who he struggled to see as a mother figure but in fact an old hag wishing to enforce her opinions onto him and his sister. Alongside the time spent with his grandfather, Lucien was often found trailing Priscilla. This included attending mass each morning at dawn and each night at dusk as commanded by his elders, great-aunts and uncles.
- Throughout Lucien's youth, his biological parents began to distance themselves further to the point where they'd no longer send him letters every other month, but yearly on the day of his Birth. The letters that were received supported Lucien and his ambitions, causing the child to flourish in his training at home as well as at school. However, his sister on the other hand, didn't receive the same attention as their mother continuously attempted to drive Priscilla away from her alchemy and towards the School of t'Hôterie to the point where her readings became overly concerning. The material within that book wasn't suitable for Cilla, so the pair collectively ignored their mothers request as they weren't comfortable with its contents. Lucien would often support Cilla's discomfort and help his sister come up with excuses to not listen in.
- Now the age of 14, Lucien found himself visited by his mother. Concerned at first due to the suprise of seeing his mother, he willing stepped up to speak with her in private. He soon found out that his mother had given birth to Charlie Perrin, a bastard Silven daughter she had attempted to keep in secrecy for seven years until the burden of her child became to much for her to handle alone. Lucien was fuming at first, his Elders having taught the young boy to be cautious of those influenced by the void, before coming to terms with his mother. Since then, her letters had been fashioned different, updating his son on his sibling until Lucien himself was able to visit her himself, attempting to aid his mother in keeping Charlie's existence a secret.
- Towards the end of the twins youth, they began to develop their courage as individuals. Cilla became more comfortable with being outgoing rather than her previous quiet and reserved personality, whereas Lucien became more snotty, deciding for himself what hours he'll take out of the day to do his chores and other assorted tasks. During this time, his interest towards painting, began to develop. Separate to his school life, Lucien put the time into learning how to paint, taking materials in secret from his grandmother in order to do so. Due to his location, he'd usually find himself painting flowers.
A particular incident that stands out is when Priscilla and Lucien had developed a fascination for the weapons that hung above the mantle of their living room fireplace. One evening back at home, the pair found themselves unsupervised. Lucien had Priscilla stacked up on his shoulders and the duo was attempting to take down their grandfather's saber. Lucien grew unsteady, and Priscilla ended up losing her grip on the saber, dropping it and consequently cutting and scarring her brother rather badly.
To this day, Priscilla denies having anything to do with the accident and instead shifts all of the blame onto him. This event inconveniently soiled his reputation with his kin as his actions came across as childish and ill mannered. This caused his temper to boil, as no matter how many times he spoke of the truth, the worse his reputation became.
To this day, Priscilla denies having anything to do with the accident and instead shifts all of the blame onto him. This event inconveniently soiled his reputation with his kin as his actions came across as childish and ill mannered. This caused his temper to boil, as no matter how many times he spoke of the truth, the worse his reputation became.
- By the time Lucien had recovered from his injuries, he was sent back to school for the continuum of his year. The younger man managed to pull excuses for his wound out of a hat as his classmates questioned the sudden gash down the right side of his features, but the more he lied about his situation, the rowdier he became. Until the age of 16, Lucien continued to flourish his painting skills, as well as his abilities to utilise Stave Weaponry.
- His reputation in school growing until one fortunate day he received a letter from a few close relatives. It exclaimed that his father had gone made with the families power, and as a consequence was now dead of a mysterious cause. Lucien's school life began to plummet, his interests in Siggs became stronger and his taste for alcoholic beverages alike. Due to his distant relationship with his father, he felt guilty for not aiding him before his fall. However, due to his external knowledge into the school before joining, he graduated swiftly at the age of 21.
- Returning home a couple days after graduation, Lucien had missed his father's funeral alike his sister, but caught wind of how his elders had granted his sister matriarch and the replacement of Witteric. To no surprise, Lucien took their choice with a side of salt, expecting nothing more from his family but the dinel of the position. Despite the traditions of it being gifted to the firstborn son, they believed Priscilla's well mannered behaviours better fitting than his unpredictable emotional shifts.
- Now granted with the gift of spare time, he traveled to the city of Regalia alongside his sister, his interests diverting towards items of power rather than the ownership of his family. Lucien found himself looking for something that could grant himself a stronger bond with his capabilities as well as between his kin, his friends. Having caught wind of it from a few practitioners in the Golden Willow that weren't so quiet about their abilities due to their intoxication, Lucien managed to trade a bit of his wealth for a very important Gauntlet. He found a brief amount of confidence, before realising the consequences of his actions, now having to find work at the Hidden Dragon as a manager.
- Until the age of 25, the man spent four years practicing the secretive art of magic. This leaving him with a couple of years to regain the strength he lost whilst learning his current spells, training in public Lodges to the wilderness of Regalia. Here and there, the man travels with his kin to Daen in aid of the family's new found trade, in which he obtained Groobe, a cherished and loved pet ferret, along the way.
- Since, he has been traveling back and forth between Regalia and his homestead, visiting his Elders in order to keep in contact as well as lending his sister Cilla where it was due. However, since then, Lucien has lost his place within his families Town Estate as the remains of the du Clermont family departing from the City during the famine. Lucien now resides wherever he can fit, once a manager within the Hidden Dragon, now a manager at the Wailing Wraith Tavern in the sewers. A sorry sight, but a decision he willing made in order to assist his sister, Charlie Perrin, in running her tavern.

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