Let's Talk About Newspapers.


Iannis Ardelan
Nov 17, 2017
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I'm making this thread today because as many know, I endeavor to run a server-based newspaper. I had been intrigued by the idea, and motivated when I saw other server-based newspapers slowing or shutting down altogether. Earlier, in the discord noble discussion, the topic came up. I've heard many times for a long time that people desire an active and efficient IC-based newspaper. With the Daily Creeper being actively posted by the PR team, and the Regalian Tribune being somewhat inactively posted by me, there's still a desire for it. One that's seemingly not being fulfilled.

I want to deliver, hence the reason I made the Tribune. Though there's a bit of an issue, in that thus far, I've been the only one to write any part of the full three editions so far. I have trouble getting information and stories from others (especially without it being riddled with metagame or bias), so I have to either use information that everyone already knows by progression or event, or manage to be in the right place at the right time for most of my online time roleplaying, to get the obscure event lines and stories that most people aren't aware of. I've chosen the latter, hence my infrequent posts of the paper, but by the time I have stacked enough stories to release, most of them are already well known, or in the worst case scenario, irrelevant.

The problem here is that people are interested in having a frequent player-run fully-IC newspaper, but they aren't as interested in helping it thrive. It also occurred to me that maybe the ways I'm going about it are wrong, and there are alternatives, perhaps better options, to run an IC paper. I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on suggestions or ideas, as well as what you would want from a general paper, not limited to the Regalian Tribune or Daily Creeper.

In your opinion, what is the purpose of an IC newspaper? What can it contribute? Based on the problems addressed, what do you think is an alternative? This thread should serve as a free-for-all discussion / debate / suggestion for newspapers, not limited to the ones currently standing, but any that might be created later on.
I'm making this thread today because as many know, I endeavor to run a server-based newspaper. I had been intrigued by the idea, and motivated when I saw other server-based newspapers slowing or shutting down altogether. Earlier, in the discord noble discussion, the topic came up. I've heard many times for a long time that people desire an active and efficient IC-based newspaper. With the Daily Creeper being actively posted by the PR team, and the Regalian Tribune being somewhat inactively posted by me, there's still a desire for it. One that's seemingly not being fulfilled.

I want to deliver, hence the reason I made the Tribune. Though there's a bit of an issue, in that thus far, I've been the only one to write any part of the full three editions so far. I have trouble getting information and stories from others (especially without it being riddled with metagame or bias), so I have to either use information that everyone already knows by progression or event, or manage to be in the right place at the right time for most of my online time roleplaying, to get the obscure event lines and stories that most people aren't aware of. I've chosen the latter, hence my infrequent posts of the paper, but by the time I have stacked enough stories to release, most of them are already well known, or in the worst case scenario, irrelevant.

The problem here is that people are interested in having a frequent player-run fully-IC newspaper, but they aren't as interested in helping it thrive. It also occurred to me that maybe the ways I'm going about it are wrong, and there are alternatives, perhaps better options, to run an IC paper. I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on suggestions or ideas, as well as what you would want from a general paper, not limited to the Regalian Tribune or Daily Creeper.

In your opinion, what is the purpose of an IC newspaper? What can it contribute? Based on the problems addressed, what do you think is an alternative? This thread should serve as a free-for-all discussion / debate / suggestion for newspapers, not limited to the ones currently standing, but any that might be created later on.
One thing I can suggest is to crowdfund. Ask people for stories and input
why not get reporters to do interviews, in character or out?
Trouble is finding people that are willing. I've been actively looking for people to join the press, either as journalists or sources, whatever they're capable or comfortable with. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in actually playing the press.
I'll do my best to be more involved.
With the rise of the Great Gangs, I'm sure there are going to be events and fights that will need coverage and players/characters that want coverage for their actions/actions-to-be. Maybe offering interesting IC rewards for acting as an informant for your paper (mentions in the newspaper, for example) can get you a crowd of characters from the Slums who are willing to talk. I can also see roleplayers who don't participate in crime being sent from the main city to interview willing gang-leaders/members as being immensely enjoyable.
Imagine if (and pardon the tag) someone had been able to interview a well-known criminal such as Ichabod ( @Magivore ). I'm sure there are reasons he would or wouldn't accept, but that's not really the point. Just imagine the interest such an interview would gather. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd read that in a heartbeat. How is he? What is he plotting? Is my character at risk? Those sorts of things will grab people by the ears. Even if the interview is mundane, there are ways to make it dramatic, even if the result isn't entirely truthful.
When you can't find a story, why not make one? An unscrupulous provider might slip a vile gang a few shiny Regals to attack stores and citizens. Boom, there's your story for the week. Utilize the Slums to sell fear to your audience. People love a good dose of fear.
With the rise of the Great Gangs, I'm sure there are going to be events and fights that will need coverage and players/characters that want coverage for their actions/actions-to-be. Maybe offering interesting IC rewards for acting as an informant for your paper (mentions in the newspaper, for example) can get you a crowd of characters from the Slums who are willing to talk. I can also see roleplayers who don't participate in crime being sent from the main city to interview willing gang-leaders/members as being immensely enjoyable.
Imagine if (and pardon the tag) someone had been able to interview a well-known criminal such as Ichabod ( @Magivore ). I'm sure there are reasons he would or wouldn't accept, but that's not really the point. Just imagine the interest such an interview would gather. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd read that in a heartbeat. How is he? What is he plotting? Is my character at risk? Those sorts of things will grab people by the ears. Even if the interview is mundane, there are ways to make it dramatic, even if the result isn't entirely truthful.
When you can't find a story, why not make one? An unscrupulous provider might slip a vile gang a few shiny Regals to attack stores and citizens. Boom, there's your story for the week. Utilize the Slums to sell fear to your audience. People love a good dose of fear.
Actually, I believe @Miss_Ortonnaise got the most out of him. Most of the 'interviews' were guards who managed the 1 on 1 during his arrests or nobles who were stalling so that the guards could show up. While I would love to see newspapers, I really don't see people trying to interview others. It truly is an issue trying to establish reporters and interesting stories, but most of that would have to be done OOC. Some nobles heard nothing about me while guards essentially knew my character in and out, which makes it only harder to find since everyone knows everything as a person but not as a character. I used to have a Slizzar who would gossip 24/7 about things even remotely odd, but no one liked listening to him or thought 5r for the morning paper was 'too much.' It's a tough niche to fill!