Preserved Sheet Rhahexll Grisz Rhaok

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Jan 15, 2018
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"The world is a cold and cruel place, it isn't fair. Often the fools, cowards, and liars of the world are hiding in high places."
Theme ~ Theme ~ Theme

  • Full Name: Rhahexll Grisz Rhaok
    • Nicknames: Shapeshifter
  • Age: 108
    • Birthdate: August 8th, 202 A.C.
  • Gender: Gender-Fluid, male identity
  • Race: Mauli Slizzar
  • Preferred Weapon(s): Knives, daggers, a pair of blacksteel knuckledusters, and a longneck rifle
    • Grieving Sun | An ornately crafted elvish blacksteel knife that he had replaced from Nightsilver by an elvish smith in Regalia, the smith carved Olt'vven engravings into the blade causing to blade to glow a silver color. The handle itself is made of charred wood and the palm swell of the knife is custom fit to his hand, and the pommel has a Sun-Cut blood-red ruby laid in it.
    • Shadow's Fate | Right-handed knuckle duster, forged from folded blacksteel this packs a nasty punch.
    • Hatred's Bite | Left-handed knuckle duster, forged from the same ingot of blacksteel it is identical to Shadow's Fate.

"Someone who is wise gets more use from his enemies than he ever did from his friends."

  • Proficiency Points: 14
    • Strength: 3
      • Unarmed Pack
      • Short Blades Pack
      • Blades Pack
    • Constitution: 1
      • Bruteforce Pack
    • Wisdom: 3
      • Engineering Movement Pack
      • Engineering Automata Pack
      • Healing Alchemy Pack
    • Dexterity: 3
      • Stealth Skill Pack
      • Parkour Pack
      • Longneck Pack
    • Charisma: 4
      • State Saboteur Pack
      • State Commander Pack
      • Mount Husbandry Pack
      • Pet Husbandry Pack
  • Abilities:
  • Strength:
    • Ranged Dodge
    • Pinning Throw
    • Technique Parry
  • Wisdom:
    • Engineering Branch: Magitech
    • Healing Hands
  • Dexterity:
    • Paralyzing Shot
  • Charisma:
    • Hadarian Satrap mount
  • Languages:
    • Common (Free)
    • Zoram (Native)

"Why do we have a voice? What's the point of having one if we're silenced in times we should be speaking out."

  • Eye Color: Purple.
  • Hair Color: Yellow that shifts into an orange.
  • Hair Style: Loose and long flowing.
  • Scale Color: Black.
  • Clothing: Often will wear loose robes when in this form as to not constrict himself or his movement.
  • Height: 6'0.
  • Weight: 160 lbs.

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."

  • Chapter One: The Upbringing of a Thief
    • 202 AC: Rhahexll is born in the forbidden city of Sassrakkand, and was brought up in military family, his parents were Sristha and Szosha Rhaok. Sristha, his father was a high-ranking member of the Slizzar military while his mother was an informant for the military.
    • 208 AC: Rhahexll would reach adulthood at age 6, and would then choose a mentor. His mentors name was Mizsa who was in her 60's when she took Rhahexll under her mentorship. Under her Rhahexll learned several of the skills that he still uses now. He learned how to break into buildings, and get information. He learned how to remain unseen and use the shadows to his advantage, and he learned how to steal from people without them even noticing, and when they did the young slizzar was already gone. He also began experimenting with his different forms at this age.
    • 211 AC: Rhahexll's younger sister Vazshda would be born, and he would take care of her when his parents could not. This did not last for long as Slizzar grow up quickly.
    • 218 AC: At this time Rhahexll would leave his family and begin to live with his mentor Mizsa in order for him to reach his full potential as a thief. During this period of time Rhahexll would also find himself learning how to use throwing knives, while also learning how to fight with knives. Mizsa and Rhahexll would become partners and come to respect each other immensely, often times trusting the others lives in their hands.
    • 228 AC: Rhahexll used his skills that Mizsa had preached to him and was sent on assignments that took him away from the homeland that he had grown so familiar to. After visiting his parents one last time, and bidding them farewell and then Mizsa he boarded one of the merchant ships bound for Daendroc.
  • Chapter Two: All on my lonesome
    • 235 AC: Rhahexll has been living in Daendroc for 7 years now, the template of an Altalarian man and began courting a woman named Anna. He asked her to teach him how to speak and write in Common as well as Modern-Altalar which he learned very quickly, but for the first year of learning it he could only speak in broken sentences.
    • 242 AC: He created a following of people who had the same skills he did and had them infiltrate several of the aristocratic and noble houses within Daendroc. They fed him information and stole from the families and gave him a third of their profit. Faelin would amass a small fortune which we would put towards different needs. He and Anna would purchase a manor and some land along with it.
    • 250 AC: Rhahexll and Anna would have their first child, Christopher. Leaving most of the parenting to Anna, while he would continue to build up his following, and would continue getting money from those who worked under him.
    • 255 AC: This would not last long as some of those who worked beneath Faelin grew unhappy with him and how much money he took from them. Several of them, at least seven raided his manor one night and killed both Anna and their son, this caused Rhahexll to go on the run. Leaving all of the wealth, and spoils that he had collected behind. After this he snuck onto a ship and persuaded the captain to sail back to Sassrakkand.
    • 274 AC: Now back in his homeland, Rhahexll would seek out his family. He only successfully found his sister, but never their parents. He returned with the knowledge he had learned while in Ceardia and wrote this down in two notebooks that he still has with him today.
    • 286 AC: Almost a decade after, the Regalians began marching on Hadar. This lead to a bloody war with Allar, and Slizzar on one side and the Ailor on the other. Rhahexll joined the Essa Empires army as an informant, following in his mothers footsteps Rhahexll would go behind enemy lines in order to gain critical information.
  • Chapter Three: The Spoils of War
    • 291 AC: The war had been lost, Miko Missa executed, and the mass genocide of Slizzar had taken place. Rhahexll escaped and boarded a ship that took him away from what once was his homeland and now is a sour reminder of what the Ailor could do. He had no idea where the ship was taking him but wherever it was he was sure it was safer than his homeland.
    • 295 AC: The ship turned out to be a merchant ship from Farah'deen. This took Rhahexll to the Pearl Cities of the Masaya. He took the template of one of the crew members on the ship and blended into the Songaskian society. Rhahexll would begin learning how to speak and write in Faraddi, this took him a while longer than Common had. Additionally, he picked up Faraddi from the merchants he met along the way.
    • 302 AC: At this point he had lived in Farah'deen for 7 years now, he had joined the Songaskian's army because it was one of the many things that he was used to. Once again he joined as an informant, and found himself high in the hierarchy by using his abilities. Later in the year the First Songaskian War broke out and Rhahexll found himself in yet another war.
    • 303 AC: The war only lasted a year, and he had made it out of it unscathed and even took home a trophy from the war. A Regalian longsword that he later had melted down and made into throwing knives. Although there was some conflict, for the most part the coming years were peaceful but that can only last so long.
    • 305 AC: The Second Songaskian War broke out in early May of that year, pitted the Songaskians against eachother and the Regalians once again. After 2 months of bloodshed the war came to an end and Musamansa Massya took his rightful place on the throne. He would then leave the Masaya and travel to Regalia in hopes of regaining his wealth.
  • Chapter Four: Journey to Foreign Lands
    • 306 AC: To avoid any repercussions from the war, Rhahexll traveled to Regalia where he would make his way into the underworld of the city. He would go back to his roots as a thief, breaking into many peoples houses and getting away with it due to his ability to change his appearance. He would meet several people, and be a part of many different groups namely the Hierarchy coven where he'd meet Merith who would soon after find her end on the pyre. He would leave the coven soon after in fear he would be hunted down and killed, and after a series of unfortunate events he was arrested and cured. This was when he met Fathiyaa Nasir, a Songaskian who had offered him a home. The pair were lovers for a few months before it fell apart and he became a mercenary under Eldradon Deredda which did not last long after the band disbanded.
    • 307 AC: After this Rhahexll joined the Crown Isle Wardens and aided the City and its people. One night Fathiyaa had spoken with a man named Jared Kade and told him that Jared was seeking people with his skillset. The Slizzar agreed and went to meet the Kade, and soon after found himself taking on the tasks given to him by the Kade. He has since left the Wardens and moved fully into the mercenary and saboteur life.
  • Chapter Five: The Return to of a Shapeshifter
    • 309 AC: More recently he departed from the Crown Isle upon his Hadarian Satrap on a journey to the different lands he once called home, he visited the graves of the family he left behind in Daendroc, and journeyed to the Pearl Cities of the Songaskian Masaya, finally ending this journey in Sassrakkand where he spent the better part of a year in. During this time he came to meet another traveling Slizzar going by the name of Elizabeth and the two quickly figured out their interests aligned as far as their ambitions within Regalian Society. Elizabeth extended the offer to Rhahexll, should he return back to the Crown Isle, to be apart of her family. He accepted the offer however chose to stay a while longer in Sassrakkand before returning due to the current crisis.
    • 310 AC: Having returned to the Crown Isle Rhahexll found out just how much has changed due to the current invasion. He later came to lose an eye at the hands on the invaders, however gained a magitech replacement thanks to an old-friend of his on the Isle. He wrote a letter to Elizabeth telling her he had arrived back relatively intact to the Crown Isle and the two met once more. The meeting marked the start of a new identity for the Slizzar.
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This is actually pretty neat, I liked the way you categorized everything. I have yet to see it on the thread but then again, I've only looked at the first page of Character Applications.
  • 1) Your 'Experiencing fear' section is too mary sue-ish as explaining the character has little to no fear. Fix that and how they rect to fear.
  • 2) Your stress section is mary sue-ish as well. Explain the difference between him not showing stress and what he does to bury that stress, not that he doesn't get stressed.
  • 3) His biggest fear is extremely confusing, as his greatest fear is that people never backstab him? Rework his fears or reword them to make more sense.
Tag me @Havsbris_ And mark your edits in Blue

@Havsbris_ Update, changed some proficiency points, added Barghest mutations, and put it in his life story that he was infected
Fix the labeling on your profs like labeling what is hobby points, or that you hve one prof listed as 10 points spent but actually have 5. Otherwise then simple mistakes, Approved

@Havsbris_ I need a re-review please! I aged him up to 105 and made the necessary changes in his life story and birthdate and last but not least I redid his profs.
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@Katiesc Proficiency changes, he became a vampire, and I added a sentence to the lifestory at the end
@Surrealizm This application was rejected per the most recent Proficiency Update, please rework your proficiencies then I'll supply a re-review.
Decided to increase the depth of his proficiency spread because I want more out of this character than I was getting before.