Les Commèraines des Burrêt-Rod
"Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest" -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The intricacies of housekeeping are certainly not reserved to every woman.
Although cleaning and serving can be done by any help for hire, there is so much more that keeps a well-kept estate from reaching the heights of nothing less than a small palace. The Burrêt-Rod Estate will always strive to be such a place, above all else. To welcome its guests, to reach beyond beauty and to bring with it the leisure and relaxation to quell the worries of any hardworking noble. For that purpose, the family had once set up a hierarchy solely for those above the housekeeping of their estates.
The Commèraines of the Estate. A name simple and to its point, apt in hiding from view the daunting task the women hired to tend to the mansion are weighed down with. No matter how hard they work, even perfection would never be perfect enough. Even a touch of colour out of place, a shadow not falling in with its surrounding or a shape not where it is supposed to be would cause everything to fall apart, and they would have none to blame but their own for the fury of their Lady.
Through Edmée Du Pont's guidance they worked like slaves in their own way. They did not lift a finger themselves, but each decision left to the servants they were given would bring with it the stern gaze of her will, and there was nothing to guide them from the mistakes they made along the way. Many did not survive her harshness and cruelty in punishment, but those that did would find themselves bettered by it. To know what must be done, to see one's work come to fruition became liberating. The praise they received, so scarce as it was, would be taken all too carefully. They competed harshly against one another to please each guest the Du Ponts were to receive. Through tireless repetition and a hardened will, those early Commèraines found what it truly meant to strive for beauty itself.
The Commèraines persevered, seeking ways to improve the lives of the family even in the present day. As those of Du Pont grew in power, so too did the role of the Commèraines become strengthened. As they grew, each of the family's holdings received a branch all their own. The women chosen meticulously from the locale for their skill and vision, and gifted with all the knowledge of those who have come before them. Although Lady Edmée Du Pont has long since retired from her task, her legacy lives on in each of the branches of the Commèraines.
As those of Du Pont reach the Regalian scene of high society and noble life, so too have the Commèraines expanded once more. A new estate calls for a new branch, and a new following of women to tend to every detail of its presentation. The Commèraines des Burrêt-Rod do just that, continuing to fulfill their ideal without hesitation.
The Commèraines des Burret-Rod are an organisation of female hostesses of high esteem. These women are trained by the house Du Pont and serve as their official entries in gatherings and activities oriented towards Regalian High Society. The Commeraines are chosen by their merits, and as such there is often a high bar to pass before one would even become one. Those who have been Commeraines for the house in the past enjoy the benefits of being supported by the house in matters of business and the prestige of being recognised by the family as a hostess. Commèraines are most typically hired to their fortieth birthday, after which they are expected to record their knowledge to pass on to those who eventually take their place.
Grande Commèraine
When the Lady Edmée Du Pont founded the Bellateurs of the Estate, her first course of action was to make it clear to all who stood at its top. A position most typically saved only for the Lady of the Household, the Grand Commèraine is in charge of each of the other Bellateurs of the Estate. Her task is to oversee the progression of the activities and parties hosted by the Estate, and to participate in them as the figurehead and host by the Patriarch's side.
Current Grande Commèraine:
The Commèraines are the hostesses of the Estate, elected to make every decision concerning presentation within the estate's boundaries. They work without respite to organise the feasts, festivals and other activities the Estate offers, deciding upon every detail prior to its execution. All Commèraines are chosen by the Grand Commèraine, and it is yet unheard of for any Commèraines to be either male or Non-Ailor.
Notable Commèraines:
If the Commèraines are responsible for the presentation of the Estate, then the Coordinateurs are responsible for the execution of their will. Coordinateurs are chosen by their Commèraines, and do not carry the same restrictions as they do in being chosen. Truly, any of those skilled in organising and hard at working may find themselves chosen by one of the Commèraines to undertake this task.
Notable Coordinateurs:
The Spécialistes are called in where coordinateurs lack expertise. For tasks that are too complex to carry out alone, or those that require craftsmanship or advice not as easily acquired, these men and women of excellence are sought out. Spécialistes are often hired on commission, but for recurring matters some may be hired in a permanent position, either as a Coordinateur or a contracted Spécialiste.
Notable Spècialistes:
To apply for any of these positions requires a letter to be penned to the party involved in hiring new workers. For the Commeraines, a letter must be written to the Grand Commeraine. To apply as a Spécialiste or a Coordinateur, a letter will have to be sent to any one of the Commeraines the writer is seeking to serve. Letters must be written containing the following information.
-The Applicant's Name
-The Applicant's Age
-The Applicant's Race
-The Applicant's Cultural heritage
-Any experience worth noting
-Any commendations that may serve the applicant
Event Roster
Under Occasions, events that have and will only take place once are categorised. These Events are as the name would imply attributed to a special occasion and will not see a likely repetition, but could still at any point become a Festival. Occasions are often, all be it not exclusively, hosted privately or form a part in cooperative events such as entries in the cycular festivals or celebrations of achievements in Regalia.
Under festivals, events that occur once within a year are categorised. These events typically celebrate a specific occasion cemented in either culture or history. Events of this kind are hosted on a larger scale, and are typically open to either all nobles or all citizens of Regalia who would come to attend.
Under activities, events that are recurring within the same year are categorised. These events are often rotated in and out and are often sportive or leisurely in nature. They are typically hosted privately, with invitations extended by the house on each occurance to persons or families of importance.
Current Rotation
-Die Große Fuchsjagd [05/306 - 10/306]
Event Index
This Index Lists all the Event Pages and in chronological order of conception.
- [Activity] Die Große Fuchsjagd - Fox Hunting
- [Activity] Ponteracc's Golden Winery - Wine Tasting
Event Pages
[Below is the list of Event pages listed in order of conception]
Die Große Fuchsjagd
Over the warmer days of the year, the Du Pont Estate presents to its guests the "Fuchsjagd". In this event held upon the afternoons of the sunnier weekend days, those of the nobility of Regalia may join the family upon written request to partake in leisure-oriented foxhunting. Though the activity is made for nobles, any of those approved by the Master of The Hunt are welcome to follow alongside him whether on horseback or on foot.
Those who wish to become Masters of the Hunt are to send a formal letter addressed to the Estate, declaring their intent. At this time, only noblemen aged above eighteen may apply to be Masters of The Hunt. Those cunning enough to face the challenge of outfoxing the fox will be rewarded, their efforts recorded and he who is the swiftest of the hunters will carry the title of 'Großmeister der Fuchsjagd'. Upon all those beneath him will lie the task of catching the fox faster than him and proving their own worth.
Horses and Hounds will be provided to the hunters upon their personal request. Opportunities to hunt the elusive fox will present themselves until Autumn, after which the season comes to an end.
Those who wish to become Masters of the Hunt are to send a formal letter addressed to the Estate, declaring their intent. At this time, only noblemen aged above eighteen may apply to be Masters of The Hunt. Those cunning enough to face the challenge of outfoxing the fox will be rewarded, their efforts recorded and he who is the swiftest of the hunters will carry the title of 'Großmeister der Fuchsjagd'. Upon all those beneath him will lie the task of catching the fox faster than him and proving their own worth.
Horses and Hounds will be provided to the hunters upon their personal request. Opportunities to hunt the elusive fox will present themselves until Autumn, after which the season comes to an end.
OOC Information:
A line of Fox-hunting Events, following a special mechanical system designed by yours truly. Depending on the traction this event gains, alterations and new rules will be created to create a broader variety of hunting-related events (and to tweak the current system). If you are interested in something like this be sure to send a letter in order to attend!
The first event will start on the 12th of May, and the activity will occur every last saturday of the month until it is rotates out in six months. Dates are subject to change and will be announced to have altered if they are. Preliminary event dates are as follows:
-26th of May
-30th of June
-28th of July
-25th of August
-29th of September
-27th of October
A special location has been built to host a place for the horses and hounds, alongside tents stalling the necessary gear. This location can be found South-SouthEast of the Du Pont Estate, as shown in the image below.
For each hunt, there will be a party chosen by the 'Master of the Hunt'. The party's size does not matter so long as no-one strays from the path its leader choses. Environmental emoting will be done by specific people selected OOCly for the task.
Because it's fun! The system designed is choice-based and times a hunt by the amount of decisions made. Due to this structure, I can update the sheet after each successful hunting party has caught the fox. Aside from the competitive element, the roleplay of following along and discussing choices as well as other events in Regalia while on the move could add an interesting layer to the settings you choose to RP in as a noble or a commoner.
Letter Template:
Character Name:
Character Sheet (Not Required):
Desired Role:
Do you have Skype or Discord? (Required):
IC Letter to the Estate:
Last edited: