Liezüllo - Vilsi'ali Family


The puffiest damn pigeon of them all..
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
The Empire of the Great Jin
Roleplay Guilds
Hightower, Vindicators


Hei'liezüllo - Vilsi'ali Family

Mëdorr Kathar

Middle Class/Commoner

Common - "None alike as we." | Modern Elven - "Naie somo noslajoeia."

All born within the Dread Empire are taught Void Worship and devotion to the Void Prefect of Power as Disciples of Saivale. There are exceptions to this, although practice of the Faith of Estel and especially Unionism are not only highly frowned upon, but might end up getting someone shunned from the family.

Family, self-betterment, and dominance
"It matters not how you win. What matters is that you win, love."

Body modification and inking. Most within the family are taught to some degree how to achieve this.
"Oh, stop your whining. I know it hurts."

Physical Traits:
Family members are more than likely with white, wavy or straight hair. They have blue eyes with red limbuses and solid black corneas. Females range between 6' to 6'6" and males 6'3" to 7'. There can be exceptions, but most likely these are only the result of mixing subraces.

Purple - Played but shelved
Red - Played
Green - Open to being played
Grey - Deceased
Blue - Unplayable
Orange - Playable with Trustee
Ascië'zefal Hei'liezüllo (Ascal Liezüllo): Application
Born April 25, 232 A.C. (74 years)
The current patriarch of the as of Regalian Kathar family, Ascal is a former Dread Empire troop and highly traditional Kathar. The man is a half Käyth from his father's side, and half Mëdorr from his mother's. He tends to keep a level head, but is often ridged when he isn't mocking.

Ruvyallë Hei'liezüllo (Ruvyll Liezüllo): Application
Born August 27, 226 A.C. (80 years)
Older sister to the patriarch, the two were very close. The clanswoman is half Käyth from her father's side, and half Mëdorr from her mother's. (Lore is meant to be built upon!)

Joczyll Hei'liezüllo: Application
Born September 13, 171 A.C. (135 years)
Father to the patriarch, the Käyth clansmen is a highly ranked and avid warrior of the Dread Empire; a force to be reckoned with. The man is fairly brash, petty, and disagreeable at times, but is very close to and protective of his family. (This lore is meant to be built upon!)

Ashri'yessa Hei'liezüllo: Application
Born June 18th, 135 A.C. (132 years)
Mother to the patriarch, the Mëdorr clanswoman and mage commanded many in arms in the name of the Dread Empire. (This lore is meant to be build upon!)
Siladis Hei'liezüllo (Siladis Liezüllo): Application
Born November 11th, 249 A.C. (57 years)
The matriarch of the Hei'liezüllo family,

Ieristil Vilsi'ali: Application
Born December 4, 212 A.C. (94 years)
Mother to the matriarch, this Mëdorr clanswoman is the sister of Aelrindel.

Aelrindel Vilsi'ali: No Application
Born July 7, 226 A.C. (80 years)
Father to the matriarch, this Mëdorr clansmen is the brother of Ieristil.

Himeldir Hei'liezüllo (Himeldir Liezüllo): Application
Born August 2, 275 A.C. (31 years)
Son to the matriarch, and fraternal twin brother to Eldewis. Half Mëdorr Kathar, half Daen Ailor.

Eldewis Hei'liezüllo (Eldewis Liezüllo): Application
Born August 2, 275 A.C. (31 years)
Daughter to the matriarch and fraternal twin sister to Himeldir. Half Mëdorr Kathar, half Daen Ailor. (Lore meant to be built upon!)

Nev'azulith Hei'liezüllo (Nevarth Liezüllo):
Born November 18, 278 A.C. (28 years)

Son to the patriarch and matriarch, and twin brother to Venkalth.

Ven'kalzül Hei'liezüllo (Venkalth Liezüllo): Application
Born November 18, 278 A.C. (28 years)
Son to the patriarch and matriarch, and twin brother to Nevarth.

Araväeolis Hei'liezüllo (Aravae Liezüllo): No Application
Born April 10, 303 A.C. (3 years)
Daughter to the patriarch and matriarch.

Sajo'ess'ajevelloa Elacie (Saevel Elacie): No Application
August 23, 306 A.C. (8 months)
Adopted son to Himeldir. Isldar.

Tajoë'ressa'llo Hei'liezüllo (Taren Liezüllo): No Application
September 8, 306 A.C. (7 months)
Adopted son to Himeldir. Unrelated Mëdorr Kathar.
Closest Family Friends
(Those in green are open to be played.)
Trae'nne Family:
Friends to the Patriarch:
  • Sloänaja Allenuja - A Yanar corrupted with Dulofall who has been close friends and allies with Ascal for decades. Each knows the other intimately for this reason. (Lore meant to be built upon!)
Speak to @MadamAries or myself if you wish permission to bypass any.
  • Act within reasonable grounds as a Mëdorr Kathar, one taught to be callous and disciplined with an air of superiority in some shape or form. Your character does not need to be a complete racist monster, but keep Mëdorr teachings in mind.
  • Unionism and Faith of Estel worship is disallowed as it is strongly devalued and taught against. It is either Void Worship, one of the lesser taught practices, or none at all.
  • Physical oddities like being above or below the height limits of the family are to be discussed with either @MadamAries or myself.
  • It is asked that members are at least familiar with the Void and have some proficiency in it shown in Void/Exist Knowledge. If not fluent in She'llaq, they will most likely have some hold on it.
  • We ask that your character be your main. This cannot be a character you play once in a blue moon as we intend to have much going on!
  • Do not be toxic. Your actions reflect the family as a whole and if we feel you do not reflect us well, you will be booted from the family. We strive to make a fun and drama-free environment.
Family Application:
Your IGN:
Who are you applying to play?: (Making your own member? Contact us first before making an application with your character pitch!)
How are you planning to play them?:
Why do you want to play as a Heilen/Vilsi'ali?:
How familiar are you with playing non-human characters?: (Playing non-human or even beast races can be an entirely different experience with its own challenges and benefits. If you have or have had a non-human main, mention it here.)
Any bans/jails/mutes? If so, why?:
References: (@ players you feel could vouch for your RP ability. Be sure to ask their permission first.)
Are you part of or have you been part of another family nobility or not? Who?:
Activity: (How long have you been on Massive? How many days of the week do you roleplay?)
Discord: (This is absolutely required of family members, as we keep track of things using Discord. You may message this to @MadamAries or myself.)

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Change Log

October 7th, 2018 - The role of Venkalth Liezullo has now been made available to be played.
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