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Looking For A New Best Friend, Because Mine Is A Yehoe


You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
[!] A public notice is posted. [!]​

I am penning this public notice with a heavy heart, for it is time to embark on a quest to find a new best friend. Alas, the bonds of friendship are delicate, and sometimes our paths veer off in strange directions. My current companion, once loyal and true, has regrettably become too busy to enjoy the activities we once shared together, such as eating at the same table, sharing a bed to give eachother endearing stories of our youth late at night, and fishing beside each other. Furthermore, rumors persist that they carry a most undesirable affliction: the dreaded cooties.

Should you believe yourself worthy of such a noble companionship, I implore that you present yourself as a candidate for my esteemed friendship. Here are the desired qualities of a potential best friend:

  1. Loyalty: A steadfast heart that shall never waver, even in the face of adversity.
  2. Integrity: A commitment to honorable deeds and actions, demonstrating a noble character.
  3. Compatibility: Shared celibate interests.
  4. Cootie-Free Zone: Assurance of being free from any undesirable maladies, magical or otherwise.
If you possess these qualities and yearn for a cherished bond, please respond to this notice by leaving a message at the local tavern, the Golden Willow, where I shall be awaiting your correspondence.

Puck Van Der Heide


To my sister and brother, Luck Van Der Heide and Evelien Van Der Heide,

I had no idea, and am definitely not responsible for any rules broken in the Burgandy Lodgings...

Your brother,
Puck Van Der Heide

This is a 'Bro's Before Yehoes' post
@BiBiBirdie @BluKnight10
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Somewhere, somehow, someone in a burgundy uniform's seen rattling a copy of this public notice. It's enough to make his tinted lenses fall off.
"Sera Puck,

Please come see me in the upstairs office with reports regarding Sera Yehor's behavior during the past few weeks. I'm sure you will have much to share, seeing how you claim to have even shared a bed with him.
