
Inside her home, in a room surrounded by darkness yet lightened by candles, dressed in red, sat a female.
Her hair was on fire, but it was not hot,
out of her forehead came two black horns,
her eyes were closed.

Cross-legged, Juane sat in the middle.
Her hands were on her knees.
The room smelled like incense.
She breathed in through her nose, out through her mouth.
In front of her sat a male, with the same skin color as her, two black horns out of his forehead and his hair burning so elegant.

"What is happening to me?"
The woman asked, speaking in Sofaal.

"I feel powerful, but at the same time, I don't.
I'm young, but I feel old.
I know my power, but I don't know if it is strong enough.
Am I..."
She stopped, unable to finish her sentence.
This is exactly what she was afraid of, that one thing...

"Juane, I know what you're thinking, but it's not happening,"
the male said, his voice growling a bit.

"I've known you since your birth.
If anything, you're not weak nor are you becoming weaker.
You, like all other Songaskians, are descendants of the Dragons.

It isn't in our nature to grow weak.
You're strong enough."
The woman sighed.
She clenched her jaw before speaking again.

"Then what is this?
Why do I feel like this?
Why am I... not in control?"

"It's you, Juane.
You're blocking your own body and spirit by your thinking.

I can feel it.
You're too concerned by your limitations.

"What we're always being told is that we should never let our limitations control us.
Rather than looking at the limitations of ourselves and our abilities, look at all the possibilities instead.
Ability alone is not all.
One must understand and master it.
If one fails to do so because they're consumed by the power of the ability,
then they will eventually be their own strongest enemy.
You have always understood your abilities, Juane.
You studied them carefully enough to eventually master them.
Don't be scared of what might be stronger,
instead, look at what you do have.
Look beyond your limitations, and look at what you can do."
The man suddenly moved his hand and the candles were all on fire.

"I am a descendant of the Great Dragons.
I'm not weak.
My limitations are non-existent.
No one takes away my power."

The woman opened her eyes. A fierce look of determination appeared in her eyes. With one swoop of her hand, all the candles went out, except one. The one behind her.

You've just removed your block."
The room suddenly turned into a desert and the man was no longer in front of her but in the air, except he was no longer a man. Above her now circled Songalay, surrounding Juane with the four basic elements. The Songaskia took a stance before she raised her hands, controlling the elements, letting them circle around her. She closed her eyes and opened them again.

Juane opened her eyes. She was laying in her bed. There was no man, there was no desert, there was no Dragon, there were no candles, just Juane in her sleeping room. It was all a dream...

"But even a dream can tell us the most important thing about ourselves."