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Looking For Band Members


Sleeping Extraordinaire
Jun 27, 2016
Reaction score
Flyers with large black ink letters would be added to the board of Rosecourt, as well as around the Willow and the Wunderbar

men are acceptable just be Sihai
I am Mei-Ling. I am a war dynasty Sihai. I play a Dexai Lute.
Let's start a band and get rich.
Find me in the Willow if interested.
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Siselle brightened as she saw the sign, before noticing the 'Sihai' part. After a quick look over, she decided that her Velheimer self could not pass.
Meirelle stared towards the notice, slamming her fist onto the board promptly after. "Do you think they'd still accept me if I am not Sihai an' can't play an instrut-whatever?" The Maraya inquired to the blind woman that stood next to her.

Meirelle stared towards the notice, slamming her fist onto the board promptly after. "Do you think they'd still accept me if I am not Sihai an' can't play an instrut-whatever?" The Maraya inquired to the blind woman that stood next to her.


A Maraya woman furrowed her brows, looking at the notice despite not being able to see the words displayed upon it "No.. no they won't. They could accept me because I know how to play, but I only play to serenade the bitches.. aka you.." At that she stuck her tongue out at her sister, tossing the notice back into her arms.
Danny perked up at the notice a grin forming on his features, bouncing excitedly up and down on the balls of his feet. He rushed home to grab his guitar, already strumming a tune on it and humming as he walked back to the willow to find the writer as instructed. On the way he passed the post, singing an old sea shanty he learned from his father about lost love, before looking at the poster again and noticing the notice about Sihai and letting out a dejected. "Fuck." And then turning 'round and heading home again.
Danny perked up at the notice a grin forming on his features, bouncing excitedly up and down on the balls of his feet. He rushed home to grab his guitar, already strumming a tune on it and humming as he walked back to the willow to find the writer as instructed. On the way he passed the post, singing an old sea shanty he learned from his father about lost love, before looking at the poster again and noticing the notice about Sihai and letting out a dejected. "Fuck." And then turning 'round and heading home again.
An illiterate Sihai laughs at his pain, following him home.