Archived Less Horrendous Chat In Local

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I am prettiest Princess!
Jul 11, 2012
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I know we have all faced it, we all go to roleplay and roleplay is often in the most populated areas. Which is great, people can interact together and meet new people...however then it emerges, the bright epitome of hellish, white RP spam.
In areas like the tavern, RP can be rather difficult due to the fact it is incredibly hard to follow what people are saying since so many RPs fill your screen you can easily miss something important in an RP, and can create long awkward silences from someone not reacting to something they miss.
If possible, a way for people to create mini RP channels for themselves would be very helpful.
Now wait hold on, theres more,
I know being in a separate chat wouldnt make much sense, and is not realistic, but here is the catch, it wouldnt be a seperate chat, people can still hear you, see, anyone in your group or channel, what they say will be in white like your basic local chat, anyone not in your channel, you still get their text, but instead, make it a dark grey color, so you are free to listen but do not have to pay attention, much like a normal conversation in a crowded area.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I have hard time reading stuff. THANK GOD. YOU SMART PERSON YOU!
I think that would be a great idea considering how confusing it gets when the tavern gets filled with people.
I won't lie... I've been in that situation where you miss something in a conversation and the group just blankly stares at each other waiting for a response. It's horrendously awkward.
All of my yes.
Just make people who you want to listen to grey, not in a group
Just make people who you want to listen to grey, not in a group

Grey is a darker color so its not as read as easily, this is why i suggested it, its not entirely illegible and it is better then having a bright color as the secondary chat, it would then become an eye sore
Grey is a darker color so its not as read as easily, this is why i suggested it, its not entirely illegible and it is better then having a bright color as the secondary chat, it would then become an eye sore

it can be any colour, maybe make it a choose able color
Kwl idea but I think it may be to hard to manage so I thought instead of a seperate channel you just highlight them. To highlight someone you just go /highlight player name colour. This way you can easily find your freindly meelssages in chat, you could also /unhigligjy player name to change it back to normal.
What do you think of this idea?
"roleplay parties" are something that is being considered in the long run, but quests are first up now.
Wait, quests you say? What kind of quests?.. There should be a development thread, so we can keep track of stuff coming up. MonMarty
Well. All I have to say is...

I hate to say/do this but I voted that I do not like it. Sorry, but I have a thought on it - when I go to a very nice, crowded little restaurant in Philly, the sound of people talking is overwhelming - that is, I can't always hear what I'm saying, let alone the entire conversation. I think that it makes sense to have the crowded local chat in a crowded area because then you actually need to pay attention in order to roleplay, just like in real life. It doesn't make sense that you can only hear what you are listening to, or that you can tell the difference between someone elses conversation and your own. I've lost count of the number of times, in the real world, that I've accidentally answered a question that wasn't even part of my table of friends. Those are awkward moments, but they are vital for realism. Or so I think.
If you want to talk with someone, don't go to the tavern. Simple as that.

You cant always help the environment you RP in, yea you could suggest a different location, but its not realistic to do that every single time, I know I havent done that every time I am in a crowded area.
addition, make people who you have highlighted/friended keep their chat most recent message at the bottom of the chat log so they aren't pushed up by spam in the tavern.
addition, make people who you have highlighted/friended keep their chat most recent message at the bottom of the chat log so they aren't pushed up by spam in the tavern.

That is a bit too complex, the reason i made my idea so simple is to make it easier to make possible, no sense to make it harder.
If you're in a bar, and there was

Problem already solved.
Still a good idea.
As much as I understand the potential realism of keeping the chat difficult to read, personally I'm a lot better at knowing when someone I'm engaged in conversation with in real life (even in a crowd) is talking than I am at reading a mass of moving white text. Honestly I just like when the names are a different colour from the text because it helps break up the lines, and I often wish that the standard colour for all names wasn't the same as the speech text. Having specific people put into conversation groups was not something I'd thought of before though and I think it's a nice idea.
That said, it's not as if the white text is absolutely crippling or anything. Just difficult sometimes.
I hate to say/do this but I voted that I do not like it. Sorry, but I have a thought on it - when I go to a very nice, crowded little restaurant in Philly, the sound of people talking is overwhelming - that is, I can't always hear what I'm saying, let alone the entire conversation. I think that it makes sense to have the crowded local chat in a crowded area because then you actually need to pay attention in order to roleplay, just like in real life. It doesn't make sense that you can only hear what you are listening to, or that you can tell the difference between someone elses conversation and your own. I've lost count of the number of times, in the real world, that I've accidentally answered a question that wasn't even part of my table of friends. Those are awkward moments, but they are vital for realism. Or so I think.
๖ۣۜI see your point, but I shall have to disagree. Most of us come online to usually ESCAPE reality, and although realism is certainly a thing we like, there are some things in reality we do not like, for example this.
If we have this chat option come into play, it makes RP a lot easier than sitting for a good 5 minutes trying to realize what they said.
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