Archived List Of Pending Faction Relation Wishes

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jul 26, 2014
Reaction score
Oak, Essalonia
Have you ever wanted to ally or truce a faction, but their members were offline? Have you ever missed an alliance request that you would have accepted if you had known it was there?

The suggestion that I have to offer is that a command be added that shows which relation wishes you have set for another faction as well as the relation wishes that have been set for you so you can see if there are any requests that were made while you were offline. Perhaps there could also be an extension on the command to sort out types of relation wishes if necessary.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
That would be good. Akin to the list of invited members that I believe exists.
This would be so helpful I can't even put it into words....

Since you are tagging me I assume that you want my opinion.

IMO this isn't really useful. If you actually know someone and are friends with them you would send them a relation wish anyway. If it is someone you actually don't know, why should you then send them a relation wish (unless ofc it is enemy, but then it is enforced).

Also this idea is poorly presented. Writing this suggestion couldn't take many minutes. If you actually want something implemented, you should at least come with one example of how the commands should be used (aliases & arguments). Another step in the right direction is an example of how you would like the output.
If you say "I don't care how the commands are, I just want to information". Then I don't believe you. If all messages where randomly colored it would look awful. If command output is bad, it takes extra time to decipher the meaning, wasting time. Arguments (the faction in /f f [faction=you], is an argument for instance) for a command is also important. If those are not thought through a lot of time would be spent mistyping the arguments (especially in complex commands).