Lithuandir Telarel

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by _Sundreamer_, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. _Sundreamer_


    Oct 20, 2020
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    "A throne is not simply a given gift, but a goal to achieve."

    Upon A Throne I Dream | Chains Unbroken Uphold Their Duty | One Must Always Aspire Greater
    ◆ Full Name: Lithuandir Ilialonos Vilsamaliunis Telarel.
    - Mo-A: Lïthuli’induri Ililënvoros Vil-símulianiun Telrathulïr.
    ◆ Title: Duke of Solmarse, or more culturally appropriate, Sol.
    ◆ Age: 107, though given his heritage- it is hard to determine accurately.
    ◆ Gender: Male.
    ◆ Race: Solvaan Altalar.

    - Amalgamation of primarily Tanaar culture and Sollerian adherence.
    ◆ Sexuality: Heterosexual, though he adeptly plays to both genders flirtatiously if it improves the chances of his ambitions.
    ◆ Preferred Weapon: Altalar broadsword.


    "To remain with power, there must be those we keep powerless."

    50 Age Points, 10 Free Hobby Points.

    Total Points: 60.
    Physical Stat: 20. (15 Melee + Ranged + Special = 20 Racial Cap.)
    ◆Body Shape: Ripped.
    ◆Body Fat: Average Body Fat.

    Core Group Proficiencies: Total of 20 Core Points.
    ◆ + 10 Sword Combat (Age.)
    ◆ +5 Spear Combat (Age.)
    ◆ +5 Shielded Combat (Age.)

    Schooling and Education: Total of 18 Core points.
    ◆ Riding School: Lancierron School of Ivaëlle, Tanaar Ivaëlle.
    ◆ Finance School: Olamaan Economic Theoretica, Tanaar Ivaëlle.
    ◆ Command School: Solsanthëa Silverhelm Commandery, Tanaar Ivaëlle.
    ◆ Statesman School: Regalian Statesman Academy, Vixhall.
    ◆ Diplomacy School: Collegiate d’Évraux, Ithania.
    ◆ Espionage School: Groupe d’Intervention Pratique, Ithania.

    Unyielding - Lithuandir Telarel is relentless and determined to the ambition of victory in warfare, pushing the demands of his soldiers to the peak of their capabilities even in the midst of battle, taking on influences of the famed Illius Tarum. Retreat is the last option and only considered when the balance of power shifts too dramatically against his ranks for any hope of victory. The lives of the soldiers beneath him are not mere numbers, so he views this strategy more akin to training athletes to their greatest potential even when victory is on a distant horizon. He will himself join the frontlines to enact a boost of morale and confidence in the ranks to prove that he will not simply command such unyielding ambition- but see it done himself too even when bloodied and wounded.

    Charismatic - His poetic voice and diplomatic prowess is not alienated in the ranks of the military, for he is aptly spoken and will use this to his advantage however he can. One for the narrative of glory of war, Lithuandir prizes himself on uplifting speeches to bolster morale before battle and to encourage recovery after a defeat. His verbal skills to persuade his superiors of better tactics in his opinion and to the grandeur of warfare even simply by voice: He is a presenter, a speaker and is never bashful when it comes to standing before his soldiers.

    Totalitarian - Lithuandir Telarel has never been one for submissive rule, and it is very clear in his practice as a Commander. Strictness and discipline is almost foundational to his ranks, with very little mercy to any deviation. “It is not for them to question the superiority of what I know, they will serve with perfect choreography.” - Is a very common saying to him, once again relating his soldiers to athletes and performers who need to act with utter fluency in everything they do. Personal initiative however is encouraged with specific tasks and thus he retains some flexibility, though less so among those soldiers without much experience. Never disabling, the punishment for fault is a very slippery slope: There is no room for weakness in his unit. He abides by these same punishments however, and is especially critical of himself behind the curtain of his war-tent, no weakness allowed.

    Reckless - In his need and drive to succeed, Lithuandir Telarel commands with an absolute must for success and will go about his desire for victory even stacked against greater odds. His students, athletes and Disciples of War are made and trained to win and he will be sure to ensure they do. He spends a snapshot amount of time assessing the various outcomes of a battle with his advisors but presents sheer confidence in himself and his soldiers. Daring to take chances to better his own odds if he truly has to, appreciating the need to adapt to situations rather than simply yielding in defeat. This is no broader concept, for he displays time and time again that this is his own philosophy likewise and will not ever ask for someone to risk themselves without himself, for even he will charge at the exact front to ensure the success of the battle, leading many to label him as bloodthirsty and overconfident.
    Hobby Group Proficiencies: Total of 10 Hobby points.
    ◆ +10 Animal Husbandry (Age.)
    - Casecabillas Stallion named Valasartil.
    - Northern Wolf named Telarel. (I won it in some hunting event thing like months ago.)
    Linguistics: Total of 12 Core points.
    ◆ Common. (Educated from home.)
    ◆ Modern Altalar. (Parental.)
    ◆ Middle Altalar. (Educated.)
    ◆ Main Kathar. (Educated.)
    ◆ Suvial Altalar. (Educated.)
    ◆ Ancient Altalar. (Free with the purchase of: Middle, Kathar and Suvial Altalar.)
    ◆ D’Ithanie. (Educated through schooling in Ithania.)

    Racial Abilities: Solvaan Altalar.
    ◆ Talea's Blessings
    - Aish'eia's Union
    ◆ Age Control I
    ◆ Arken Sense I
    ◆ Arcant Mastery I
    ◆ Battle Dress I
    ◆ Weapon Song I
    ◆ Peace Reign I
    ◆ Sollerian Mist I
    “We have strength, only when others are weak.”

    ◆ Eye Colour:
    - A deep royal blue.
    ◆ Hair Colour:
    - A pale shade of blonde mixed with loose strands of deeper shades of gold.
    ◆ Hair Style:
    - Dignified and elegant. Usually tied with a series of braids down the flowing majority down his back.
    ◆ Skin Colour:
    - A sun-kissed porcelain, his tone is fresh and pale. Though without any true indication of proper tanning.
    ◆ Clothing:
    - A wide selection of regal dressing robes of various colours and styles. Mostly shades of blue, black or red. Simple jewelry sparsely used.
    ◆ Height:
    - Without any form of elevated shoe, Lithuandir stands at six feet and four inches or one-hundred and ninety-eight centimeters.

    ◆ Eye Colour:
    A pristine sapphire blue, flaked with lighter more silvery hints of a paler hue that contrast the darker shade. One of his more memorable features. Shimmering with untold words and the thrill of conversation. His eyes emit a sense of power, determination, lust and ambition. Humming with emotion that his features and presentation otherwise lack.
    ◆ Hair Style:
    His hair is maintained with no flaw nor imperfection that would otherwise upset his expression. Often tied out away from his face with a collection of glass and gold beads and braids, connoting his wealthy and noble presentation. However, if the need arises, he is no stranger to allowing it to fall plainly down his back.
    ◆ Fashion:
    Usually draped in comfortable but regal robes of various vibrant shades and hues. Ranging from deep bloody reds to shimmering pale blues. His general style is noble but conservative. A high collar that ensures his neck is raised well, tightly fitting around his back and torso to pronounce his healthy physique but loose and flowing below the waist and forearms- devoting more to a graceful and elegant presentation.
    ◆ Posture:
    His every motion is trained to perfection, a performance or act to those around him; from every step, dip of his head and friendly smile between. Lithuandir defines himself through his posture, brilliant and composed, elegant throughout. Announcing his nobility even in the slightest of gestures for everyone to see.
    ◆ Facial Structure:
    Lithuandir’s face is the embodiment of Nelflin beauty, sharp and handsome without a single blemish or scar to upset the fabric of his face- a keen representation of his race and Altalar lineage. With high cheekbones set below his striking blue eyes. Finely groomed with no strand or layer of facial hair that would otherwise mask his strong features.
    ◆ Speech Pattern:
    Evidently an Altalar. His speech is properly pronounced and fluent, melodic and smooth with every phrase or conversation he partakes in. Deep and rich, he can adjust his tone to convey a sense of pride and authority when needed or suggestive affection to adjust himself depending on the situation he is in. A true actor to the whims of the company he shares.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    "It is our virtuous duty to pluck the lesser forms out from the muck and establish their heritage under the heel of our great and true civilisation- I offer them a gift, mercy."

    Alignment: Lawful Evil/Neutral Evil.

    Lithuandir primarily exploits both the legal system and his own allies to further his unspoken ambitions. Relying on manipulation and scheme to overcome obstacles that would otherwise restrict his power legally. Whilst he generally adheres to the written and spoken law, he does not feel bound by it should it interfere with his desires- yet is no stranger to calling upon the law to weaken or remove his enemies and contenders, playing the innocent role with devotion. Whilst he is not necessarily cruel, he has no qualms with acting swiftly and mercilessly to ensure the survival of both himself and his ambitions. Not truly selfish, Lithuandir is most certainly a survivalist, ensuring his needs come before the majority.

    Personality Type: ENTJ-A, The Commander.

    Lithuandir strives for the spotlight, adoring the attention of both those familiar and unfamiliar at any public or private gathering he may attend. He is always keen to impress, through a well-mannered vocabulary and flirtatious demeanour. His charm and charisma being the forefront of his skillset, never faltering to extend his influence to potential allies or seeking out oblivious prey. Authority and power is his lifeblood, whether commanding a regiment of soldiers or hosting various parties and gatherings for the elite he mingles with.

    Religion: Faith of Estel, the Altalar Pantheon. 5/10.

    Faith in the Pantheon is an ever present lesson to Lithuandir, from his childhood to his present day. Given how the longest ruling ambition of his life was birthed from his trial of Be'saith. However, he is not devoted to their teachings or presence and prefers to rely on one, himself. He will compliment the Faith to appease to the more faithful he mingles with rather than flat out deny them entirely. As all things, faith and devotion is another potential strength or weakness to those he occupies his efforts with.

    Personality Extended

    Lithuandir Telarel carries himself differently depending on the situation he finds himself in, a perfect actor adeptly capable of portraying what is needed to assert an unspoken dominance or power in the crowd, playing the situation as best as he can to suit his own personal agenda or that of his allies. Boldly diplomatic, cold and calculating despite his somewhat youthful appearance. He holds himself with the utmost self-esteem and formality- not a breath without confidence. In public, he is mostly stern and stoic, not quite relaying his true emotions less it proves a weakness. Usually in a constant state of dismissal or uninterest.

    Word from his family, allies or even his benefactors is that he is ruthless, charming and intelligent, ruling with an iron fist and discipline. Keen on negotiation and business, always preferring the diplomatic route as opposed to direct aggression or conflict.

    Xenophobic, Lithuandir is quiet about his disdain for what he deems are ‘Lesser Races’ when abroad, justifying his parental history of slaving as justified in an attempt to raise the standards of those enslaved, a necessary part in ensuring his superior culture and the enslaved thrive respectfully. In truth, he uses this virtue to outweigh any reputation or opinion regarding these same ‘Lesser Cultures’ for he believes they are no better than animals, whether due to their barbarism or prior conflicts, and it is his duty to train them for a proper and grand civilisation. Or more menacingly- as punishment. In his eyes, such a role is saintly, even if he doesn’t voice such.

    "The superiority of our blood is what keeps our people strong. Even when outnumbered by lesser nations.. Maintain it, or be without it."

    Early Childhood, Zero to Twelve. The Bloom.
    Lithuandir was born the second son to his household, in the year 201 AC. To his Solvaan father and mother, Ulunril Telarel and Ilmeliranaira Telarel. His older brother and later political rival was Alvusiris Telarel. A family and name of minor importance, with relatively no aristocratic power or influence, occupying various small plantations and vineyards on the outskirts of Ivaëlle, known by the family name Lithendendil, to what Lithuandir was named after.
    From an early age, Lithuandir was made witness to the functioning business of his family through the work of his father and older brother. Raised well with every leisure and desire offered to him without an ounce of work needed on his behalf. His father, particularly xenophobic, ingrained the ideology of his superiority from an early age.

    Adolescence, Thirteen to Nineteen. The Blossoming.

    Lithauandir was sent to Solleria in introduction to his education, he had no qualms with doing so, eager to travel and see the world even if it meant leaving his family for an extended period of time. Here he eagerly adapted to the lifestyle, befitting his own ideologies in the art of grandeur and finer sophistications. He took an art to it, through sheer pleasure alone.
    Here in the Academy of Solleria, Lithuandir thrived. Without falter, his education consisted of various Altalar histories and cultural studies and the trained skills of grandeur and social etiquette. Something he took particular pride in for he’d continue to uphold such teachings well into his later years. Lithuandir’s eye for detail became one of his greatest strengths- not only in his education but also in his personal ambitions to succeed, no matter the cost.

    Early Adulthood, Twenty to Thirty-Five. The Fruition.
    Lithuandir paid his family a minor visit after his time spent in Solleria. Seeking to be praised for his success and efforts in a foriegn city, ultimately resulted in a festering wound. His ego was crushed by the success of his older brother, to which he did not compare, overshadowing his own minor trials mundane and dismissed at best by his family. Lithuandir remained cordial and pleasant but resented his brother out of spiteful jealousy. He did not linger long in Ivaëlle.
    Lithuandir was not overly keen on travelling abroad but obliged willingly nevertheless, upon his first choice- Lithuandir journeyed to La Porte Du Paradis, in Ithania. An educational scheme to exploit the superiority of his race- something Lithuandir already had deeply ingrained in his mind far before such an event. However, Lithuandir grew accustomed to the culture, one of finery and excess. Something he revelled in entirely without a single complaint at all. Once a bitter childhood view of Ailor sweetened to one of admiration and respect, even if unspoken.
    He spent several years in Ithania, savouring everything from the music, art, drink and people of a higher class. Though they were not as keenly adored as Altalar, he grew to favour them above the stories and experiences of the other Ailor cultures. This was only reinforced with his various travels to Osteiermark, a stark contrast to what he had experienced in Ithania. To him, Osteiermark displayed a clearer display of Ailor kind, now believing they are arrogant and lesser, reinforcing his superiority complex indefinitely. His political agenda lessened from coexistence and more to surpassing.

    Adulthood, Thirty-Five to One-Hundred and Six. The Withering.
    Reinforced by his sudden drive to succeed, Lithuandir pushed himself far greater than he had ever done prior, throwing himself into the art of combat and command. Once spirited through simple desire to learn, now complexed through jealousy and anger. An adept student, his newfound interest lay in the art of warfare and combat. Pushing his fitness to his greatest limits. The sense of authority and power ripe in his younger mind. Lithuandir basked in the role of command, and could be described as a promising if not stern and harsh soldier. Weakness became inexcusable- even his own.
    However, such positive ideologies were quickly replaced by bitterness when he was sent to various minor incursion and skirmish zones of the Kathar invaders. A fine but inexperienced soldier, Lithuandir had been wounded on more than one occasion and this only caused the untamed drive for power to grow in the heat of his failures.
    Lithuandir spent a great majority of his life between the business and aristocracy of his liege and family and the various incursions he volunteered to involve himself with. The sweeter innocence of his youth replaced with darker ambitions, even if he hid it well through smiles and fond conversations. A dutiful son, politician and soldier.
    Lithuandir fought in various battles and campaigns in both the Ranger Crisis, Altalar-Regalian War and the Dread War. All conflicts dented and chiseled away the last remaining air of kindness and innocence in Lithuandir. A bitter hatred for both Ailor, Orc and Kathar evolved- one that he may hide with a sweet smile and hands offered but the scars, mental and physical, serve a constant reminder of the insufferable presence of ‘Lesser Beings’. His ambitions once to simply succeed- now to conquer.

    Present Day, One -Hundred and Seven. The Thorns.
    Prior wars had come and gone and it is now Lithuandir strikes combat in an entirely new dimension, upon the political battlefield. Yet to ascend to any patriarchal position in his liege, Lithuandir has travelled to Regalia in hopes of forming alliances and business partners. Improvements to his minor name, family and influence.

    Warfare History
    ◆ Various skirmishes along the border with the Kathar, 241 AC to 255 AC, infantry.
    ◆ Ranger Crisis of 295 AC, infantry.
    ◆ Elven War of 302 AC.. Battle of Taure Tinechor, infantry/cavalry. Battle of Perfwenn, infantry. First Battle of H’rellen, infantry. Second Battle of H’rellen, infantry. Battle of Lenna Bas, infantry/cavalry.
    ◆ Altalar-Regalian War of 305 AC. Battle of Ulvar, infantry. Various skirmishes, infantry/cavalry. Battle of Fort Mei. Infantry.
    ◆ Dread War of 307 AC. Siege of Merkar’sarh, infantry. First Defence of Merkar’sarh, infantry. Second Defence of Merkar’sarh, infantry/archer.

    War Progression Stories

    Island of Dregux: Staying back, Reimar sent Valarosta in with her pincer. Splitting her force into two groups of 17,000, they marched on the last area the Sendrassians were sighted in. Khaine, Lithuandir and Thalion took the Northern flank while Mateo and James Larkson took the Southern, snapping in on the Maz-Allar camp. As the palisades came into sight, the order came in to attack. Mae Keppkuula, Nerissa, Kabili Drulvaar readied their magic, charging into.. Nothing. Battlecries fell silent as the troops halted outside of an empty encampment. They had been seriously duked. Valarosta entered the vanguard, taking a look around the camp and swearing to herself. Lifting an arm, she called for the force to return to Reimar to report back that the Sendrassians had moved on, likely during the Naval battle with Avalorn.

    Island of Dregux: Lithuandir Telarel, the last of Valarosta’s Field Commanders helped organise the hasty and risky retreat, even with the pressure building from all around. It was easy from higher ground to see that the other two Generals, Mac Conall and Kreiburg were equally at odds with the battle, both outnumbered significantly also. What mattered to Lithuandir now was saving lives and as many as possible. He signalled to the back lines to concentrate arrow fire and bombards on one particular opening in the jungle brush, the explosions from the bombard having hit what Lituandir wanted and collapsing some old pillars and temporarily blocking the clear path into the battle.

    Island of Dregux: Lithuandir Telarel was lucky, being one of the last few close enough to see the ground in front of him slide away with a sudden 10 houses-tall drop into the depth below, and a massive Draconic figure in front of him blacking out the sunlight, dripping rocks and roots all around. Many had seen the Imperial Dragon, and large as it was, it was no larger than a regalian battleship, but this Rubine Dragon was something else. It was larger than the whole Imperial Isle in Regalia, creating a hole larger than was created during the Clicker Crisis in the heart of the city. It didn’t even seem like it was fighting, it was just moving into the Regalian battle formations and causing staggering casualties as it did so. It appeared different from last time it was sighted as well, no longer cobbled together bone and flesh, but rather a complete Dragon, yet still with patches of unmended flesh and gore from which steaming jets of toxic gasses killed anyone who took so much as a single breath. As the Dragon reared, Lithuandir could see it rear its head backwards, the head which in itself he would wager was about the size of the whole Imperial Dragon, before it spewed forth the largest torrent of gas of living memory, straight at the heart of the pushing Regalian line. This gas did not kill on impact like those crushed by the Dragon’s claws, it spread through the ranks who tried desperately to hold position and await orders on how to respond.

    Island of Dregux: Overhead, a Regalian Airship whirred as he started off toward its destination just five miles off now. With so little distance to cover before engagement, the Field Marshal ordered the army to split into two under Lithuandir Telarel and Osira Lae’rinsyr - her two Field Commanders. In the distance, the first wave of bombing attempts could be heard from the Regalian Airship, as slow and hulking as it was. After the initial attack, the Airship spun back around for another wave while Field Commander Lithuandir Telarel led 7,500 Tenpenny footmen in against the 12,000 Sendrassian force. The Sendrassians however had been prepared for an attack, and despite the Airships bombing runs, which admittedly tore their defenses asunder, were able to push back against the sizable force.
    Witnessing the counterattack, Field Commander Telarel ordered Sollerian Spearmen into the fray, which devastated the Sendrassian Cavalry charge, buying enough time for Field Commander Osira to engage with their Tenpenny Footmen units from the right which effectively put pressure on the Sendrassian army from two sides. Despite Osira’s assistance however, it became increasingly obvious that Field Commander Telarel was not going to be able to hold his line as the devastation to his force continued. Maz-Allar soldiers ran rampant, wedging his force and cutting off a large portion of his troops from the command line.
    Despite the plan of action, despite the numbers, the inability for Telarel (who had taken a spear wound to his left shoulder) to hold his front and the poor performance of many of the retinues sealed the defeat of the Ino-Femunn army. Once the Regalian Army had been pushed twenty miles in, they found some reprieve to tend to their wounded. Many had already succumbed, leaving the death toll in the multiple thousands and injured even greater in number.

    Archipelago Progressions
    Solleria: In the spirit of diplomacy, Duke Lithuandir Telarel sets out from the Telarel province of Solmarse to meet with the ruler of the Valon province to discuss how the province was coping in regard to civil stability, military endeavors, agriculture and opportunity. Naturally, the Ossulvalon Duke was cautious of the new Noble and left his answers completely and totally vague, putting on a plastered smile throughout their conversations. What Lithuandir could however tell from his own inspection of the Capital city as he made his way through it was that the people were socially well off and prospering, and the Local Guard operating at maximum efficiency. Life seemed good though soon into the evening, mutterings in the Ossulvalon Duke’s dining hall made it clear there was discourse over the return of Talea within the major elven population but this was to be seen from the outset. After the banquet, Duke Telarel was sent on his way with well wishes after discussions of trade, which were to be scheduled for another time as there was seemingly no need for trade increases at that particular time. It seemed the Duke was only particularly interested in ensuring the Ossulvalon sovereignty at the current time.
    Solleria: In the Telarel ruled province of Sadeiennaar, the Duke Lithuandir orders the construction of a coliseum, the likes, size and grandeur of which had not been seen anywhere else in all of Anchal Sollen. The intent was clear, to combine architectural influences of Altalar and Solsthithar to enforce regional cultural cohesion with a large, grand statue of the Duke himself facing inwards from the top of the structure itself. While the sport of it went down well, the glamour of the Duke raised some eyebrows as many saw the project not as some sort of cultural boon but merely as a vanity project of the Duke himself, funding of which which could have been adequately spent on other similar projects to help unify the population and improve living conditions. Nevertheless, the Duke personally visited and communicated with the Sadeiennaar available, inquiring as to the wants and needs of the people from such a project and the overall answer was clear -- sport and distraction, with fighting and cross-culture sporting events illustrating the population's strengths at the forefront, such as the practiced ‘challenge hunts’ between soldiers. It was expected that due to the size of the build, it would take at least a month to complete.

    Furthermore, one Talisin, an ally of the Duke was sent to peruse the terrain alongside archaeologists, architects, geographers, economists and one Muzhu to oversee a suitable area for the construction of the coliseum but also to list and revise potential areas perfect for the building's foundations. It was deemed that the better regions for the build were likely a toss up between Muloon-Moor or Solmarse -- whichever the Duke preferred.

    Solleria: In the West, House Telarel or rather more specifically the Duke Lithuandir Telarel returns to the planning of the Grand Coliseum he had unveiled some time ago. Very few noticeable changes were made to the architectural plans though the Duke did issue the removal of the statue of himself atop the Coliseum. With the final points approved, construction began immediately in the coastal city of Solmarse, overseen by architect Muzhu. The Solstithar Free-Ports blew up with news of the opening of the venue and within a week, hundreds of prospect fighters submitted their names to the festivities organisers for a chance at glory for when the construction process was to be completed.

    Shortly after his initial visit to Solmarse, Duke Telarel made preparations for a lavish feast for two notable invitees -- the Sol of Valon and the Sovereign Prince of Gallovia Rodderick Howlester. Both arrived in Solmarse with a large retinue of personal guards and servants, parading through the city to fanfares played by musicians from their respective homelands. By nightfall, the two guests had perused the locale in which the Coliseum would be built, having the concept explained by the Duke personally and the architectural style by Muzhu as head architect. Neither seemed particularly blown away by the idea but nonetheless gave their well wishes for the job to be completed in a manner that honors the Duke Telarel.

    All seemed well up until the Duke feasted with the two and their retinue. Seemingly out of nowhere when the Prince and Sol were discussing the Sendrassian War’s end, the Gallovian delegation that accompanied Rodderick began a loud, obnoxious Goat Bellow performance in the Sol’s honor and on behalf of the Telarel’s generosity and goodwill of the Gallovian Royal Court. The music was certainly not to the Sol’s taste but the Prince seemed overly amused with the four hour long concerto which eventually ended with the Sol’s premature departure, irritated and bitter that the evening had ended in such a fashion, closing all further diplomatic discussions for Telarel for that time. Rodderick feigned ignorance, citing only that the tunes couldn’t be at fault as, and as he explained to Telarel, they were his sister’s favorites and surely her tastes could never be so poor.

    Geo-Political Progressions
    House Telarel, as Foreign Minister, approached the resurgent Allorn Empire at Tanaar Ivaëlle, in an attempt to meet Empress Talea. After being told to wait for nearly two weeks, the foreign Minister was sent to some backroom of the Allorn palace to meet a low-level dignitary, the Sol of Mavantalon, who was apparantly the only dignitary with a low level of Talea fanaticism enough to want to meet a Regalian dignitary. The Sol of Mavantalon explained that with the Allorn Empire's government re-formed that a lot of pre-conceived notions of prior Altalar states were no longer valid. This was, in essence, given the content and situation, a tacit admittance that the Allorn Empire did not formally acknowledge the Regalian Empire as a legitimate state, on the premise that the Allorn Empire fell before the Empire usurped the Kingdom, and that as such, the Allorn Empire had not acknowledged the Regalian Empire as the legitimate government of the Archipelago, or indeed any of the extended lands there beyond. The dignitary also kept referring to the "Seperatist regions", whenever the matter of now ex-Allorn territories came up in the discussion. The Sol seemed reasonable and kind spoken, but is was fairly obvious that he wasn't giving anything to work with, and wasn't entertaining making any official stances on what the Allorn Empire intended to do. One could have potentially argued that the court of Talea would have even been offended that a non-royal low-level government bureaucrat, no matter how legitimate, was the one to ascend the stairs of the Allorn Palace. Not the Emperor, or even at the least, a Prince. House Telarel never got anywhere near Talea or the Avatars of the Gods, and so further attempts to figure out more about them was fruitless. Talisin Oruisin also attempted to investigate the role of the Cielothar and Avanthar in the new Allorn Empire, but given the scope of the trip was to Irvaëlle, they were unable to find even a single Cielothar or Avanthar in the capital. In fact, there were no Lesara, no Fin'ullen, and no Suvial (and certainly no Solvaan). It seemed as though Tanaar Ivaëlle was entirely Teledden, which made sense since even before the re-establishment of the Allorn Empire, this region had a massive Teledden majority, but minorities had always been present in the past. The absense of Suvial Altalar made sense, since the Suvial were practically at war with the Allorn Empire, but the lack of other Altalar or indeed Nelfin species was curious to say the least.
    • Winner Winner x 12
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    #1 _Sundreamer_, Oct 26, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
  2. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Hello! I will be claiming this for review!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  4. _Sundreamer_


    Oct 20, 2020
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    @Caelamus Hello! Updated the layout a little bit (There are some odd "IMG" icons that have appeared to which I have struggled to remove?) and re-written the Racial Abilities to adhere with the rework.
  5. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  6. _Sundreamer_


    Oct 20, 2020
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    Hello! Just a slight change: I have removed my +5 General Command points (Freely bought) and replaced it with a +5 Perception Training of the same 'purchase' as it were, being Free Talent Points.
  7. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  8. _Sundreamer_


    Oct 20, 2020
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    @Caelamus Updated after the Proficiency update! Big ol' change around.
  9. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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