Archived Leather Armour Vanity Costumes

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
"Well, with minecraft 1.9 comes the ability to add a resource pack, not only to items as you normally can, but to add it to specific durabilities."
For an explanation of the feature in video form, here you all are;

As an extra bit of information, negative durability values can also be utilized for this feature. You can make literally a infinite amount of different textures that can show up, and the negative value ensures that your survival equipment will never be seen randomly changing texture. This feature, while not extremely necessary at the moment in terms of tech, could still add a godly amount of immersion to the game. Ever wanted to see charter members sporting their actual charter equipment instead of a colored variation of your average Joe leather armour? Now it can be done. Ever wanted a few more clothing options, maybe a big woolen jacket or creepy cultist mask? It can all be added as the base leather armour. For practical uses I could see these newly textured items being given out as voting items or special charter equipment.

The only two major cons I see in doing this would be their presence in survival worlds, as obviously they aren't supposed to change durability, and the amount of time staff would need for this. For the first issue, I'd assume it would be easier to just make these items unchanging in their durability values while lowering their damage or armour values to zero. For the second problem I have no real solution. Maybe make some sort of player project / registration? Players can texture their own equipment for charters or voting items, and it nothing's too lore-shattering or phallic it can be assigned an integer and added to the resource pack as some kind of monthly content update - again, not too sure how this one would play out.

What do you all think? Would any of you go on an art spree and texture full sets of equipment for the server? Should this be added in the first place, and would it benefit roleplay in any way? Post your opinions below!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this idea, though it would defiantly add more depth into roleplay and such.
I like it. And want to comment on some of the issue this may have:
The first thing is about keeping durability the same, while at the same time not making them easy to exploit in survival. I think this solution is easily fixed if we only change leather armor textures based on durability. This is because leather is the lowest tier armor, so using it as actual battle armor is probably the stupidest idea someone could do. Only thing left would be to not give high levels of protection on said armor, to discourage use in survival.

I do think this idea could be very useful, and has the potential to allow for a lot of variety in RP. I think having players able to design their own armors could be helpful.

I also think this should be extended to include lower tier tools like wood and gold. I do find it a bit awkward when I need to use a dagger, and end up having to pretend a huge iron sword is about a fifth of the size.