Preserved Sheet Llytaei Velulaei’eyha.

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Sep 25, 2016
Reaction score


(Speedpaint Video)

Basic Information (Character Artwork)
  • Full Name: Llytaei Velulaei'eyha.
  • Age: 34.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Saivalthar.
  • Main Ambition: With his recent arrival to Regalia, Llytaei wishes to join the ranks of the Azure Order, assisting in the capture and perhaps the execution of illegal mages, more specifically those who don't fully appreciate the capabilities of magic.
    • Another ambition, rather goal of Llytaei's is to further his alchemical abilities.
  • Special Permission: N/A

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sky blue.
  • Hair Color: Platinum blonde, often mistaken for white.
  • Hair Style: Kept long and well-tended to. It hangs low down his to his shoulders. His hair also features two twisted braids which lead to the back and form a ponytail, held together by a thin black clip. His fringe consists of two thick locks of hair each side of his face which hang roughly to his eye level.
  • Skin Color: His skin is stark white and smooth. A few scars mark his body, most of which are due to injuries sustained from his travels.
  • Clothing: Llytaei wears simple blue robes that goes to his ankles and has a pair of aging charcoal boots upon his feet;
  • Height: 6'4.
  • Weight: 116 pounds.
  • Body Build: Ectomorph, lithe.
  • Weapon of Choice: Mage level, Antimagic.
    • Alchemical potions.
    • Small common forged dagger (if needed).

Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • Authoritarian: Due to participation in the political scene back at Saivale, Llytaei has a desire for security, order, power, and status, with a want for structured lines of authority. He tends to conform to authority and believe that complete obedience to his own rules and regulations is completely necessary; any deviation from these rules is to be treated harshly.
  • Calculating: Llytaei over the years has learnt to influence others through mental and emotional explotations to gain what he wants. He is constantly thinking carefully about how to get exactly what he wants in each situation, and how to use those around him to his own advantage.
  • Blunt: Llytaei is often plain spoken and abrupt. Llytaei doesn't like to sugarcoat situations or use euphemisms often, always being straightforward and honest (however, he does understand when he must lie) speaking the truth even when it is unpopular, which can often land in him heavy arguments with those around him as they can't see past the harsh realities.
  • Intelligent: Devoted to uncovering information and learning, to further his knowledge. Llytaei is flexible and able to thrive in different settings showing what must be done even if complications and restrictions arise. Lytaei has a vast knowledge of magic due to his teachings in antimagic and to rare few will offer his knowledge in assistance.
  • Sadomasochistic: From a young age Llytaei was raised to believe that suffering through physical pain is heroic and that magic reigns supreme, it isn't unusual for him to develop this personality trait. Llytaei gains gratification from having pain or suffering inflicted upon himself, or others.
  • Narrow minded: Llytaei like his kin can be extremely narrow minded and stubborn, he is rather impulsive and opinionated. He dislikes being told that he is wrong in circumstances and usually falls into heavy arguments against those who have called him out as being false or mistaken, this often results in many finding him irritable to be around.
  • Alchemy: As a child. Llytaei's mother taught him and his brothers the fundamentals of alchemy. Llytaei has the knowledge to brew potions. His favorites Galhmed's Passion, a powder that has the potential to drive the user into a passion-fueled rage and Trembling Smoke, a hallucination inducing candle that causes intense fear, something Llytaei enjoys,
  • Antimagic: Although useless against anyone other than a mage. Llytaei is mage caster, antimagic mage, having studied for little over twenty years. He has a mind for strategical and tactical management with his magic. he is able to distort a passive magic field around himself, block magic usage, that of two people at one time.
  • Pain tolerance: All Saivalthar mages are trained to harness pain with a trance and cast through it. Llytaei was taught and trained to believe that suffering through physical pain was heroic. Naturally has a higher pain tolerance than most.
  • High blood pressure: Passed through genetics like those before him, Llytaei has slowly started to develop a high blood pressure, at times he will occasionally go through mild dizziness, tiredness and weakness, especially after wielding his magic.
  • Nearsighted: Llytaei typically has difficulties when reading street signs and seeing distant objects, often needing to squint. Occasionally suffering eye strains, headaches and at points feels fatigued when carrying out tasks.
  • Weak left arm: As a child Llytaei was often put through acts of flagellation, he sustained horrific injuries throughout his childhood, as a result his left arm and shoulder cause him great pain and strains it at time. Although he enjoys the pain, this can sometimes affects his magic as it pains him too much to cast from his left arm.

Life Story (Required)
270 AC - 282 AC Childhood (1-12)

  • Born to Sin'tri and Iatrilemar Velulaei'eyha within the continent of Saivale.The family being highborn in Saivale afforded a comfortable estate within the husks of the ancient elven cities.
  • Throughout his childhood Llytaei was tutored alongside his younger brother Sae'ra, the wisdom of the tutoring allowed them both to gain common insight of literature and elven language.
  • Alongside basic tutoring, the children were taught to believe like all Saivalthar that suffering through physical pain is heroic and that magic reigns supreme, their father often put them through acts of flagellation to teach the children that suffering through pain was 'heroic'. While their mother an alchemist taught the children the fundamentals of alchemy.
  • Llytaei and Sae'ra shared a bed together and even went as far as to experiment with each other.
  • During one his father's 'teachings' Sae'ra collapsed. His father claiming he was weak and no true Saivalthar, this left Llytaei upset for two weeks, however he came around and begun to believe his father.
283 AC- 290 AC Adolescence (13-19)
  • At the age of twelve, Llytaei has progressed with tutoring, being further educated with literature, gaining a more advanced understanding of what nations exist in the world, and is now admitted into a local academy, where he begins training in antimagic.
    • While also being trained to harness pain and cast through it, something he understood well due to teachings from his father at an early age. To acclimate to suffering, he must put himself through flagellation, cutting and other non-permanent forms of wounds. It is believed that if this isn't done, it will harm the potency of his magic usage.
  • Has a basic understanding of how antimagic works.
    • While he cannot channel a direct spell against any mages yet, he is able to create a small static field of distortion around himself, that weakens magical spells by the smallest slight.
  • "Almost all Saivalthar participate in the political scene in one way or another." Alongside his teachings in antimagic, at his father's request Llytaei was tutored the etiquettes of Saivale Court, learning the webs of politics.
  • Three years have passed and training has progressed, Llytaei abilities have excelled reaching the level of caster. (Typically a caster level is achieved within six months, however the academy deemed that too early, wishing students to fully grasp antimagic, and its usage.
    • Llytaei is able to block out magic completely by directly channeling spells, from three metres away.
291 AC - 300 AC (20-29)
  • At the age of twenty two has finally reached the level of mage within his training of antimagic.
    • Llytaei is able to distort a passive field around himself, and is able to completely block out the magical usage of two mages at same time.
  • Llytaei attends court with his father and a few of his supporters, there his father crosses words with a few members of the Magistratum, his father and few of his supporters openly mocks them.
  • Within a few hours House Velulaei'eyha and its supporters has been disgraced. Llytaei knowing how this is going to end flees the city with little to nothing alongside his brother. Soughting acceptance upon a ship leaving Saivale, ending up in Arvost, more specifically Arvost City.
  • Life outside of Saivale is extremely different, especially with magic, many don't appreciate the its value as his kin have, many using it for simple entertainment, to show off. Along with that Llytaei must adapt to the types of unseen races, people and languages, especially common tongue, Llytaei struggled with the learning of common tongue, he still struggles with it slightly now.
301 AC - Present Day (30-34)
  • Remained in Arvost for roughly about three and half years, with his status of a commoner within the the city of Arvost had not changed, Llytaei decided to break wind and pursue life within Regalia.
  • Arrives in Regalia and within a few months has slowly begun settling within the city. Although has noticed more mages, more specifically those deemed as "shunners" and how reckless they act. Llytaei finding this extremely irritable due to his teachings in magic has ambitions to join the Azure Order and put an end to this reckless behavior.
  • Some months have passed, Regalia has prepared for war against the the bone horrors, most Regalian soldiers have left to the war front. During this time, The Dark Queen, Freya Lo has risen from the dead with her deathling army and assumed control of Regalia. Llytaei quickly came forth and pledged loyalty to her Majesty and joined the Queen's Guard.
  • Loyalties are tested as the Queen imposes new laws, all non-ailor citizens currently are now considered Outsiders within Regalia. Anything below first class are legally able to be enslaved to those with higher status. However, People may petition for immunity from slavery, or make their case for restored citizenry. Llytaei petitions for citizenship, and to join the mage task force that is established. He's accepted for both.
  • Some weeks have passed, supplies are at an all time low within the city, rebels have taken to attacking the last warehouses that were full with food, and useful supplies. It's time to retaliate, Freya Lo has raised a small deathling army to siege the village of Rothburg, head on against the rebels. If asked Llytaei would say he participated in the slaughter of men, women and children alike. In reality he was ordered to stay back by Basium Lampero to assist the wounded with Farrah, a seemingly quiet Slizzar.
  • Treachery arises? Assists in "The Great Castle Crash" Llytaei along with a group of some 30 labourers chip away at the cistern foundations underneath the Grey Gate prison, breaking, mining, and hammering away at the massive stonework that existed in place there.
  • End Of The Lo Arch: A City In Turmoil. With the city falling to the so called rebels, Llytaei along with Ethlynn Vlasta took the opportunity to secure state documents that could used a bargaining chip, both were seen scouring the old Sancellist offices when the Deathlings left, but found nothing.
  • War approaches once more.. Tylleronde's Game. The Saivalthar and Shendar have formed the Blood Pact. Llytaei initially believed this to be rumors however rumors quickly turned to truth after a report from the Regalian Government stated that the Saivalthar have started mobilizing their magicar host and constructing warships. Llytaie begins to search for passage outside the holy city.
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General Updates:
  • 12/01/2017 - Added to ambitions, wanting to further his alchemical abilities.
  • 22/01/2017 - Added artwork, dividers, gifs, made the sheet more aesthetically pleasing.
Life Story:

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Peer Review~ No Salt Intended!!!
  • Special Permission: Anti-Magic isn't hidden, and since you aren't requesting 'expert' level there is no need for this to be here <3
  • Height/Weight: I got help from staff on my char Erolith who is malnourished and he weights more than your char, also my char is shorter, I'd suggest bumping up your weight a bit, I'm not even sure what you currently have it on is livable.
  • Sadomasochistic/Pain Tolerance: These are the same things, you will likely need to change one.
  • This Server Is PG:
    went as far as to experiment with each other in a sexual manner
    This should be removed, as this is a PG friendly server.
Other than the above mentioned things nothing really stands out to me after a quick read through. Nice Sheet!
Thank you for your peer review. I must have missed the special permission, my bad, thank you for that.
  • Updated the weight, as suggested.
  • Updated the life story, as suggested.
  • I'm uncertain about changing either sadomasochism or pain tolerance. I have considered what you suggested though, I'll search for replacements either way.
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Besides the third point in my initial review which I do recommend you changing (but ultimately that's up to staff), I see this as passing my standards:P Good Luck!

First and foremost, take a look at your personality traits again. Though you've gone into detail as to how the traits affect your character, detail on how his traits affect others around him - and why the reactions of others might make some of his traits more positive or negative than others.

Moving onto his life goal - as your character was raised to revel in magic and use it to the greatest degree, why would he then turn to capturing mages who also practice magic? Go into more detail as to his motivations within your life story.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @Stannerys !~
  • Updated the personality traits, attempting to add how it affects those around him.
  • Updated the life goal, attempting to go into more detail.