Archived Lore Idea - Lampar Tweaks To Improve Playability

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
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Hello everyone!

So it is hardly a secret that the Lampar as a race are generally reserved for, well. 'Cyewt' Roleplay. They have no strengths beyond them looking like little Anime children, and they have a ton of weaknesses, added with their inability to learn hardly anything or do any magic, or do anything but be cute and run around in circles.

Some may argue "Well, that is what the Rashaq are there for." and yes, they do fix a lot of issues with the Lampar, having a 'cooler' more playable counterpart does not fix the issue of the Lampar still being neigh unplayable as someone's Main.

A Few Changes:

Learning - A race that is both easily distracted AND has terrible long term memory just leads to a race that can accomplish nothing in Roleplay. They can barely remember their own backstory, and they are unable to learn anything impactful or do anything impactful because of these traits. The solution? One or the other. I would personally opt for them having long-term-memory a bit under an Ailor's capability, but still being extremely easily distracted. So it might take a Lampar twice as long to learn something, but at least they don't forget how after three days and a few dozen cookies.

Magic - Lampar's status with magic is a bit fiddly at the moment. They can apparently learn up to student level in Primal Magic of all things, but even the simpler magics such as Starlight are beyond them. If their memory problems were handled as I suggested above, then their limitation to magic would be simply that it takes twice as long to learn for them. The stipulation here being, they can only progress to Mage level at maximum, due to their life span and learning impairments. I would suggest also making it so they are only capable of learning Simple Magics, based on the following point.

Intelligence - Lampar are by no means smart. Nor should they be. This one is more of a clarification that was implied (based on their terrible memory and short attention span) but as far as I know not explicitly stated. Lampar are on average only 2/3rds as smart as the average Ailor. Meaning the most intelligent and learned Lampar will never be as smart as the average Ailor. Can they become nearly as smart in specific topics? Maybe. IE if a Lampar studied it's whole life in History, it is hardly out of the question they could become more knowledgeable in the topic than a fair chunk of Ailor. But never generally smarter. They have to specialize in one thing to get near that level. So said Lampar would know only 1+1 = 2 level mathematics.


These few changes, I feel at least, would improve the Lampar's playability as a race. Note they are still extremely weak, however their mental faculties have been improved somewhat to encourage less... "I is su cyewt lub me!" RP and more... actual RP. They still retain the cuteness factor, but it is not the race's ONLY notable thing in this version.

If you all have thoughts or ideas, or opinions and what not, feel free to reply below!
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This is actually pretty interesting.
Wow, Lot of Reading but on how you Put things, I would Most likely be able to Agree, Sonce after all, Just having a Character who is Cute, could end up ib many ways, But get Bland after awhile. As people would mostly just push you Asid for the Main topic of what every Rp they are doing, and Yes I know that this may not be True to some. But I honestly feel as if it does mostly happen with the Lampar.
The Lampar have a very specific design in mind that dictates these traits. As such I wouldn't call them weaknesses, rather they are traits that reinforce the central idea that Lampar are kind of useless and drive most of the cutesy anime kid roleplay in and of itself. I suppose if you were to look at the Lampar purely out of a win-rp point of view they are kind of pointless, but that's the benefit of roleplay as a whole, Massive is not a win-rp olympics.

Being universally nonthreatening in combat adds to the Lampar niche. Any reverting of that will just result in slapstick Lampar characters because of the dissonance between size and proposed changes. Strengths don't make the character more interesting. Abilities don't name characters more interesting. If someone is unable to portray a Lampar in an interesting way on a longer period of time, it's not the lack of abilities that will fix that, rather the problem is more with the player being too focussed on win-rp.
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