Looking For Beautiful Pictures Of Aloria!

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sometimes existing
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Crimson Doll
The title describes this post very well:

I am looking for screenshots of places throughout Aloria! Why?

  • I have a character in which her main appeal is to paint. I have been wandering through Regalia, finding beautiful locations to screenshot here and there.
  • My profile picture is almost always my art, so I will use it as a reference.

Here is where I ask the community for help.
  • If you know of any locations, have screenshots of beautiful landmarks or cities. Or even pictures of friends (I would prefer it be something that happened IC)
Please post them here. If I like them a lot, I will paint them!

  • Also, any art I do from this thread will be free. Though I will likely not take random requests of characters, unless they are of significance in the rp community. (Nobles, guards, etc.)
  • I will paint skins into photos if I see them and they are compliant though.
In short, I am looking for screenshots, places, events, and people for my "character" to paint.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!
I should add, that if you want artwork from this character, you can approach "Cassandra De'Mars".
I don't think this would count as meta because she tends to carry an easel and canvas on her back. So while maybe your character won't know her, it's pretty easy to tell she is an artist, so asking about her work would be a great way to spark an rp and get a commission!
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I should add, that if you want artwork from this character, you can approach "Cassandra De'Mars".
I don't think this would count as meta because she tends to carry an easel and canvas on her back.

Even if it was a little meta, it's just something that would spark rp so you could make an exception :P

However I really like this idea, and I'm highly considering going out to find some things to screenshot for you now, we'll see...!
I'll drop you some shader-enhanced screenies of Shaolin in a couple of minutes :)
Created an imgur album with shader-ridden pictures of Shaolin. Sorry for tall flowers to be cut in half, but minecraft hates me on windows 10.

I have... lots. Lots. LOTS of shader screens. This is just one. If you need more, just ask.


That's Verdandil, a RP faction that I'm an officer in. It was taken from the perspective of a window in our arena.

Sure. I'll post a few more, and you can come 'round to it at any time. Though, shaders are a lot nicer in general.


I just realised that I don't have as many screenshots of Verdandil as I originally thought. Just shoot me a /msg if you want to check it out yourself.