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Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Seventh Edict


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party

By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte
01 - 04 - 308
Article I - Changes to Law
Article II - State of the Realm

Article I - Changes to Law,
  1. Addition to Regalian Political Law: Withholding information pertaining to any crisis faced by the Regalian State is illegal.
  2. Addition to Regalian Political Law: Anyone who wishes to proceed with research into or experimentations with any crisis faced by the Regalian State must consult the Lord Chancellor or their elected delegate.
  3. Addition to Regalian Political Law: Consequences that come as a result of unsanctioned research or experimentation will be levied against whoever organized the act. For example: If your experimentation is not approved by the State and it results in the death of a citizen, you will be charged with murder.
Everyone who has been complicit in unsanctioned research will be given amnesty for as so long as they immediately turn in their findings to the Lord Chancellor. Anyone who submits information which results in turning the tide into Regalia's favor will be appropriately compensated.​
Article II - State of the Realm,
Below is a graph that depicts all provinces inside of the Regalian Archipelago, or specifically, which provinces are suffering from the incursions of Clickers, from worst to best.


The following information details what percent of the land of a particular province has been conceded to combatting the Clicker Crisis. Provinces recorded in red are deemed as the most at risk, orange indicating intermediate levels of risk, yellow indicating low levels of risk, and green indicating safety or a lack of information pertaining to the Clickers from that region. This data is subject to change and does not take into account the Imperial Isle.

Calemberg (House Typhonus): 25%
Ryazigrad: 25%
Bluchner: 24%
Boss-Sarve: 23%
Rumvalia: 23%

Vlissinghelm (House Harhold): 19%
Sol-Avalorn (House Avalorn): 19%
Chartois: 17%
Theos: 17%
Kattepuutan: 16%
Maraisburcke (House du Brierust): 14%
Silmark (House Slumberwood): 14%
Norrland (House Viduggla) 12%
Amelland: 10%
Basta-Irvelle (House Delmotte): 10%

Libertade (House Fristadvlom): 9%
Lorhauser (House Peirgarten): 8%
Drahcnewald (House von Drachenburg): 5%
Narlas (House Black) 5%
Fohrborg (House Sorenvik) 5%
Rakkai: 4%
Barlowe (House Reinard): 2%

I implore the peerage to focus their resources on mitigating the damage done to areas that are most at risk. The only way in which we will be able to effectively combat this crisis is through collaboration and efficiently using our collective resources by tending to where to most damage has been done.

Signed by,
His Eminence
Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Grand Duke of Basta-Irvelle
Louis Delmotte

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