Let's Play The Ladder Game!


*wants to make a joke about insanity, but loses it
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
For those of you who know this game, give it a try now! :)

Below, I have a very, VERY long ladder doing doooooown into the darkness. What awaits at the bottom are two types of prizes, either 100 REGALS, or FREE CHIBI ART.

So! Apply and pick a number! The first 6 who post will make it onto the roster and we'll begin our game!

Not to worry! Everyone wins something. emoji06_by_emoji_icon-d6kv9hm.gif However, only three will be winning free chibi art done by me!

So to start this game off, in order to make it onto the roster, please fill this out:

Forum Name:
In-Game Name:
Your Lucky Number:
Your Favorite Color:

HAVE FUN! emoji02_by_emoji_icon-d6kv97g.gif

Forum Name: Teddie000
In-Game Name: Teddie000
Your Lucky Number: Two
Your Favorite Color: Green!
Forum Name: Azas
In-Game Name: Azas (can't log in-game for a bit though)
Your Lucky Number: uhhh 4?
Your Favorite Color: grey

Good luck everyone!
Last edited:
Forum Name: deadfoe51
In-Game Name: deadfoe51 (unable to actually go on the server, apologies)
Your Lucky Number: 6
Your Favorite Color: Red
Forum Name: Feyona
In-Game Name:Feyona
Your Lucky Number:3
Your Favorite Color: Red

Here's the winning results!

1 was @Th3_Drunk_Monk , the winning item is a CHIBI ART!
2 was @Teddie000 , the winning item is 100 REGALS!
3 was @Feyona , the winning item is 100 REGALS!
4 was @Azas , the winning item is a CHIBI ART!
5 was @Annju , the winning item is a CHIBI ART!
6 was @deadfoe51 , the winning item is 100 REGALS!

Prizes will be dispatched immediately!

Thanks for playing! emoji32_by_emoji_icon-d6kvbzw.gif