Archived Let People Share A Regalian House!!!

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I Like Boxes
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Talos Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Di Orazio Family & RNS
Self Explanatory. This needs to happened. Just make like /house access <player>. Its about time for this.
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I agree with this completely. I've needed to share a house with someone plenty of times and I was even willing to pay the house buying fee again for each person sharing the house with me but I still got told no x.x There are so many reasons as to why you'd need to share a house with someone I have absolutely no idea why it hasn't been implemented yet. I support this idea
I support this Idea. Sharing a house, and even rent if you want to go farther, would be quite wonderful. I would write a long list of explanations but the wonderful TiroTypo beat me too it! :3
+1 support. This idea is amazing! Like, what if you role-played as husband and wife with another person? Or you had kids? This is a great idea, fully supported.
For it to make a bit more sense.... I suggest

/buyreagion add <player>
and in adding another player to the home or shop[?] The rent is split?

That coding layout makes s bit more sense then the other one. <3

Yeah... I tried to have a roommate in Regalia, and the plan failed miserably... we need this. +1 supported.
Would have been useful when I was a noble and wanted to add people to my manor there, though I suppose that would use a different mechanism. I give it a plus 50 :)
For it to make a bit more sense.... I suggest

/buyregion add <player>
and in adding another player to the home or shop[?] The rent is split?

That coding layout makes s bit more sense then the other one. <3

I think you're on to something but I see an issue here. This would somehow need to be restricted to the person that bought the house, so that random people can't buy the extra access without the owner's permission. Otherwise, anyone that wants would be able to buy access to the house. Also, how would this work in terms of money withdrawal? If only the person that originally owns the house can add people to it, this means that /they/ would be the ones having to pay for additional rent costs. Otherwise they could add people and force them to lose money, even if they didn't want to be added.

Also, I think that coding for a rent split would not be feasible. After all, once a house is purchased the money is gone. If you add people after it is purchased, it would either need to have a set decreased amount for the /buyregion add or it would have to be the exact same price as the original rent price. This means that, no matter what you do, the original cost of the house stays the same for the original purchaser (I don't think this can or should be changed).

Other thoughts:

-How will this affect the 2 house rule (1 house 1 shop)?
  • Would this count as owning a house, preventing you from owning your own?
  • Or would this allow you to own a house and share a house with someone?
-Shops are counted as rentregions, this could be used to add extra people to a shop slot. However, the largest issues with this are as I stated in my first paragraph.

Just some things to think about and discuss.
For it to make a bit more sense.... I suggest

/buyreagion add <player>
and in adding another player to the home or shop[?] The rent is split?

That coding layout makes s bit more sense then the other one. <3

The Benefit of this also would be that you can directly sell the house to someone else. For instance, I for one have asked to buy someones house, not only would I have to give them a sum of money, but also pay the sum of money to rent it once they exit their rent.
Ohohohoh i like this attention <3

This was i was thinking along with the shared access actually.

All of your points are very valid, the split rent was just an idea and after thinking about it for a bit it make sense that it may not work all too well. Forget i said that then hehe <3

But i guess my idea was as you stated, having a head of the household and then they have to add players to allow them access. Like along the lines if people wanted there homes decorated but they them self suck at it. (cough BillyA835 SupremeCripple cough)

I don't really know how to work around the whole money problem but.. just using the system we have i think coders would be able to work out something reasonable.

Peace my doves <3
I think you're on to something but I see an issue here. This would somehow need to be restricted to the person that bought the house, so that random people can't buy the extra access without the owner's permission. Otherwise, anyone that wants would be able to buy access to the house. Also, how would this work in terms of money withdrawal? If only the person that originally owns the house can add people to it, this means that /they/ would be the ones having to pay for additional rent costs. Otherwise they could add people and force them to lose money, even if they didn't want to be added.

Also, I think that coding for a rent split would not be feasible. After all, once a house is purchased the money is gone. If you add people after it is purchased, it would either need to have a set decreased amount for the /buyregion add or it would have to be the exact same price as the original rent price. This means that, no matter what you do, the original cost of the house stays the same for the original purchaser (I don't think this can or should be changed).

Other thoughts:

-How will this affect the 2 house rule (1 house 1 shop)?
  • Would this count as owning a house, preventing you from owning your own?
  • Or would this allow you to own a house and share a house with someone?
-Shops are counted as rentregions, this could be used to add extra people to a shop slot. However, the largest issues with this are as I stated in my first paragraph.

Just some things to think about and discuss.

It could be treated like a dumbed down mini faction that the original buyer has to lease every month. If they have an issue splitting the bill it would be on them.
Oh! another note on what Omnomivore said.

Yes, if you are added to a household it would take up one of your 2 regions.
Supported, but the idea itself needs a bit of work.
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