Archived Lore Item Creation And Availability

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
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Alrighty. Ever since Mojang brought down the hammer with what is and is not allowed to be done with vote rewards, Lore Items have been on a steady decline on the server. There are a lot that you can get through killing MassiveMobs, and Events often have specific rewards based on them that can be obtained, but in general the flow of Compliant Lore Items into the server has been severed. I have a few ideas to sort this out potentially.

Pack Isle Quests:

Pack Isle is, for those who don't know, the planned way to earn money instead of voting, and would take the place of John The Pius. Essentially, players will (once this is released) have to put at least some minor effort into doing miniature Quests to earn their Regals, instead of simply right clicking one NPC.

My idea for this is simple- Have a random chance (say, 15%) for a Quest to ALSO give one of the Lore Items you could previously only obtain through voting. This would reintroduce the old Lore Items into the flow again at a fairly steady pace.

Regalian Vendors:

At the moment there are three NPCs in Regalia who give Lore Items. Harry, Cole, and the Sig Merchant (who's name I forget). My idea is simply to add a few more. There are numerous stalls and suitable locations around the city that are not rentable and sit essentially useless that could have other miscellaneous traders placed in them. Maybe some sell the old Lore Items related to clothing in a kind of Tailors Shop. Or random bits and bobs like Lore Books in the Library. ETC. This would also provide another money sink for RPers beyond just Renting Regions, and would help build up the functionality of the city. I love going to player run businesses to do things, but to be honest, hardly any exist and the few that do tend to die off because 70% of roleplay is focused on the Park, the Tavern, or the Sewer Tavern.

Custom Group Items:

This one is likely the most controversial, but I enjoy the concept and I feel that, if done well, it could be a great addition to the server. As it stands, there is one group in Roleplay that has their own customized Lore Items. The Guards. And, this makes sense. Guards are necessary in the RP considering the city is meant to be swarming with them- having players acting out the roles instead of just relying on common sense and people respecting the existence of NPCs- which they NEVER do ever- makes the experience flow and function.

But Guard Chapters and Groups are not the only major influences in RP. There are around a dozen groups I would consider large and active enough to warrant the same privilege. The Nenyarina, the Usque, and the Van Hels to name three off the top of my head (though the Van Hels are relatively new all things considered they are still very much around all the time in the Sewers. ). Also the Merchant's Guild, and certain Noble Houses.

Perhaps having a form under "Regalian Roleplay" where groups can fill out a request for a few Blue Lore Items based on their groups, with strict rules about group activity, numbers, and age, to stem the flow of randoms, could be the best way to go about it. Either way I feel like this could be an interesting addition.
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Something that I think would be very popular, for example, would be custom lore drinks because many, many people own RP bars. Maybe you could order a chest of drinks for a set regal price, and then keep them as collectables or attempt to sell them off individually for profit? This would be a lot of work on the staff's part, but it'd also be a damn lot of fun. Maybe an order form on the forums with fields to fill out for name of drinks, lore to be written on them, and enchants to put on them?
If I hadn't sold my 6 dubs of lore items I would make one great profit right about now. But love the idea of this.
just gonna pop this here because why not throw down a bank NPC to get those oh so smexy regal items
Wow this is a amazing idea, and it theoretically is EULA compliant as far as i can see, since its a ingame quest and has nothing to do with voting.
Personally, until job island comes out, I wouldn't expect any new permanent NPC's.

As for the custom group items, sure its a cool idea. Being in van Hel myself, I'd enjoy this. But unless they were permanently implemented into the lore, I don't think this would come to fruition. It would also cause drama between those who did and didn't get their own lore items. Sure. Those who work hardest should be rewarded, but personalized lore items I feel would he a bit of a touchy subject. Seeing how many people enjoy collecting them.

There are a lot of competitions going on that hand out personalized lore items. I am aiming to run and make sure PR has one a week and in a diversity that everyone has a chance to show off their skillsets.
That is what we were getting at kae, is at job island, in addition to regals you have a chance to get a lore item as well.

Perhaps some sort of lore-forge/tailor/writing etc. quest that requires you collect some items in order to eventually get a lore item,with it's rarity depending on the length and difficulty of the quest?
I am going to reject this simply because the primary concern has already been resolved with Voting rewards being re-enabled.
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