Archived Lore Description Character Maximum Expansion

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Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
This is not about how many characters you can have in role-play, this is about the /lore command.

After watching others work with the /lore command as well as personal experience, I came up with this suggestion to expand the maximum characters that you can type in for the lore.

The amount you give for the /lore command doesn't allow you to go into complete detail about the Lore that was placed on the weapon. It makes you only give the bare minimum of detail.

I was thinking about a certain amount that would be added, so I thought either expand it to 75 characters, or to expand it to the end of the chat bar that Minecraft limits you to.
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Agreed. I also think it should allow as many characters as possible. I don't see a reason why there should be a limit anyway.
If that happened, you'd have lore so long it's hide the item off the side of the screen.

The items text box doesn't remain a fixed size. So the more words you add, the longer it gets.
If that happened, you'd have lore so long it's hide the item off the side of the screen.

The items text box doesn't remain a fixed size. So the more words you add, the longer it gets.
The text box moves around for the size of the box, so it wouldn't really conflict, unless all the Lore was placed onto one line, then you wouldn't be able to see past a few words.
Why not able todo multiple lines?
Then we could write more and it would be readable.
But people might abuse it, just think about that. (i can't come with an example but some people are very creative when abusing ingame mechanics)
I'd also like to be able to add colours to named items and change the colour of the lore.

But, yeah. The maximum amount of characters definitely needs to be increased.
There's a character you type to make it wrap. However, there's still... problems with limitless.

Without the character, if there was no text limit, you could get this: 2014-07-05 15.49.11.png

With the character that wraps, you could get something like this: 2014-07-05 15.54.34.png

I'd say, keep the limit or limit it to how long the Minecraft text box allows, and allow word wrapping. There shouldn't be a limitless amount, as that can cause some really spammy stuff.
Maybe increase it but maximum 50 characters per line, and maximum 4 lines. Maybe a little less, but limiting it like that should avoid most problems.