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Played Character Aurore Desmorest

This character is actively played.
Dec 31, 2024
Reaction score
**Character Information**

- Full Name: Aurore Desmorest
- Heritage / Culture: Ithanian Ailor
- Age: 22
- Gender / Pronouns: F, She/Her
- Religion: Nilthst
- Occult: Mundane
- Character Occupation: Smith, formerly judicator/executioner

**Appearance Information**

- Eye Color: orange
- Skin Color: white
- Hair: black
- Height: 6ft 2in
- Body Type: BUILT
- Additional Features: [NULL]

**Skill **Information****

- Hobbies: Tech, Athletics
- Talents: Cleric
- Mechanics: Nilthism Mechanics, Ailor Mechanics
- Languages: Common, D'Ithanie


Early life - Aurore and her twin brother Lupin were born into an executioner family severing the Ithanian Kingdom. While her brother was trained in a new style of execution(the firing line). Aurore was taught more of the law and the old ways, how to read rites, the punishment for each crime, the rule of 3 strikes, and of course how to wield the headsman's axe Three days after her twelfth birthday, she was given his first assignment, under the watchful eye of her father she red the consigned soul his laste rites, took down his name and final words, and finally hefted her axe high. the man's head parted from his neck as the blade stuck into the chopping block. the job done, she let go of the ask, resting her clammy shaking hands upon her knees, wiping the sweat from her brow, and promptly vomiting upon the headless corpse. her father was quite unpleased with that

The Event - At 16, on their first independent while transporting a prisoner to be executed the twins were ambushed by an unknown assailant, a twisted thing of limb and blade. the twins were able to defend against it's first pass but not without injury, their cart destroyed and aurore severely maimed, the twins were forced to walk to the nearest town, their prisoner in tow. they had narry made it a few miles, before the fetid thing thing returned, with a vengence, their charge demanded release in exchange for his assistance, the twins attempted to battle the creature on their own and failed miserably, each sustaining major injuries before cutting their prisoner loose to do his work as they tried to trudge their way to the nearest town, as the screams of the creature died down, they stumbles across a small camp of Nilthists, including a medic who provided aid, and information, the group was a small entourage of walking seer's who had intended to break their friend out, the word of the blind god, that the thing they had fought against was a creature(?) called a blind ripper, that it was hunting their charge, that there were more such creatures, that their order hunted the creatures in turn, that they were always looking form more blades to keep the blind god blind, and more smiths to keep the chained god chained.

A New Mission - After three years of training at a Hallowed Sovery Lupin and Aurore began to do the work of Walking Seers, sharing the threat the Blind God poses to the world, fending off Blind Rippers, saving those they can and ending those they deem an obstacle to the faith. Not long ago, they received a missive just after closing a Blind Spawn, the Winds had changed, he was awakening. Their mission is simple, a Far Seer had a vision of something big happening in Regalia and as such quite a few Walking seers have been redeployed to the city as a preemptive measure to work into a foothold within the city, just in case after all, the Winds Of Horror are upon us...

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities**
Attack Stat: Stregnth
Defense Stat: con
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

- **Strength**: 7

- [mele] pinning throw
- [ath] force toss
- [ath] gut-punch
- [vet] stance
- impurity [vet]
- parry [vet]
- swift-strike [vet]
- sentinel [vet]
- **Constitution**: 5

- intercept[train]
- iron will[train]
- status endure[train]
- breather[train]
- thick hide[train]
- rebound[train] (free ailor)
- **Intelligence**: 2
- sealing[adapt]
- wardrobe[adapt]
- [tech] exchange (free ailor)
- **Wisdom**: 0
- **Dexterity**: 0
- **Faith**: 0
- **Magic**: 0

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